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RE: My Interview With Independent Journalist Claire Connelly, Editor-In-Chief of Renegade Inc.

in #politics7 years ago

I love your energy! I love your attitude, and even your enthusiasm that comes from youth.

I point that out, as I am no longer young, and no longer quite as enthusiastic as I was. Frankly I envy you!

I wanted to provide you some information that you aren't getting from your media sources regarding AGW (anthropogenic global warming). CO2 doesn't drive temperature. If you look at the fossil record, CO2 lags temperature by about 800 years.

Furthermore, about 55MYA (million years ago) CO2 was about 6,000ppm. At the time, life was thriving on the planet. Our mammal ancestors were taking over the niches left by the extinction of the dinosaurs. Ever since then, CO2 has dropped steadily, until during the LGM (late glacial maximum) it bounced off ~190ppm.

Below 180ppm, plants begin to starve. You may know that plants breathe CO2 in, and breathe out O2, the reverse of what animals do. Without enough CO2 plants will die, and without plants, so will we.

The problem is that the neoliberals want to institute a global tax, and they have chosen a carbon tax. That is why we are taught that CO2 is a dangerous pollutant, when it is actually an essential nutrient that we barely have enough of.

The website WattsUpWithThat ( is a vibrant community of climate scientists. You can find numerous posts regarding the most advanced research in the field, both by scientists corrupted by government agencies (that control grant money, and thus the income of scientists) and independent researchers.

Do the research, and make up your own mind. Don't believe the lies and become useful to the neoliberals that want nothing more than to tax everyone on the planet.

You may feel I am a 'climate denier'. I don't deny climate changes at all.

I have researched it. I ask only that you verify or disprove what I have said in my comment for yourself.

Do the research, so you're not being used by our enemies to tax us even more, and make the rich richer.


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