Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 41: Navigating Through Conflicts

in Steem4Nigeria25 days ago

Hello friends, good to have y'all, welcome to my blog. It feels good to be participating once again in our accelerated contest for this week. I decided to hop in on this content because I can relate well with it.

It's actually a topic that affect everyone and I won't be surprised if everyone gives this contest a shot. So yes! I have my two cents to share as well. I hope you enjoy every bit. Do well to relax and enjoy the ride.

How do you manage to stay calm during an argument?

Staying calm during an argument is naturally something very difficult to do in the face of an argument, the reason is not far fetched, our emotions at that point are already on the edge, it's even worse when you're the one who is right, your nerves are all up to prove a point.

Nevertheless, we still need to calm down in the face of argument, it's actually a way of managing our emotions at that peak because if not managed, we could go overboard by doing what we ain't suppose to do or say thing we weren't suppose to say.


This later brings us to a state of regret when we eventually calm down and have a replay of all that have transpired. Personally what I do is I keep quiet and avoid talking when I see that it's becoming a heated argument...and to top it all, I walk away respectfully so that I do not get to hear anything that would trigger my emotion negatively.

Why is it important to listen carefully during a disagreement?

Sadly, listening carefully is something you might not find easy at the spur of the moment, it's the last thing you want to do at that point and that because you have your own side of the story or issue but that's where most of us sincerely miss it sometimes...because we think we are always right.

Usually, people argue because they think their position or stand concerning a matter is absolute which in most cases is wrong. When we take time and patience to listen to the other side of the story, we can then see better. You might not know what has really transpired if you do not carefully listen to your opponent, so to say. He might just be right and you wrong.

Those who do not listen carefully during disagreement end up making irrational decisions that could further worsen the situation. We have seen and heard cases of friends who were not patient enough to listen to themselves and then end up breaking a what used to be a solid relationship. And you know they only got to find out they were both wrong after years of going their separate ways. This is why it's important to patiently and carefully listen during arguments.

How does understanding someone else's feelings help in resolving conflicts?

Well understanding someone else's feeling goes a long way in resolving conflict because you won't be caught unaware when you understand the nature and feeling of the person you're dealing with. If you have a friend who is very temperamental and can flare up at the slightest provocation, then you know you have to deal with him or her carefully so you do not get into heated argument.

And if paradventure an argument erupts, you as someone who understands your opponent would keep calm so that he can also call himself to order in the long run. Taking it up would fuel the argument and worsen the whole situation because the person you're dealing with already have enough energy to follow up the argument


But you who are wise would put out the fire by being mild and soft in the face of the argument or conflict by refusing to talk back and walk away. Sooner or later, he or she would calm down and if there be need you could have a hearty discussion on how to avoid such going forward.

What can we do to control our anger during an argument?

A strategy that works for me is to Keep shut. I know it's hard but then I've learnt it over time and it has always work. The outburst of anger at the instance of an offence can be terrible, you would have said so many things and done so many aggressive things before you realize you have overstepped your bounds.

So it better to keep shut at that point, the longer it takes the weaker the outburst of anger, that moment help suppress the anger to a point it can now be effectively managed. You could also walk away from that environment so you do not hear and listens to anything that might provoke the anger.

After some time, you would find out that the energy to react dangerously or aggressively have diminished. When you come up, you will handle the issue more maturely than you would have if you had reacted immediately.


Conflict management is something we all must learn because whether we like it or not,offences will come and we can't really tell when but when it meets us prepared, we will win but when it comes to us unprepared, we would flop and have some experiences to regret over later in life. Let's to avoid all from or conflict...And just before I go, let me invite my friends @josepha @ruthjoe @emmyjnr.




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 25 days ago 

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