lxcmax (37)in #earth • 5 months agoThe Five Most Dangerous Events in the Universe, Each Capable of Destroying Life on EarthIn the universe, there are five extremely dangerous and terrifying events, each capable of instantly annihilating life…lxcmax (37)in #animal • 5 months agoWhat secrets are hidden in the blue blood of the Chinese horseshoe crab, which has survived for 400 million years?Known as a living fossil in the history of biology, the Chinese horseshoe crab(中华鲎) has survived five mass extinctions…lxcmax (37)in #dinosaur • 5 months agoWhat exactly happened on the last day of the dinosaurs?In the 4.6 billion-year evolutionary history of Earth, a species dominated the planet for an astonishing 160 million…lxcmax (37)in #explore • 5 months agoUnveiling the Truth Behind the Sinking of the TitanicWhy did the Titanic, boasted as unsinkable, sink on its maiden voyage after hitting an iceberg and quickly sinking to…lxcmax (37)in #knowledge • 5 months agoThe five most lethal venomous creatures on Earth are beyond your imagination!On Earth, there are five incredibly venomous creatures that are beyond human imagination, some of which can kill with…lxcmax (37)in #knowledge • 6 months agoFive long-lived species on EarthOn Earth, there are five incredibly long-lived creatures that humans can hardly imagine, some even possessing the…lxcmax (37)in #knowledge • 6 months agoHow terrifying would a supernova explosion be if it occurred near Earth?About 2.5 million years ago, an Australopithecus afarensis was resting under a tree. As the sun dipped below the…lxcmax (37)in #health • 6 months agoWhat changes will your body go through if you smoke continuously for 10 years?If you smoke every day for 10 years straight, your body will change a lot. When you first smoke, the harmful chemicals…lxcmax (37)in #cn • 6 months ago恶魔岛监狱到底有多可怕?在地球上有这样一座闻风丧胆的监狱,里面不仅关押着最危险的罪犯,且在四周冰冷的海域中隐匿着可怕的鲨鱼,使其被认为是一个绝不可能逃脱的囚笼。这便是拥有着最高安全级别的恶魔岛监狱,而它到底有多可怕?…lxcmax (37)in #cn • 6 months ago神秘的亚特兰蒂斯文明真的存在吗?传说在12000年前,地球上曾出现过一个文明,其发展程度远远超越当今水平,这里的人甚至还能与动物进行沟通,这就是由海王波塞冬的长子阿特拉斯所建立的神之文明亚特兰蒂斯,而他又是否真的存在过?关于亚特兰蒂斯的记载最早记录在古希腊哲学家柏拉图的书lxcmax (37)in #cn • 6 months ago古埃及狮身人面像内部,到底隐藏着什么秘密?在古埃及金字塔墓区中,有一座造型奇异的雕像,曾经的法老们纷纷将其看作金字塔的守护神,而他的建造时间甚至可能比金字塔还要早。这就是笼罩着神秘面纱的狮身人面像。而在它背后究竟隐藏了什么秘密?狮身人面像全长约72米,高20米,由一整块巨石雕刻而成lxcmax (37)in #cn • 6 months ago胡夫金字塔究竟隐藏着什么秘密?在地球上有个极其神秘的建筑,不仅由数百万块巨石所组成,里面还布满着精密设计的重重机关,且在其深处更是藏有两个大型墓室,这就是被誉为世界七大奇迹之首的胡夫金字塔。而它究竟隐藏了什么秘密?…lxcmax (37)in #cn • 6 months ago马赫速度,到底有多快?马赫,它一般用于飞机与火箭等航空航天飞行时的速度。在陆地上,我们通常用公里来计算速度,在海中航行的船舶与潜艇,我们会用节来计算速度,一节等于1海里,也就是1.852km。那么1马赫速度到底有多快?…