mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 20 hours agoPreplant vegetables - Gemüse vorziehenEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, It's almost a bit late, but I planted some vegetables at the weekend, i.e. the…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 2 days agoRaised bed up to scratch - Hochbeet auf VordermannEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, I finally got my raised bed back in shape these days and planted…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 3 days agoI don't quite agree with that - Dem stimme ich nicht ganz zuEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, My father needs a new cell phone and contract and Klarmobil has the best…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 6 days agoSomeone has been busy - Da war jemand fleißigEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, I went for a walk yesterday and thought to myself, someone has been really…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 7 days agoIs it going up for everyone now? - Geht's jetzt Aufwärts für alle?EN (DE unten) Hello dear community, The SEC's lawsuit against Ripple has been dropped. Ripple has reacted…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 8 days agoThat's annoying - Das doch nervigEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, no matter where I want to write something on reddit, my karma is always too…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 9 days agoNot so fast - Nicht so schnellEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, as I wrote yesterday, I'm currently looking at Reddit. Unfortunately I'm a bit…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 10 days agoI need karma - Ich brauche KarmaEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, since I read @der-prophet's post, I thought I would try to promote my posts on…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 12 days agoGermany & crypto: annual deadline remains despite interest - Deutschland & Krypto: Jahresfrist bleibt trotz Zinsen bestehenEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, I recently had a look at the income tax law regarding the taxation of profits…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 14 days agoSearching for - Auf der SucheEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, I'm looking for a cheap cell phone contract for my father, I still have just…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 15 days agoShell ClubSmartEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, I'm a points hunter and collect everything there is to collect, which saves me…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 16 days agoFalling BTC price also has advantages -Sinkender BTC Preis hat auch VorteileEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, the bitcoin price has once again fallen considerably, but this also has its…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 17 days agoGrilled - GegrilltEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, Yesterday we had our first barbecue of the year. It wasn't planned at all…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 19 days agoDollar exchange rate - DollarkursHallo liebe Community, habt ihr schon gesehen wie der Dollarkurs gegenüber dem Euro sich verändert hat. Vor…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 20 days agoNecessary? Part 2 - Nötig!? Teil 2EN (DE unten) Hello dear community, once again a contribution to the topic Is this really necessary? Why do I…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 21 days agoNecessary!? - Nötig!?EN (DE unten) Hello dear community, Have you noticed that CocaCola is launching a new size from April? There will…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 22 days agoMy vote will not be accepted - Mein Vote wird nicht angenommenEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, as @miketr wrote in the post , the nodes are finally online. I wanted to…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 24 days ago10k in a few hours - 10k in wenigen StundenEN (DE unten) Hello dear community in a few hours the bitcoin price has risen by 10k and more, small setback just…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 26 days agoGreat invention - Tolle ErfindungEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, A traffic circle like this is a great invention It makes traffic flow more…mein-senf-dazu (63)in #deutsch • 28 days agoSeries from my childhood - Serie aus meiner KindheitEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, I canceled all streaming services some time ago and only kept Amazon Prime.…