Incredible India monthly contest March #02 | My unforgettable incident of 2022

in Incredible India2 years ago


From Pexels, edited by Canva

Assalamualaikum all steemians friends, How are you all friends today, Hopefully today all friends are fine and healthy always, Amin.

On this occasion I will take part in a very interesting contest that I have seen, issued by the community (MERAINDIA).

Before proceeding to the contest, I would like to first invite some of my friends named @sahar78 @mulyanii @siatteuk @bukutaqin , If there is a chance to take part in this very interesting contest... Thank you.

What was your most unforgettable incident of 2022?


Of course I still remember very well my unforgettable incident in 2022 cross, where such an extraordinary event occurred in 2022, and the tragedy that happened to me and my friends was a disaster, namely a crash when I came home from school.

At that time my friend and I had needs out of town because we had other business people had not finished it, at 12 noon we were still in the classroom our people looked so unsettled during study hours. in front of the school house because waiting for the other friends to go home together. Then while on the way to the house safely our people came home.

Arriving home just finished eating, I went to my friend's house who was in the same class earlier, Arriving at my friend's house I saw my friend was waiting for him in front of the house then our people rode a moto bike with my friend heading out of town to complete a personal business together bro.

On the way my friend was driving a motorcycle and I sat in the back. Arriving at the second lane, my friend was very careless carrying his motorbike. I saw it, and I said to my friend "If you feel dizzy, let me drive it." My friend replied "It's okay, how come I'm fine, Ohh, I've said it to my friend.

Arriving at the crossroads, two of us were suddenly hit from behind by a car at a very fast speed. I was no longer conscious because I was very dizzy and my hand was injured. hurt is okay.

In the end I fainted when I saw blood on the street, I was taken to the nearest hospital by the people there. Arriving at the hospital I just woke up and I saw my friend who was beside him very critically and my friend was very injured and he had not regained consciousness from of what happened at that time.

At the time of the incident, my friends and I did not know about it because the car suddenly hit our people from behind, even though at that incident our people were in each other's lanes, and all hospital expenses were borne by the father who hit our people. Because the father had admitted that he was wrong in the incident.

Two days I was in the hospital and I was able to go home because my hand was starting to get better, and my friend was still being treated at the hospital due to a serious body injury. getting better.

It took more than a week for my friend to be hospitalized and finally able to go home and continue studying as usual. The first day our friends went to school, our friends there all gave advice so that in the future our people should be careful when on the road.

Well, maybe that's my story about the incident in 2022 ago. Until now, I am still given a long life by Allah and always healthy. I hope that incidents like this will not happen again and I always pray every time I go outside, and be more careful. it's time to ride a motorcycle.

What have you learned through that incident? Describe.


I really learned that everyone must have their own mistakes and at that time I was very moved too that the vehicle we were using was not that badly damaged, only I and my friend were injured, but all of this has been borne by all the guilty parties. hospital fees and repairing our people's vehicles.

To be honest, at that time my friend and I did not have a driver's license and a certificate from the police to drive motorbikes on major roads. Luckily, the father who hit someone paid for it all.

And I'm very grateful for his concern for our people even though our people don't have SIMs and the father will admit he was wrong and take responsibility for everything. Until now I'm an adult and already have a SIM. And I learned a lot from what happened to me in 2022 ago.

What message would you like to convey to your friends after experiencing the incident?


At that incident I am very grateful to all my friends and the same (Allah), I and my friends were still given safety and were still given a long life. It was not impossible for me at that incident. we bounced off the road very horribly once I pictured it in my mind.

It's also possible that Allah still loves us and still forgives our sins, and one more thing, moreover, my family was very attached to what happened to me at that time, my mother was very hard on me and I was very sad to see my mother cry my shoulder while saying please heal my child, O God.

There has been an experience for a very tragic incident in 2022, and I have to be careful again when I'm on the road.

Terimakasih banyak atas dukungan sahabat steemian semua yang telah berkunjungi ke postingan kontes saya kali ini Dan Sampai jumpa lagi di postingan saya berikutnya " Salam : @miswarofficiall


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Semoga terpilih bg 👍

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

আপনার সাথে ঘটে যাওয়া 2022 সালের এই দুর্ঘটনাটি শুনে আমি সত্যিই শোকাহত। বন্ধুদের সাথে কতই না সুন্দর সময় কাটাতেন আপনারা! অথচ এক নিমিষে অসাবধানতার কারণে, কঠিন একটা দুর্ঘটনার সম্মুখীন হতে হলো। আসলে আমার জীবনে যতটা এক্সিডেন্ট দেখেছি সবচেয়ে বেশি এক্সিডেন্ট হলো এই বাইক এক্সিডেন্ট মারাত্মক। আপনি না হয় একটু কম আঘাত পেয়েছেন, কিন্তু আপনার বন্ধু তো গুরুতরার আঘাত পেয়েছে। বিষয়টি জানতে পেরে খুবই শোকাহত হলাম আমি।

আসলে জীবন মৃত্যু সবকিছু আল্লাহর হাতে,কোন উসিলায় আমাদেরকে মৃত্যু দিবেন, কোন উছিলায় আমাদেরকে আহত করবেন, আবার কোন উসিলায় আমাদের সুস্থতা দান করবেন। সবকিছুই আমাদের সৃষ্টিকর্তার লীলা খেলা। তবে সাবধানতা অবলম্বন করা আমাদের প্রতিটা মানুষেরই কর্তব্য। আমাদের জান প্রাণ বাঁচানো কর্তব্য। অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে ২০২২ সালের অবিস্মরণীয় দিন সম্পর্কে আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করার জন্য। ভালো থাকবেন সুস্থ থাকবেন। আসসালামু আলাইকুম।

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much sir 😊