Contest: *SEC-S17W2- "Homeless people in my country" .

in Scouts y sus Amigos17 days ago
Hello 🤗Scouts y sus Amigos Community
I'm fine and I hope you're all doing well and having a lot of fun with the challenges this week has to offer.

I would like to invite to partake in this challenge:*SEC-S17W2-"Homeless people in my country ".


And I am grateful to Sir @hive-181136 for giving such an interesting and informative The Contest:

Are there homeless people in your country?

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This picture is real and I took it myself with my phone Oppo F21 Pro 5G

Are there homeless people in your country?

Homelessness is a very serious problem that exists in every country or is affecting all the countries of the world.This is not a common issue that should not be discussed.

  • My country pakistan which is already suffering from economic depression problem of poverty from above and people don't have houses whenever our new govt,First, we promise to give houses to the homeless.

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This is a real picture taken with my phone

But there is no Pakistani leader who has fulfilled his promise to give a home.Millions of people are still homeless today, but the homeless are not living in cities but in small shacks outside the city.Often I have seen some people begging in footpath courts and many other places in dirty clothes and sleeping outside the house in a state of drunkenness.

  • I see such people in my daily life coming and going on duty who are homeless and living in poverty.Seeing such people makes me angry because these people are not worthy of mercy, they have created this situation for themselves.Such people are eating rotten food, drinking dirty water, picking up and eating other items full of germs.

For such people, if we cut throat from the government, I think we are doing wrong ourselves.Because these are people who don't want to know the spirit of hard work and think that the night that has passed on the sidewalk today will pass tomorrow.With this thought, they spend their entire lives homeless.

What do you think is the cause that leads these people to be on the streets, homeless and without family?

Well, there are many reasons why many people become homeless without help, but I will mention a few.

Poverty is the main cause of homelessness. Poverty is a problem that creates other problems.Due to high population and non-availability of facilities, poor people cannot complete their three meals a day.

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Real Image

They have to wander around in search of food, then the tendency of such people to stay in one place is less.If they are here in search of food, tomorrow they will be somewhere else. Such people are deprived of the blessing of education.

I want to share an incident of such people with you.

  • Every day these people come to my house to beg. They have no place to stay. Their children also beg with them.One day I asked them the reason for their homelessness and they told me that if we don't have money for food, how can we manage the house and education.Then I felt that something must be done for such people.

Near my house is the house of a very big business man, so I talked to him all the time, then Allah created a sense of help in the heart of this business man, so he arranged a rented house for him and he The children were admitted to a nearby school.When they shifted to this rented house and the children started going to school, I was very happy to see that today a homeless family got a home because of me.

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Real Image

There is another huge reason why people are homeless that I have seen in my life.

  • Some people also become homeless when there are fights and riots in families, land and property are divided, which causes them to be separated and displaced.
Has the government tried to treat or create decent shelters to help these people?
  • As far as the view of the government and political parties of Pakistan is concerned, I think it will never be fulfilled because before coming to power, the politicians of Pakistan used to make many promises to provide housing to such homeless people, provide education and solve problems like health.

But as soon as they come to the chair, all those promises and feelings are lost. Until one asks such people, these poor people are surrounded by diseases, poverty, diseases and other problems like homelessness.

Good health, good house is like a dream for them which never comes true, they wish for a good house and one day they leave this world after completing their poor life.The government does nothing for the welfare of such people.I am suspicious of a government that loses its humanity and feelings 😭

What could you propose so that these people do not continue in this dark world?
  • For such people, I want to make a proposal. I appeal to the government and investors to support the government and provide separate shelters for such people, schools and hospitals.So that the children of these people can also get well educated and get a high position in the society like the rest of the people.

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Real Image

And those who are homeless should be provided housing so that they don't spend the rest of their lives sleeping on footpaths and under bridges, they can live a peaceful life in their homes and with their children and wives.

And I hope you all will read my post and support it. Thank you so much everyone
Hola bella, Es un gusto saludarte. Es muy lamentable que en todos los países esta realidad esté tan presente y que haya un gran número de personas sin hogar, simplemente viviendo en las calles.

Los políticos alrededor del mundo suelen prometer pero no cumplen... Tristemente son muchas las personas que pasan su vida mendigando y hay muchas razones que pueden llevarlo a esto como la pobreza extrema, la falta de educación, las adicciones, los problemas familiares, entre muchas otras.

Me alegra el hermoso gesto que tuviste al conseguirle ayuda a estas personas para que tuviesen una casa y los niños acceso a la educación. Es una pena que los políticos no se ocupen de esta penosa situación simplemente se hacen de la vista gorda e ignoran al más necesitado.

Fue un gusto leer tu opinión y experiencia respecto al tema, éxitos en el desafío. Saludos y bendiciones.

Oh, these little kids are so cute.

Every person has some problem or the other. But this is a great problem for homeless people. Because they do not even get basic facilities. This is my prayer to Allah, may Allah please accept their prayers.

Greeting my friend,

I am happy to see your participation, You raise a crucial point about the family conflicts and the divisions leading to the homelessness. It's essential to address these issues and provide support for those who are affected and homeless. Well good luck.



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Es lamentable, pero la realidad de las personas viviendo en la calle es algo que se esta asumiendo como común.

Los políticos, no solo en tu pais Pakistán, sino también en mi pais Venezuela, no le preocupa los ciudadanos sino solo cuando están en época de campaña electoral.

A los empresarios y circulos económicos poderosos solo les importa los ciudadanos cuando aben que podrán recibir un beneficio, de cualquier tipo, de la masas que por lo beneral oprimen.

Lo mas irónico de todo esto, es que las masas lo saben y a pesar de eso, prefieren seguir en esas condiciones y seguir otorgándole el poder a eso grupos que no tienen una verdadera empatía por ellos.

Entonces, ¿Cómo luchas contra eso? ¿Cómo buscas una solución a este problema? SI la mayoría de los afectados se sienten cómodo con esa situación.

He allí el problema inicial.

Hasta la próxima...


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Thank you so much to the entire team, I am very grateful that you guys have commented and upvoted my post so much, it is my pleasure.

Hello @mona01 hope your day is going well sad to see them begging and sleeping outside in bad conditions. Poverty and family problems are big reasons why they end up on the streets. Your help to a homeless family is great.

We need the government and investors to build shelters, schools, and hospitals for them. This way, they can have better lives and opportunities like everyone else., really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

First of all, thank you for taking your precious time to read my post and commenting on it. The government is playing an important role and no business investors are paying attention, so they feel sorry for such people, so they should pay attention to them and provide them with such an environment. As a humanity they deserve so that they too can live a good and peaceful life.

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