muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoshosestsu v1.1.8 CRASH WHEN TRY TO OPEN NOVELPROJECT INFORMATION ISSUES : REPOSITORIES : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR this application will open the novel…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agocolor v 1.3 App crash after opened image and click in"touch to see colorPROJECT INFORMATION REPOSITORIES : issues : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR this application…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoSHOSETSU V1.4.4 crash when try to open the appPROJECT INFORMATION REPOSITORIES : ISSUES : GITHUB ACCOUNT : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR this…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years ago(AC MUSIC V.8)Ac music show no internet connection when try download even when mobile connecction onPROJECT INFORMATION REPOSITORIES : ISSUES : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR the application should be able…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agonhentai viewer v .1.01 app crash when try to openPROJECT INFORMATION REPOSITORIES : ISSUES : Describe the bug app crash when try to open…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years ago(Opus.v3.5.1.) crash when click on downloading song in the widgetPROJECT INFORMATION REPOSITORIES : ISSUES : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR This application should display the…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years ago(Nearby-Shops-End-User-Android-app V 1.1) app crash when try to create a new market if we cancel and try to type a new urlPROJECT INFORMATION REPOSITORIES : OR CAN BE ISSUES : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR when writing the url that…muhammadarif resteemedjoeparys (73)in #undefined • 6 years agoWin This Water Elemental Gold Steem Monsters Card For FREE Today!Would you like to have this Steem Monsters Card for FREE?!Thats right... You can have this card just by entering our…muhammadarif (60)in #undefined • 6 years agosnax authethicationI want to link my Steem account with my account on Snax blockchain using Please, create Snax account for me! My…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years ago(url shortener v1.5.1) can't write the url in the section shorten many urls at oncePROJECT INFORMATION repositories : issues : ACTUAL BEHAVIOR users should be able to write…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoANIME WATCHER crash when click "watch" if in the episode option we type 0 number #5PROJECT INFORMATION REPOSITORIES : APP NAME : ANIME WATCHER ISSUES :…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoGIIRJOUNAL V 1.1.4 NOTE GO BACK AFTER DELETE IT ALLPROJECT INFORMATION REPOSITORIES : ISSUES : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR after I delete all the records, the…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoME V 1.1 crash when open the appproject information repositories: issues: EXPECTED BEHAVIOR this application should work properly and can…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agofamily finance (v1.55) app crash when change view by in report sectionPROJECT INFORMATION repositories : issues : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR when the user changes the…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoHeb 12 mobile got lag after change something and bookmark a pageprojetc informatioN repositories: issues : Describe the bug after change something in the app it…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoGuvenliNot app show blank page after change theme from light to darkproject information repositories : issues : Describe the bug the app displays a dark page…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoYTLDL V 1,0,1 Crash when search using illegal character like "?" or spacePROJECT INFORMATION REPOSITORIES : ISSUES : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR Supposedly, when I add…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agodrawing for kids v6.0 Crash when open settingPROJECT INFORMATION repositories: issues : EXPECTED BEHAVIOR users should be able to access…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agocanora music player crash when try to openproject information repositories : issues : describe the bug I can't open the app to play…muhammadarif (60)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoACG PLAYER V2.6.3 Crash when click random play on detail sectionproject informatio repositories : issues : Describe the bug App crash when try to play…