Bajai Boot Camp 6: Running Session Part XXV

in #health8 years ago


I was anxious and kind of nervous about the run this morning. It's been two days since the "fail." I think all I need is a couple days rest and I can go back out and get two miles again. But what if it's not? 

Nah... that's all it is... and maybe a lack of sleep. 

Another night coming in at 0200, but no need to rise early. I deactivated my secondary alarm and decided to sleep until I was comfortable enough to wake and get out of bed. Six to seven hours did it. This might be significant in that it gives me an idea of how many hours sleep I actually need. It aligns with what I usually get, on a day-walker's schedule. 

First act was to get dressed. It was chilly and it gave me an excuse to wear my compression fit "tights" (as my Auntie calls my biker-type training pants) under my fatigues. Same with the top.. compression fit and a hoodie over top. I didn't bother to eat - if you recall in a previous episode I mentioned (or not) that fat is more vulnerable first thing when you wake up. Additionally my body's been fasting for nearly eight hours and a staving metabolism will go after fat after 8 hours. I didn't even have (crave) my usual cup of tea. We 'needed' to get out and get it done. 

It was actually a nice day for a run - that day-after - crisp air, about 50 degrees F and the new sun. 

The run took 28 minutes, which is my norm for two miles. I managed the hill well and didn't get tired until the end of the curve - this is actually an improvement. I thought about trying to add a half mile, but kept telling myself to relax and take it one section at a time. I've divided my run into sections; there's a slope, an acorn field, the curve and the hill, to name a few. I concentrated on reaching one spot at a time and then finishing it. 

This is essentially the half way point for the running. Fifteen down - as many to go. I'm looking at wrapping this up in 25 - 30 days. It stands to reason that if I did 15 in 25, I should be able to do the final 15 in 25 days as well. However, factors may emerge to slow me down. 

As for the weight; I am not so quick to advise people to simply "run off" their weight anymore. At this point I am 2.4 lbs below where I started and have never been more than 3.4 lbs down. However, I've realized other benefits that are tangible, my legs in particular. I can feel (touch) the difference in definition. They also feel more solid, although I don't think they are significantly bigger or wider. Belly fat has not been reduced significantly (I measure in centimeters) to measure, however there is more definition in the torso area. 

So is it worth it? Yes. In twenty years I can honestly say that I've never seen exercise not work. It doesn't always work the way we expect it to as soon as we expect it to, which is why we cannot quit. Even if I don't get "young-boy hip-hop" abs, I'll have legs of steel, stronger joints and connective tissue, wider blood vessels and a stronger heart and organs. This time around I'm looking for stamina and endurance over weight loss and definition. 

Stay Tuned for Part XXVI

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