Once the mind is beaten, the body will follow and so will the rewards of your labor.

in #motivation7 years ago

The limitations of a man is not in what he can not do, rather in what he believes he can not do.

The mind is where breakthrough thoughts are first conjured before the hands carry out the fulfilment of those thoughts.


Henry Ford once said "if I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses" because they were used to that way of travelling and didn't know there could be a better way of travelling.

They were limited in their minds but Henry wasn't.

All breakthroughs and inventions that have revolutionised the world at various times of the world calendar were first born in the minds of the great men and women who believed that they could do that thing that seemed impossible to the average minds.

These minds were not exactly average but they couldn't expand their thoughts beyond the conventional possibilities they were used to.

they couldn't conquer their minds.


When people say the words impossible can be rewritten as "I'm possible" and understanding this transliteration is key to actually working with the mindset that whatever you want to do is possible..

It is only a limitation when you see it to be that. The moment you change your thoughts is the moment it becomes possible.

A little drop here and there and it becomes a mighty ocean. A little effort every now and then, and what seems impossible begins to look possible..

Believe, plan and achieve.

Go and be awesome..


Great one brotherly... Indeed the mind has power and keeping a positive mind engineers success.

Totally true; however, there is effort and practice into the manifesting and making the changes as we have so often been hijacked by the beliefs that we have been conditioned with. Dr. Joe Dispenza has some exellent books, lectures, and meditations for the seeker of personal change: http://www.drjoedispenza.com/

His latest book that I am currently reading is excellent: https://drjoedispenza-com.myshopify.com/collections/books/products/becoming-supernatural-hardcover-book