Day #17: The Solution to Everything is to #SupportLocal | The Diary Game 06/15/20steemCreated with Sketch.

in #thediarygame4 years ago (edited)

In a world that is being torn apart by government agendas (on both sides) and popular culture, solutions are hard to see. Even more so now where the waters are being muddled by race and affiliation. The most disturbing part of this whole trend is the way friendships are turning into "race card" struggles and petty differences.

Photo Credit: All pictures used in this article belong to me.

I truly believe deep down in my heart that the solution to EVERYTHING is to #BuyLocal and #SupportLocal

This isn't the city I live in, but it is a nearby pueblo famous for its culture and history.

Dear Diary - How can I create a deeper love and appreciation for local business and culture?

Each day I open Fakebook and sigh as I watch people talking about color, race, the Covid and change. On the one hand, I get it. I really do - this morning I listed to @dollarvigilante and it kinda helps to bolster my resolve and interpret the events which are happening around us.

This morning I listed to his newest video "The War on Death" where he went into some of the current events which are going on - while making a few notes of his own about some of the lies that people are being brainwashed into believing.

Only minutes from the city center are several eco-parks where locals can go connect with nature

Afterwards, I was in a really intense discussion/argument type of interaction on FAKEBOOK, as always - where a friend is talking about color and race. A girl who I love dearly but who is a bit too caught up on the populism that is asking to defund police and wear ineffective masks against the COVID.

At the end of the argument I told her - the biggest difference you can make is to support local business. The people who truly need to be defunded are Bill Gates, the Clinton Crime family, the Bush Crime family and EVERY SINGLE MAJOR INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION.

The beautiful city that I love - and where I also happen to live as well, Manizales, Colombia

When you buy local, or support local artists/musicians, you are helping your community to grow as you help pay for clothing, food and home for local children and their families. Really, the answer is right in front of our faces. When we support local, we are taking away the power to kill Africans with vaccine testing, and destroy Latinos via the War on Drugs. Even the environment will thank you as the biggest impacts to it are from BIG CORPORATIONS.

I can't even talk about Supporting Local without getting a bit upset because I want my neighbors to be happy and healthy. When we buy locally made products we are injecting funding and love into our own cities. When we buy imported/corporate goods, we are literally draining our community dry economically by helping some rich guy get an extra summer home, or a jet.

Manizales, is very famous for its art and culture scene

The biggest lie of the 20th century is the CORPORATION. Literally, most of our problems come from big businesses who get tax breaks while the middle class struggles to keep its head above water and protect their bottom line.

Here in Colombia, they started a new campaign called the "inverse mortgage," where people can mortgage their homes and live off the money. To me it is a way for the government to literally STEAL the inheritance of future generations, and destroy the economy even more. I might actually write a story about it on my blog where I explain in greater detail WHY I am so strongly against people enslaving themselves with debt.

Manizales is known as the safest city in Colombia. My mother - who doesn't speak much Spanish actually get's around quite well

My goal was never to become rich or famous, only to raise awareness in my community on the benefits of #SupportLocal campaigns. When we support small local businesses, we are growing our local capital and resources at a time when we need it desperately. Instead of destroying storefronts, we are building Main Street. Instead of using goods that were manufactured by human suffering, we are giving our children better lives.

Dear Reader, I could talk all day about the benefits of #EatLocal, #BuyLocal and #SupportLocal. But to be honest, we really need to do less talking and more DOING. If this message resounds with you, please help me raise awareness by using the hashtag #SupportLocal as you take pictures of LOCAL businesses and products which you think are great! Don't tell me how good you are - go help your neighbor by buying their food, products and services. We will all thank you for it!

And as you have heard me say the 16 previous days of my participation in #thediarygame...

If you feel a kindred spirit in my diary about times of coronavirus, pressure and overcoming - then do your part to help a neighbor get through to the other side by upvoting and/or giving me a resteem of this post. Tell a friend - and join #thediarygame so we can all bring home the rewards of high quality content curation on the @SteemitBlog ecosystem.

And one more thing. Leave Facebook, help your friends leave it - and support censorship free communities like @Steemit


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Thanks sister it time for us to support the local business to grow in our locality, that is really true sister Erin. I really love reading your diaries post because they are unique and authentic. I hope to visit Columbia one day to see Mother and your son because it is very beautiful place I love to visit. Yes working hard supporting local business is highly recommended.

That brings us to today's daily scripture about working hard from Psalm 90:17 which says: "May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands."

  • Sister how does this motivate you on always cultivating the quality of hardworking?

Daniel, you never disappoint. God bless you for having such a comprehensive way of sharing the Bible. Since the beginning of this my concerns - like everyone else in literally the whole world, has been all about still producing operating capital. The Coronavirus stuff has been a huge growing time for faith and staying motivated. There is a verse in Proverbs 6:10-11 that says 10 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

One part of the quarantine situation came like a forced Sabbath. I took the first vacation in the last 4 or 5 years and simply slept, sat around, read and thought carefully about what is important to me in my life.

May was a month of going back to work, creating new plans and motivating myself to put in a different type of effort. On May 1st, I decided I was going to dedicate myself to earning an income with Steemit. And now, in Mid-June, I am seeing a wonderful blessing from my early effort.

Going forward, I am very optimistic even as the situation continues to be very serious and could plunge us all into very difficult times. God will bless those who don't give up, and who don't lose faith. The only unforgivable sin is unbelief. So let's steem full faith ahead and let Jesus Christ lead us where we need to go!

Have a great day!

Yes sister Erin, we need the Almighty God Jehovah in our life to succeed because the scripture at **Psalm 119:105 say:Your word is a lamp to my foot, And a light for my path, and so we should allow God to direct our path by adhering to the biblical standard. Again we should always communicate to him in prayer as 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says that Pray without ceasing.

  • Sister Erin please I will remember you in pray and hope you will do the same for me and please extend my warm greetings to your son especially. Good night from Ghana.

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