GET WITH THE PROGRAM – A Brief Evaluation of How we are Being Programmed by What we Watch

in #philosophy8 years ago

Yes, if only we could all get with the program! Wouldn’t the world be a better place then? I know that we are all inclined to hold dearly to our beliefs and even fight for them. However, what if we only have those beliefs because we were tricked into believing that they were valid? What if we were programmed, and being treated like some foolish pawns in a wicked game of chess? What if our ideas about life and freedom have been skewed by a barrage of programming designed to make us "property of the state?"

What if it's worse than that?

How would we feel about those beliefs then?


If you haven’t seen it yet, I would recommend checking out my post Monty Python Predicts the Future, I’d suggest to either check that out right now and then come back to this one or take a peek at it once you’re done here.

Some time ago, I started to look into things a little deeper, and began to doubt that all was really as it should be. Even something as simple as a “Television Program” became worth contemplating.

What is a “program” anyway?

Since I’m from back in the day, I can remember people programming their VCRs. Unless the VCR was programmed correctly, it would not properly work. In that context, without being properly programmed, it would not properly respond to the input.

I believe in many ways, this is what has happened to us. We are being programmed to respond a particular way to certain input. This makes sure that we are able to go along with the greater agenda. If we have been programmed successfully, we will respond in the desired manner when exposed to a certain situation.

It is also worth noting that this may not simply mean allowing a situation to be accepted as “appropriate” and not resisting it. It may be that we are being programmed to attack those who choose to resist.


To help us all realize this a little more fully, please allow me to walk you through one good example of what I mean. My claims without evidence may be perceived as just propaganda, so I’ll share some tangible indication that what I share may be a valid belief.

If we look into the history of the television and contemplate some of the popular programs, we will see that many of the most watched and loved programs were “sitcom.”

“Sitcom” is an abbreviation for “Situation Comedy.”

Sitcoms, as a genre, started out as plays and then eventually were broadcast over the radio waves with the invention of the radio. I’ll be addressing the programming method in general and using televised sitcoms as my example, but know that radio programs had their place as well.

Since many of us are aware of some sitcoms on television, let me ask you one specific question.

How do you know when you are supposed to laugh if you are watching a sitcom by yourself?

Please pause for a moment to contemplate that.

How do you know when you are supposed to laugh if you are watching a sitcom by yourself?

Well, since we are dealing with programming when we watch television, the answer is quite simple, and yet profound. You know when you are supposed to laugh because you hear laughter. Some programs were once filmed in front of live audiences, so not all the laughter is staged, but many studios even had a giant “LAUGH” sign that would light up to let the live audience know when they were supposed to be laughing. I believe that most of the time these days, the prerecorded laughter is just added later. Through whatever means it gets there, trust me, it gets there.

Do you have any idea what the implications of this are?

Programs like sitcoms are actually used (perhaps by the elite) to program your sense of humor.

How does that make you feel?

You have probably been trained to laugh in certain situations and the reason you find certain things amusing may be because you’ve been programmed to.


Often, I like to do my own research on things. Therefore, when I had this hunch about sitcoms, I wanted to do some research. Two of my friends helped out and we watched a whole episode of a modern sitcom just to evaluate the laugh track and situations in which it was used.

Since I’ve moved in the past year and many of my possessions are still in storage or currently MIA, I cannot retrieve the specific data. However, there are a few things that I remember.

  • First of all, since the sitcom was to fill a half hour slot on television, the actual run-time was just over 21 minutes, to leave room for commercials.

  • Second, on average, the laugh track was played about every 8 seconds.

  • Third, that means in just over 20 minutes they wanted you to laugh over 150 times.

Now I can’t personally think of very many situations in which it is even appropriate to burst out into laughter every 8 seconds, but this is what they “suggested” with their laugh track. Even someone watching the program alone would be inclined to join in. We sure do hate to be left out, don’t we?

Not only is this a very large amount of laughter to suggest to someone in a short amount of time, it shows how much programming they can fit into a short amount of time.

Who wants to sit on the couch for a few hours and watch “the tube?”

I think that the saddest part of this story is that most of us PAY THEM to program us.

It certainly is sick!


Though I will not completely dive into the deep end of the pool here, I will offer a bit of an idea.

I think that various forms of media (television, magazines, music, movies, newspapers, etc.) have not only been used in an attempt to shape your sense of humor, but also you in general, as a whole.

The media that we expose ourselves to exposes us to many things too. I believe that we are overexposed to many things in an attempt to make them seem normal and common to us. Then, when we encounter such things, we do not find them strange or inappropriate. Instead, we accept them as being “the norm.”

As far as sex is concerned, it seems that the media pumps us full of it, (if we let it). Basically, if a generation is only concerned about getting laid, they won’t be paying as much attention to the other things that are going on around them. This actually makes us easier to control, and that’s what a lot of it is about.

If you can be convinced to be distracted, messed-up, and lusting enough, you’ll never really be much of a threat to the agenda. In fact, you might even be able to be programmed into thinking it is a good thing.

Yes, I’ve shared some strange thoughts once again, and though I may have misinterpreted the evidence, the evidence is still there.

What do you think it means, and why do they even call programs in the first place, or it is simply a bizarre coincidence?

Remember, if you haven't already done so, please check out the Monty Python Predicts the Future post to help you understand more on this subject.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper, and here's the proof:


Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!


And they call it your regularly scheduled programming as well. Have you ever read this psychology study?
Its a scary world knowing the schools and tv and movies are all trying to tell you how to fit in the box. It is easy to counter however. Teach your kids to be themselves and show them how the programming works. Then they gain immunity.

Never saw that study, thanks.

Comedy infers spontaneity. Situation "comedy" is a gross misuse of the term that in it's purest form brings joy, not advertising revenue. Great post.

That's why standup is so great. It takes courage to get up there and make people laugh using only your personality and wit. Even a bad comedian earns the props for the effort alone.

Life is better without the boob tube!

Agreed, I hardly touch the stuff anymore.

The idea that I like most is the idea that we were programmed to succeed.

All too often, that is not the case when we are dealing with evil men...

also, government is from gubernare and mente. which is literally control and mind.

It is amazing what some words actually mean.
Thanks so much for sharing that.

I stopped watching live TV over a year ago, simply because i was no longer happy to fork over nearly £200 a year to the bbc for the privlege of doing so. and my life has improved dramatically since. I steam everything online but I am a lot more selective about what i do watch as I get to choose from a world of shows and film makers rather than whatever some tv executives think is appropriate.

Excellent, I never was much of a fan of it in the first place, but with the rising cost and the decreasing quality there's really no reason for me to spend my time sitting in front of it. Thank you.

I can't watch anything with a laugh track at all. I'll get about 1 minute in and lose interest because all I hear is people laughing at things that aren't funny. If I am watching TV, it's usually a show with a story. I notice there are many shows that are using the same unique names lately, as well as promoting things we are "supposed" to support (ie vaccines, LGBT, prescription pills, junk food, etc). It makes me laugh more noticing those things subtlely put in o​ur "programming" than the actual jokes.

Wow, you had a whole bunch of good points in there. I can't always remember, but did you check out the Monty Python post yet?

I did watch it. Really makes you think what we could be missing now that isn't so obvious, even to the people aware of it. I'm wondering if there are things in kids shows as well. No doubt but I can't spot them.

You know the kids are the targets...
I let mine watch the clouds and the sunset instead...

Great post as always but I don't want give my views on it. Keep sharing and keep sharing more @papa-pepper

Thanks, I appreciate that.

I'm not sure about that, but your images are getting better again. Did you check out the videos on the scorpion or snake posts I did?

I'm glad you liked it. I'll check out your posts in a moment.

Is that a siren of some sort?

It's called Atretochoana.
They live under water, so you can't fuck with them, since there is no water in desert.

From wikipedia:
"Although it is not a snake, it has been called various common names in the media such as "penis snake", "man-aconda", and "floppy snake", owing to its visual similarity to the human penis."

Some kind of amphibian I take it.

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