qiyuetingfeng (25)in #youth • 6 years ago经常看书的人和不看书的人有什么区别?1、经常看书的人谈资更多这点很明显,因为书读多了,知道的事自然也变多了。比如我之前对台湾很不了解,后来读了一本台湾的70后写的书,通过他的文字,了解了台湾不少有意思的事。我记得书里有一处写到97年竞选台北市长时,陈水扁为了筹集选举经费,搞了qiyuetingfeng (25)in #science • 6 years agoIs science getting closer to the truth?I don't know if science is getting any closer to the truth, but science is always ruling out things that don't conform…qiyuetingfeng (25)in #bitcoin • 6 years agoWhat is bitcoin?Bitcoin (short for BTC) is a digital currency with a total volume of 21 million, which is decentralized, global and…qiyuetingfeng (25)in #youth • 6 years agotimePeople say it's one-way irreversible. Such a bunch makes people feel that time is fleeting and beauty is easy to grow…qiyuetingfeng (25)in #youth • 6 years ago你要相信,会有光芒v愿经历过迷茫、孤独、绝望后的你,依然拥有着从头开始的勇气。 你的眼睛望着我,不断的说话。我却仍然没有回答,一片的沉静。——林徽因…qiyuetingfeng (25)in #youth • 6 years ago成长回眸时间太瘦,指缝太宽,太多青春岁月被时光冲散。青春,她打马而过,只留印迹在人的记忆里。更像是瘙痒,越是在意,越是扣你心。 ---题记…qiyuetingfeng (25)in #attractions • 6 years ago广州有哪些小众但有独特魅力的旅游景点?广州流溪河国家森林公园 流溪香雪是东南亚地区最大的梅林。冬季梅花盛放、飘香四里、洁白的梅花令漫山如雪,宛如轩身人间圣境,故得“流溪香雪”美誉。…qiyuetingfeng (25)in #sport • 6 years agoEverybody is how to hold to motion, what to think when very tired?Every day, I would take 1-3 hours out to study, take a class on coursera, or buy a skill book to read. (in my…qiyuetingfeng (25)in #love • 6 years ago如果用一句话来来公布恋情,nihilistic选择哪句?1 入目无别人 四下皆是你 2 砰砰在左边 你在砰砰里 3 大家好,这是我的第二杯半价 4 山水一程 三生有幸 5 国家分配的男朋友(女朋友),终于到货了 6 我决定要和你天下第一好…