The Future Of The Surveillance State: China, The US & The UN

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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When it comes to totalitarian regimes it matters very little which autocrats are in control... whether it comes in the form of Communism, Socialism, Fascism, or any other ism is irrelevant. Any perceived differences are minor in the grand scheme of things... in reality there are only two options- Liberty and Despotism, with varying shades of difference in between. Totalitarianism inevitably leads to one end- a loss of freedom for the populace and complete control for the autocrats. While the "left" and "right" are pointing fingers and fighting over some imaginary moral high ground, the real invisible autocrats are taking over... the Technocracy is almost in place and when 5G is installed, their victory will be complete.

China, a Technocratic state already, is the test balloon and the experiment is going really well for Chinese autocrats. Their Technocratic surveillance society is the model for the globalist plan that will be incrementally adopted as a means of control by the UN. China's President-for-life, Xi Jinping has already signed on to Agenda 2030 and plans for a totally electronically controlled "smart city" are already in place. When China perfects it, it will become the model for other "smart cities" in the West.

In the total surveillance sphere, China's new start-up, SenseTime is now the most valuable tech stock of its type with a total value estimated at $4.5 Billion (contrasted to the UK's DeepMind that Google bought for just under $1 Billion). SenseTime is working closely with both MIT and Qualcomm... according to Technocracy News: "If you don’t believe that it is coming soon to the U.S., you are in denial." Alibaba, China's Amazon has already sunk $600 Million into the facial recognition, personal and object tracking company.

Just last month President Trump blocked Qualcomm's takeover by Singapore based Broadcomm, something should now be breathing a sigh of relief over. The president cited national security as the reason and when the SenseTime-Qualcomm collaboration is what it appears to be, he prevented a data drop of unprecedented size and scope, dwarfing the data mining done by American social media. The SenseTime-Qualcomm partnership will allow SenseTime's algorithms in all devices using their chips.

In addition, when 5G is implemented in the US it will spell disaster for the people. The technology will give the government unprecedented power to identify and track not only every person (and their possessions), but virtually every activity anyone engages in... all of the "where's" and "when's" in real time. I'm no technology whiz and don't really mean to sound like an alarmist (except that I'm alarmed), but from what I understand 5G will be "weaponized"- in effect turning the entire country into a gigantic microwave oven. Now I know that with all of the "smart" appliances and other technologies, they're pretty advanced... but no microwave is that smart or selective. Here's my point... the whole Sustainable Development rationale is supposed to be built around saving the environment. If you put a human, a monkey, a racoon and even a cockroach (who are supposed to survive a nuclear holocaust) in a microwave the result is the same... they all die. In fact a microwave will kill every living organism it encounters. That's a hell of a way to save the environment!

I got a little off track- I said I was alarmed. Whether or not 5G will be used to kill everyone or not remains to be seen- I doubt it will... It is also effective for crowd control. My guess is that the primary use will be surveillance, the way it is in China. China employs CCTV to watch it's people 24/7/365 employing facial recognition software... software invented in the US in fact, and then refined in China and put into regular use. The Chinese are also, as part of the Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 SDG's, going to lead the way in the UN's Urbanization program (Habitat III). In the US, people will be forced into "population zones" smart cities that in reality are little more than prisons. The excuse, as always, "to save the environment" and lessen the effects of "manmade climate degradation." Of course, if this happens, the results will prove catastrophic- the bigger and more dense the population the bigger the problems with crime. I could spend an entire post just listing the problems overcrowding would cause. Suffice to say, this is a disaster in the making.




IMHO even in it's most harmless application 5G is going to be devastating. But if we can learn anything from history then there is a very high probability that if something CAN be abused, it WILL BE.
The only comforting thought is that the cabal obviously has plans for AFTER the war they are pushing so hard for right now.

Comforting for someone I guess... I keep thinking about what George Carlin said: "It's a big fucking club and you ain't in it!"

That's right. Plus, regarding 5G "Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care..."

Too be honest alot of places already feel too overcrowded let alone forcing more people into cities to overcrowd even more, and then having your every single movement watched by the government and thier surveillance.
Also Rich this is what I was talking about in my last comment

God help us all. I am so glad for what Trump did. At least he is buying us time. Give me liberty and freedom. Thanks @richq11

Me too... I hope he can hang in for 2 terms.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Technological Dangers
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5G will be "weaponized"- in effect turning the entire country into a gigantic microwave oven.
not possible.
the power requirements to do that exceed the entire electrical generation capacity of the US Grid.

I figure they've got enough juice in the urban areas to zap the roids if they get out of line.

Scary stuff. I was unaware of this 5G stuff (still pretty ignorant of it truthfully) until I came across you writing about it. Scarier is the thought so many are participating in building this for the globalists with such little awareness on where they will fit into these plans once the technology is in place.

It has a lot of strong selling points... making the internet faster and more responsive. The problem is that it creates a lot more problems than it solves. For example, even if it's used for its most benign applications, many health professionals are really concerned about potential health problems arising. One doctor wrote that the frequencies involved basically turn your skin into an antenna. He's concerned about cancers and other skin diseases. This is the upside!

Wireless technology of all kinds, not just 5G, has serious consequences for human health. 5G is merely an escalation of what is already happening.

I treated the consequences of the current omnipresent wireless grid here, which provides links to studies and numerous resources. See also the comments on @newsagg's 10 April 2018 Headlines.

The primary purpose of 5G is to improve surveillance via IoT, and I took a deeper look at the Sesame Credit system and SenseTime here the depop/sterilization side effect is just a bonus.

There is persuasive evidence that 5G will be capable of crowd control effects, Ron Jonson also treats the potential for weaponization. Unfortunately most of his lengthier videos were wiped from YT. See also this.

Cripes! With the growing potential of AI combined with the States rabid desire to control ( of course for our own safety and security) there will be no place to hide or be free. Maybe we'll have to flee to Argentina with Doug Casey, or get together and take over a nation or something. Yes, we've come to a fork in the road, and we're taking the wrong path.

I'd like to see Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma secede!

OMG! Does this mean you are a red neck? My dad was born in Texas and grew up in Oklahoma. Came west during the Depression. Exactly like the Grapes of Wrath, if you ever read that book. California is threatening to secede and break into 3 states. The northermost state is Conservative (mostly) and wants to call themselves the State of Jefferson. Will never happen. Too many liberals. Too much government money keeping small communities alive. They are hooked into the teat of government $$. Unfortunate.

but how can I protect myself from 5g?

Move to a mountaintop in Montana, or buy a lead suit! I don't know if there is any way to protect yourself.

Cork boots? I think the offensive capabilities may be somewhat exaggerated, the threat from 5g is more in the form of all the "smart" devices that it is designed to accommodate. Your dishwasher, television, children's toys and shower will all by spying on you all the time everywhere. They won't need to microwave a whole city.

excllent post

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