Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S11W2 -: Reputation on Steem Blockchain

Hello everyone here! I'm glad to participate in the Second week of 11th season of steemit engagement challenge and I'm here to submit my entry for ENG/ESP)Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S11W2 : Reputation on Steem Blockchain || Reputación en Steem Blockchain.

What is reputation? Explain.

In Simple terms Reputation is the measurements of your accounts value on the platform of steemit. The higher the reputation you have the more you are valuable to the platform.

Higher reputation represents that your content is being valued and liked by a large number of users on the platform. Reputation is a merely a way to motivate users on the platform to create unique and original content on the platform rather than copy paste from various sources.

Higher reputation also represents that you have spent a good amount of time on the platform with higher reputation you are termed a senior member on the platform and your content will reach to a larger number and influence them.

What is your reputation? Explain step by step how reputation is determined, show screenshots.



As you can see that I currently have 74 Reputation, i have been on this platform for more than 3 years now, although i have also been inactive for quite sometime during my college because i had no spare time and i wanted to focus on my let's dig deeper with the help of screenshots on how to Check your reputation by using some trusted third party tools.

Reputation in details



In order to check your reputation in details using third party tool, Simply go to for my account I'll directly go to
As you can see in the above screenshot it's the home page of the website, you will find the same when you go to the mentioned page.

As it shows currently i have 74.265 Reputation, it shows in details on how much more you need to reach next level of reputation i.e 75 for me.

What methods do you currently use to increase your reputation? Explain

There are various methods that you can use to gain reputation on the platform from steemit.

Post valuable and meaningful content

Always try to post something meaningful or valuable for others so that they engage in your post and drop a upvote on your post because the more upvote you receive the more your reputation score will increase.

Bot Usage(Not recommended)

As you probably have seen many users use bots votes to gain reputation on the platform such as tipu, upuv and many others but that way is not recommended and i myself don't use it as it's not right. Better to engage with suitable communities on the platform and get votes.


Engagement plays a very significant role in increasing your reputation on the platform, when you engage with other you will make many friends and followers on the platform and then they will support you as engagement is a two way communication and it works both ways.

Delegation to communities

When you delegate your Steem Power to communities they provide you support, many community upvote users with their community account so getting upvote from an account which has a huge number of steem Power will increase your reputation faster.

Can your reputation score go down? Explain.



As many of you has probably seen many accounts that upvote and drops comment on your post has a Negative reputation in red color. So yes your reputation score can go down depending on the type of content you post.

If you post scam posts and users with more steem Power downvote your posts then your reputation will go down and eventually you will get negative reputation if you keep receiving down votes.

So make sure you always post something meaningful and never engage in fight with users who has more steem Power so that you Risk being downvotes.

That is all from my side for this engagement challenge, i hope I'm clear and I'm wrong in some part or need any clarification please join my comment section.

I invite my friends @avinashgoyal,@ahlawat, @prakhar9675 to join the new season of engagement challenge.


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 2 years ago 

Saludos amigo rishabh99946.

Te felicito nos entregarnos una participación muy clara de lo que la reputación representa en esta plataforma, tus métodos para aumentarla son correctos, un ejemplo de ello han sido estos retos, ya que nos han dado la oportunidad de realizar participaciones de calidad que han sido curadas y así aumentamos nuestra reputación.

Feliz día amigo, bendiciones.

Yes true. Steemit engagement challenge is playing a vital role that allows us to earn and learn at the same time.


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I can see that you currently have a reputation of 74, which is awesome! The higher the reputation, the more valuable you are to the platform. And you're absolutely right about being careful with what you post. Negative reputation is no fun, and we definitely don't want that. Overall, your post was insightful, and I like the screenshots and step-by-step explanation. It really makes things easier to understand. I wish you the best of luck in the contest! 😊

Your post is very well presented. Reputation will motivate us, improve your 74 reputation. Best wishes to you.

La reputación es la forma de medir el valor de nuestra cuenta en la blockchain. Entre más alta es la reputación mayor es la posibilidad de recibir recompensas.

Comparto tus métodos para aumentar la reputación, calidad en en contenido, compromiso y delegación a comunidades. También es importante propiciar la interacción e intercambio de ideas, esto genera votos y comentarios a favor entre las partes.

Gracias por compartir, saludos y éxitos.

You did a great job explaining reputation on Steem and the methods to increase it. Well done! 👍

Hola rishab

Sin duda el uso de bot es para nada recomendado, si bien es un metodo de crecer, pero seria contradictorio porque perdemos credibilidad asi que espero que los que hayan leido este post no se guien por este jaja. Solo hay que crear buen contenido y mantenernos activos. Saludos