A cold reality: we are not ready for the upcoming ice age

in #iceage6 years ago (edited)


Life on Earth has been consistently culled by cycles of extreme weather and I propose that we are currently moving into a prolonged cold snap in which many of us will die not because of the weather but because of worldwide crop failures (and evil snowmen). Further to this I propose that we are not busy in preparation for this inevitability because the ruling elite want to make sure this cull is even more effective than the last little ice age (1645 - 1715).

Of all the so called conspiracies I have looked into over the last ten years this feels as if it is the most important because no matter who shot JFK, if we went to the moon or even if the earth is round or flat, we still have a chance to thrive here. But when there is not enough food to eat, then we are all affected directly.

Looking at ice core samples and sea bed sediment around the world we have been able to determine an accurate temperature map of the Earth spanning millions of years, yet few of us seem aware of what this map reveals.

"Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it"

George Santayana


We are taught in school about ice ages as things of the past, yet did you know that we are living in an ice age now?

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click on image to see film

The Quaternary Ice Age has lasted 2.5 million years so far and its 10,000 year (approx) inter-glacial warm periods are separated by glacial cold periods which last several times as long and one thing they most certainly did not teach us in school is that we are currently at the end of a warm spell, moving back into a glacial period. The image on the right is taken from a documentary produced in 1988, just prior to the time in which it was decided to tell us a different story.

Since the late 1980s we have been programmed to believe that we are responsible for an ongoing increase in global temperatures and the idea of an upcoming ice age has all but been forgotten.

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Today we are focused on reducing CO2 emissions and dimming the sun by releasing chemicals into the sky, the effects of which will only make the impact of what is coming worse.

Chemtrails  geoengineering.jpg

It's hard to know fact from fiction in a world where we are presented selective evidence to achieve specific goals (global warming = carbon taxes), so let me ask you something... are you personally finding your winters to be warmer than they used to be?

Let's take a look at what other people are experiencing right now.

In Europe:

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In Middle East:

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In Russia:

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Not the warmer winters one would expect to see in line with global warming.

Cycles within cycles

The only 'normal' in climate is consistent change.

When we examine the frequency of ice ages it becomes clear there are many cycles at play, some much longer than others.

First let's look at the sun's 11 year solar magnetic activity cycle, observable from Earth as sun spot activity. It is crucial at this point to understand there is a link between solar activity and winter weather.


The Earth is warmest when solar activity is at its peak (solar maximum) and coolest during periods of reduced solar activity (solar minimum) and there is also a correlation between solar activity and seismic/volcanic activity on Earth, a point I will come back to.

Without understanding the mechanics of this connection even NASA admit "it's quite likely" the magnetic activity of the sun plays a part in controlling our weather on Earth and confirms "the (grand) solar minimum is coming, and it's coming sooner than we expected." David Hathaway (NASA Solar physicist).

Other related cycles:

  • Solar Retrograde Cycle - the sun has its own orbit and every 180 years it goes into retrograde motion and the Earth gets cooler.

  • Little Ice Age Cycle - every 360 years when sunspots remain at a minimum for a prolonged period, we have a mini ice age.


  • Milankcovitch Cycles - every 10,000 years (approx) we have an ice age.

  • Orbital Stretch Cycle - every 100,000 years (approx) we have an ice age.

Every one of these cycles is about to reach its cold period at the same moment and we have no idea what effect this will have, though we can safely assume it is going to get a lot colder for a long time.

Based on the temperature map of Earth's past we know that ice ages can happen quite suddenly, relatively speaking, in as little as 20 years.

So, are you feeling ready?

You would be amongst a very small group of people if you answered that question with a yes.

This is what the River Thames in London looked like in 1684 during the last mini ice age (Maunder Minimum).


People did their best to adapt and make the most of the situation, yet still millions died unnecessarily.

The Maunder Miniumum

This was a period of diminished solar activity between 1645 and 1715 when sunspots were very rare, sometimes disappearing entirely for months to years. At the same time, Earth experienced a bitter cold period known as the "Little Ice Age."


The Maunder Minimum (also known as a grand solar minimum) was a devastating period for human life, not just because people froze & starved to death, but because of civil wars, plagues & even animal attacks from hungry wolves & dogs. To read a detailed account of how this period affected human life check this article.

It has been noted that empires rise and fall with the warming and cooling of the planet, so if we are on a cooling trend now we can expect to see some dramatic changes ahead.

A simulated continuation of the sun's 11 year cycle has been presented here, along with the conclusion that we are currently moving into the next grand solar minimum, similar in scale to the Maunder Minimum.


Click on the graph to get to an in depth examination of how this conclusion has been reached.

Here you can see how global temperatures have been falling for the last 8000 years.


When we zoom out further the overall cooling trend is evident. Along with a wider fluctuation of temperatures.


Seeing all these cycles within cycles you can understand how easy it would be to isolate a small time period to fit whichever story we wish to tell. From the year 1996 to 2001 for example the Earth was warming due to its connection to the sunspot cycle, so any readings from this period would have perfectly fitted the global warming narrative.

Global warming is a lie

Designed to distract us from the truth that the world is cooling they told us that CO2 emissions were responsible for global warming & happily created the carbon tax, yet since then global emissions have increased and the global temperature has dropped. Click here to see a list of climatologists and scientists who disagree with the idea of anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming.

If you are looking for further evidence you will find a long list of publications here compiled by iceagenow.


Why don't they want us to know about this?

Short answer: they expect lots of us to die.

I know this sounds harsh but if you consider for one moment how the population of the world is getting out of control not only in terms of numbers but also in terms of awareness of the control system, you can see how an ice age would be a welcome reset by the powers which seek to maintain an effective control system.

We are their greatest tool as tax paying consumers, but we are also their greatest threat as an exponentially growing group of awakening humans.

If you are wondering why you don't already know about this 'power behind the throne', you may find this quote useful:

"Only power that is hidden is power that endures".


You are not supposed to know.

The Illuminati (enlightened ones) have many names and evidence of their existence is minimal but it can be found in the form of whistleblowers who have been speaking out since the 1960s.

It is said they have already been controlling our numbers for decades by poisoning our food & water supply and manipulating our medical system. It is said they plan to crash the financial system, call in all debts and bankrupt the masses so that a new financial system can replace the old. It is said they have no compassion for human life and will do anything to retain their secret position of power at the top of the pyramid.

How to survive the coming ice age

No matter if you believe or not in the existence of a hidden group which seeks to cull us, we would all benefit from acquiring the kind of skills one might need to survive an ice age.

During the last glacial maximum (ice age peak) only the Northern Hemisphere (and New Zealand, Peru & Chile) were severely affected, so if indeed we are moving back into an ice age we can expect to see a similar pattern developing with the extreme cold isolated mostly in the Northern Hemisphere countries.


Despite popular belief there are a huge number of glaciers all over the world which are growing in size each year. Check this list if you are interested to know which ones. Even NASA have admitted in this 2015 article that the Antarctic snow is "adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers". Simply put, the overall mass of the ice sheet is increasing.

You may imagine based on the above map that you will be safe in the warmer regions, but evidence suggests these areas will see extreme drought, earthquakes and intense volcanic activity which could block out the light of the sun for long periods.

Data shows that 85% of all major volcanic eruptions post 1600 AD have been associated with solar minimum periods, so as we move into our next solar minimum, we know what to expect.


Taking Action

Since discovering all of the above information I have re-ordered my life plan and prioritised the purchase of land here on the French/Spanish boarder. An area which research has shown to be very popular during the glacial maximums. Most likely due to the agricultural valleys here, combined with clear skies and warm sun, even during the winter.

Here is a list of requirements for my land:

  • Must be isolated in nature, far from any main roads.
  • Must be close to running water. Ideally a river but canal would be acceptable.
  • Must have an area which is suitable for agriculture.
  • Must have an area where we can build or expand on an existing property, in a way which best utilises the warm sun here.
  • Must have an area where we can create a 'secret garden'. In times of hunger it is very likely that the main agricultural area will be raided.
  • Must be connected to land which could be built upon by others, in order that a community could grow around us if it needed to.

Learning how to use the land is priority number one, with a particular focus on winter vegetables.


It is worth remembering that the crops of the world will fail not only because of the colder temperatures & shorter growing seasons but also because of sudden intense rain & flooding, along with unexpected hail & frosts during the growing season.

Many of the peaches & apples in this region were not even harvested last year due to a freak hail storm which ruined them in July. I saw it with my own eyes and even managed to film it. Jump to 3.33 on this film to see the intensity of the hail for yourself.

Speaking to a local man who has lived here all his life he explained that it doesn't feel warmer or colder than it did in his childhood, but it does feel as if the seasons are less distinct, with cold days in summer and hot days in winter. Needless to say it only takes one freak frost in summer to ruin your entire crop.


Creating Independence

I will buy a big selection of non GMO seed stocks, most likely from the local farmers who have used the same hardy stocks for generations.

Over the coming years I will learn which weeds around here can be eaten. We are no longer interested in flavour but nutritional content. The great thing about growing nutritious weeds (like stinging nettles) is that people are unlikely to steal them!


We will learn bee-keeping and buy ourselves some chickens.

I am interested particularly in the Icelandic variety which can not only survive the harsh winters but also continue to lay eggs in these cold periods.

Solar power and batteries will be acquired and set up in a place where they are not visible.

I have worked a lot with solar companies and I can tell you that technology has improved massively in recent years and if you are able to run things using a direct current (DC) the efficiency is so much better than the average person's perception of solar power.

We will have a rain-water collection system which uses a natural filter. It is easy to create natural water filters using layers of charcoal, sand and pebbles. If you are interested to learn how this is done, these guys do a pretty good job.

Basic medial supplies will be acquired along with various encyclopaedia type books covering natural medicine, the local flora & fauna, farming techniques and more.

Long lasting material such as denim and other cottons will be acquired, and an old style sewing machine so that we can make our own clothes without the need for electricity.


We may also consider getting some sheep, which are naturally adept at surviving the cold. I can imagine it must be quite fun turning their wool into fabric!

In Conclusion

Studying the UN Migration Pact a month ago I wondered why there appeared to be a concerted effort to push migrants from the warmer parts of Europe into Northern Europe where it is colder. Knowing what I know now I would say it is to increase the effectiveness of the natural planetary culling system.

It is not my intention to scare anyone but rather to trigger you into further thought on this subject. Don't take my word alone. Give it the attention it deserves, do your own research and make your own mind up.

Even mainstream articles on this subject can be found if you look for them:



I would like to remind people that the majority of our modern skills have no value whatsoever in a world in which the system no longer provides the things we currently take for granted, so learning to survive off grid could just be the most important thing you ever do.


I am very grateful to @minismallholding on steemit for alerting me to this subject a month ago. My head has been fully immersed in it since then and now that this article is out of my system I can get back on with enjoying my life... with a few minor adjustments.

Even if you can't see how you could possibly afford to buy land in preparation for what is coming, you would do well to make a list describing your perfect land as I have done. I am a firm believer in Law of Attraction which can gift us everything we need in unexpected ways, as long as you are clear with the Universe about what you want... and don't waste time questioning why it hasn't arrived yet or the way in which it will manifest. Simply know what you want and know it is coming.


Researching this article I came across a number of people who have dedicated their lives to getting this message out, some of whom post regular films on YouTube. While I remain a little sceptical of people who make a living from producing 'fear porn' their information seems well researched.

Database & news websites:

Grand Solar Minimum

Ice Age Now

Ice Age Farmer

YouTube channels:

Adapt 2030

Ice Age Farmer

Grand Solar Minimum

Suspicious Observers

Tony Heller

Survivalist Gardener

Last but not least, here is a great interview with Robert Felix, the man behind iceagenow.

If you enjoyed this article you may also enjoy taking a look at my top ten articles on the steem blockchain

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.

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All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

Sam is the creator of:

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Dear @samstonehill,

i just copied my response to the comments you made on @samve s post here.. as I do not know if you read the other response...

I would recommend to read through the following web pages:

This should correct all of the above stated.

In regards to sun spots: This will just be a much much smaller effect than overall global warming...
but you will find it all very properly explained on those web pages...

in regards to @bloom .. I understand your feelings.. however you have to see that people as him and me who for decades try to bring global warming science to the public just feel tired of hearing the same wrong claims by non scientists (the sources you are referring to are either not written by climate scientists or long outdated )over and over again..
also I have to give you credit that you made a very nice post...
maybe you find the links useful and let them impact your knowledge base a bit.. as you seem to be a caring and engaged person...
You have however a point in aiming for an independent living style...
the first thing you could do: Install a solar PV array.. and get independent from you dirty power supplier...

Hey there!

There are no hard feelings with @bloom ;)

On the contrary I am grateful to him for leading me to @samve

The comments under this post were very one sided and I enjoy more hearing from both sides. So, I appreciate seeing your words here too :)

As I mentioned to @samve somewhere in the mass of comments above, I spent my childhood learning to not trust government institutions and am consequently very suspicious of most information. Especially information which ultimately translates to a huge amount of tax income for governments around the world.

I will however take a look at those links you mentioned and approach them with an open mind.

It seems to me that no matter if we believe the earth to be warming or cooling, by sharing either message we are showing ourselves to be caring people who ultimately just want to live in a better world. The tricky part is getting to the truth... and knowing with certainty that what we have found is the truth!

I like your username by the way. I have been a 'solar warrior' for over five years now, always travelling with a few panels wherever I go. The permanent array will be acquired once I buy some land.

would love to see a picture of your mobile (makeshift?) solar equipment

I'll do you one better. Here is a film I made for the company who produces one of the kits I bought.

I also have a much older Voltaic system:

Voltaic Array 10222.jpg



When I walked the Camino de Santiago in 2013 I needed to power my laptop and a bunch of other photographic kit.


These two solar kits have served me very well indeed, though I am looking forward to taking it to the next level!

nice video and nice products...
really like those solar gadgets!
THX for sharing

While I am thinking about it, you may enjoy one of my most popular films on YouTube:

I have just accepted a job to film another huge solar construction in Hull, UK. This one I'm planning on shooting with drones alone. Should be fun!

Hi! I find your points of view very interesting and you have clearly properly investigated the facts. I do however have a few notes I want to make. Feel free to comment on them any way you like!

(1) As I understand it, the reason why we are programmed to believe in increasing global temperatures since the 80's as you say it, it is because the temperatures indeed show what looks like global cooling until then. I have added a graph with mean global temperatures. You can find many more online and they all show the thing I would like to discuss.

If you stop the graph at 1970 - 1980 people had all reasons to assume the earth was cooling, that's what the graphs clearly show. There hadn't been a significant sign of warming since the beginning of the Industrial revolution. eventually scientists concluded that the warming effect of CO2 was masked by the cooling effect of aerosols and other pollutants. It is only due to stricter regulations that we managed to reduce these emissions and thank god we have breathable air 😄. It is only then that we suddenly saw the effects of Co2 and other greenhouse gasses alone.

(2) Global warming does not necessarily mean that there can't be really harsh winters anymore. Destabilization of the jet stream might cause deviations which cause polar weather conditions or when a lake doesn't melt like it used to, and the increased evaporation causes more snowfall than usual. Also a little confirmation bias I believe, I do it myself all the time, but you seem to not mention the extreme life-taking heatwaves and droughts such as the Australian heatwave at this moment, or heatwaves in Europe last year, Pakistan with 65 deaths, Japan with 80 deaths, droughts in Oregon, the Mediterranean... I will leave out the headlines for not making this comment to long.

(3) Your statements about solar activity and climate are pretty good, although I would like to see where you got that solar activity is correlated with seismic/volcanic activity. I would be amazed to see that.

(4) Oh and where did you get that ice ages can happen quite suddenly? in as little as 20 years? I would just like to check that because that not how I imagined ice ages taking place. If you ment by that the Maunder minimum, that was indeed a sudden drop in temperatures in what happened to be one of the largest populated regions in that time, But I wouldn't call that a global ice age, especially since it lasted for a relatively short time on the geological time scale. Such an event can indeed cause a lot of devastation but I have no idea how solar activity is projected to 10+ years so I don't feel comfortable making assumptions on that topic.

The following part of your post are more beliefs I think and I would rather not get involved in that if you don't mind. I only wanted to comment on a few of your points. I'm sorry that it turned out to such a long comment 😊


I have one more thing to add which sort of summarizes my point of view. I do believe that the natural trend of the climate would be a cooling again. I have no idea how severe or for how long, but the question I keep having is:

"Will human influence of the delicate earth's ecological system diminish these natural trends?"

And when I see the scale of our human operations, and the numbers of the expected climate compared against the observed climate, I tend to say yes to that question.

Hey there! Am currently writing a response to your other message. Having to move slowly today as the kids seem to be requiring more attention than usual. Probably the effect of the full moon ;)

Good to see @bloom has pushed your comment up to the top here. It is an important question you bring up and a tricky one to answer with any degree of certainty. However, if we can acknowledge that the sun controls our climate, we must also acknowledge that it is dramatically larger than the earth. So if we think about it as a massive generator somehow powering a tiny little earth, it is hard to imagine how humans (proportionally speaking) have any effect at all. The sun must surely be the more powerful driving force?


I think I am right in saying that we know Greenland was nearly ice-free for extended periods during the Pleistocene period, so can we not assume from this that when the ice caps melt it is not because of humans? Though it seems to me there is plenty of evidence that the greenland ice sheet is expanding. You will find lots of articles linking to this evidence here

Hah I sadly missed it... I was happy to enjoy my sleep. Did you see it this morning?

The sun is indeed a HUGE powerhouse, but you must take into account that we are 149.600.000 km's away from it (93.000.000 miles) and we only receive 0.000000045% of the energy it produces. This puts the massive size of our sun into more perspective. I'm not of the opinion that the sun controls our climate rather than influences it.

Greenland has indeed been ice-free in past histories, so was Antarctica and everything on earth was fine because these changes happened gradually over millions years, or even thousands at least. Changes in climate on a global scale have never happend as sudden as they do now (only 100 years). And I looked a little deeper into the sources. The source from the first example of Greenland states this:

This budget takes into account the balance between snow that is added to the ice sheet and melting snow and glacier ice that runs off into the ocean. The ice sheet also loses ice by the breaking off, or “calving”, of icebergs from its edge, but that is not included in this type of budget. As a result, the SMB will always be positive – that is, the ice sheet gains more snow than the ice it loses.

it is no secret that increased warming causes more water to be stored in the atmosphere which can induce more snowfall, but it is the much greater effect of warmer ocean waters hitting the ice that causes ice berg calving. And since that is definitely equally as important the data of the study does not necessarily mean that the Greenland Ice sheet is growing

I believe things are even worse than you state.

Because not only are we doing nothing to prepare for month long icestorms that are coming, we are on the brink of something that would cause mass starvation even if the weather never turned cold.

America's farmlands have been all but destroyed.
The top soil is depleted and the only thing keeping it going is tons of chemical fertilizers.

So, along with the shorter growing seasons, AND the untimely floods/hail, we are also going to see the failure of crops due to nutrient depletion.
It will be a triple whammy.

I would invest, right now, in a huge greenhouse and a wood burning stove.

Shouldn't you have included the fact that the corps who created GMO (according to the warning they gave) tailored the gmo seeds to only work for a few generations. It is why they gave warning that crops will fail from 2019 (warning from last year, so there is no chaos theory that could have warned them, unless it was deliberately caused by them). They even told farmers they should keep 10% of their land for non-gmo seed growing so that there are seeds should the gmo ones fail.

Does anything they've said (as above) make sense? Why give them a limited number of generations and then warn us? Because the warning is useless? So a farmer keeps 10% of his land for growing non-gmo seed crops, but the gmo main crop instantly contaminates it...therefore still no non-gmo seeds? But they can say, don't blame us, we warned you?

The perfect storm of conditions to maximise that cull.

Greenhouse & wood burning stove are on the list ;)

global temperatures have been falling for the last 8000 years.
you noticed that too? Odd how the mainstream media can't be bothered to do research.

This was an excellent post. You've pretty much covered all the bases.I've been saying the same thing for quite some time now.

Unfortunately short attention spans seem to be the thing nowdays. I wonder how many folks actually read what you had to say. I mean...It was over two paragraphs long .

Why would most of today's generation want to subject themselves to such strain?

Despite our past interactions having had a few issues, I'm really starting to think we are on the same page sometimes.


its not about the total greenhouse gas effect.. without the earth would be a ice planet.. and it is a constant cycle.. greenhouse gases are released and redeemed..
it is about the delta that has been added by human influence.. this dealt will be enough to kill the ecosystem...

I suspect I disagree but beyond saying I think "global warming" is one big con, I'll just stop here!

hey.. just asking you to look at the two web links I posted.. can't ask for more..
.. and have to admit.. I have to chuckle at your cartoon.. ;-)

I'm so misunderstood.
(always have been)

It's because of ZZ Top

Hey there! I was new to this subject a month ago and felt as if I had to share this info in as much detail as I could. If people don't have attention span to take them beyond two paragraphs... well, their battle is already lost!

Great you have been sharing this message already. I feel as if I too will continue to share it as best I can as I cannot currently imagine a more important need for a shift in understanding.

I've been sharing it for years.
I've run into a great deal of flak from true believers.

Hi @samstonehill

I just bumped into your profile accidently and I loved this topic.

It's so hard to decide who to believe when it comes to global warming. So many different agendas and each has 1000 reasons to back up their claims.

Many believe that us humans are causing temperatures to raise. Do you think it's not true?

yet did you know that we are living in an ice age now?

Ehm. It's little bit like telling someone "we're in a bear market" during the time when prices are all time high.

are you personally finding your winters to be warmer than they used to be?

Indeed. Much warmer. Like 10-15 celcius degrees up comparing to several years ago.

Current winter in east europe is one of the warmest so far and if you're quoting BBC then you will lose readers trust. BBC is most mis-informative broadcast station out there with the lowest trust towards their conent.


The funny thing about that BBC documentary I mentioned is that it was (supposedly) pulled from air because people were freaking out and the filmmakers were forced to reclassify it as a mockumentary.

I see the BBC as one of the primary mind control agencies and their actions in this situation (if true) speak volumes.

In which part of East Europe are you based?

Thank you for your kind comment @samstonehill and for sharing link to this video

It's quite old, isn't it? ps. I was born in Poland


I wondered that. My grand parents on my father's side were from Warsaw. For many generations my family were farmers in Poland.

Perhaps it is time for me to get back to my roots and become a farmer again?

All the best to you and thanks for being so polite with everyone. My followers here can be a passionate bunch, but their intentions are honourable ;)

Dear @samstonehill

Do you enjoy waking up early morning? That's what farmers do :)


I certainly do. And always have. Mornings are my best time of day ;)

"Many believe that us humans are causing temperatures to raise. Do you think it's not true?"

In a word YES!


Here in New Zealand it's colder and the glaciers are growing each year... (Of course that is being covered up - but I have seen them myself a decade apart and know it to be the case)

And how are the sea levels? - Like many Kiwi's I live on the coast - the water levels haven't changed much, but going on some hundred year old photos there is just slightly more land above water now - the exact opposite of what the propaganda media claims

Hi @frot

Thanks for replying to my previous comment. I always appreciate people who engage back.

And thx for sharing your opinion. I really wish to know what's real and what's a lie.


Superb post, which more people should learn from.

I am ready. I was raised on an island in Alaska, and can live on the land in such conditions. I am currently in an optimal area with a largely homogenous population (critical importance, due to social upheaval ongoing and planned). While I am not investing fiat into buying land, I expect that the social upheaval forthcoming will make that moot.

Your preparations, if undertaken by more folks, will save lives. I wish you all the best in the coming tribulations.


Hi @freedompoint, @valued-customer, @samstonehill, @frot, @johano, @builderofcastles, @minismallholding, @everittdmickey

Let me get it straight: does it all mean that human activity and pollution and current ways of producing energy are okey? And nothing we should do about it?

That's how I understood this post and your comments guys.

It's so hard to decide who to believe when it comes to global warming. So many different agendas and each has 1000 reasons to back up their claims.

Many believe that us humans are causing temperatures to raise. Shall we continue the way we do? Without any changes?

It does sound like agenda: "global warming is bullshit, so no changes are needed".


global warming is bullshit, so no changes are needed.

Did any of the people you've tagged actually say anything to that tune? It's Intesting how people glean that this is what people are trying to hint at from what they say. From what I know of the majority of those you've tagged, they are huge advocates for the environment and doing things in way that don't harm the environment around them. So I would not take from what they have said that no change is needed. Although, in their part, no change might be needed because they already live their lives with the goal of doing things in non-damaging ways.

It doesn't matter whether the world gets hotter or colder, what matters is that the changes and preparations we make now will help, no matter who is correct. Ceasing our pollution of the land and seas is the right direction, no matter what. Ceasing our destruction of forests and natural environments is the right direction, no matter what. Why argue about what you think will happen, if your solutions are the same?

Currently, some of the things that our governments have planned for "slowing climate change" will put toxic chemicals into the atmosphere and put people further into poverty as wealth continues to be moved to a small portion of the population.

What most of these people are saying is that the climate is going to change with our without our input. So let's move forward with trying to make it a non-toxic change and give the best chance of survival.

Posted using Partiko Android

The illusion that the climate on our planet has anything to do with human activities is a myth that just won't go way - it is potentially very profitable to keep pushing it...

But humans do not control the sun, or the earth’s orbit!

There are four major temperature change cycles related to the sun that detirmine the earth’s temperature:

  • 11 year and 206 year cycles: Cycles of sunspot activity

  • 21,000 year cycle: Earth’s combined tilt and elliptical orbit around the Sun

  • 41,000 year cycle: Cycle of the +/- 1.5° wobble in Earth’s orbit ( tilt )

  • 100,000 year cycle: Variations in the shape of Earth’s elliptical orbit

THE SUN... (and the path of the earth's orbit around it)

That's what it all comes down to!


In the grand scheme of things, our activities are nothing to the planet. While we're here, though, it would be nice if we could live on it without making everything living sick!

Posted using Partiko Android

Unfortunately Agenda 2030 uses sickness as a key tactic to reduce the global population to 500 million and going on about "global warming" is another one of their many tactics to achieve that aim...

By the sound of this solar minimum, they may as well let nature do the culling for them! Just wait a little longer.
500mil is about 7% of the population, so if they only want the wealthiest to stay, they're going to have to do their own dirty work. I can't imagine many of them wanting to do their own cleaning. ;D

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They are doing their own dirty work right now - chemtrails, monsanto roundup, 5G, and water fluoridation for a few examples are not accidents!


Dear @frot

Why would any country want to reduce their population? This seem to be very against logic. Population need to be growing in order to keep alive current financial system and mostly retired system.

Am I wrong?


In a word: automation. The advent of AI and robotics eliminates the political need for millions of eaters to support wealth.

Consider the goals of the .01%. They enjoy robust nature. They find their lovely estates being encroached on by hungry people that slash and burn it for agriculture, poach the neat animals for food, and jam the traffic while they are on the way to the disco for a night of debauchery and degeneracy.

The poor are lowering their standard of living.

It's also mischaracterizing the issue to consider why nations would do this. This is a globalist - transnational - policy, not based on any national interest. A given nation has greater military power if it has a larger population of cannon fodder. The politicians of a given nation thus have an incentive to grow their populations.

Not only does automation and military killbots change this equation, but globalists have no national loyalties, and thus no interest in the strength of any nation. All nations are obsolete for their purposes, and thus they are globalists, not nationalists.

Because the zionist nwo eugenisists who own and run this world have depopulation as a top goal - reduction from 8 billion down to 1/2 a billion by 2030 - this is all a theory - but it is a very well documented one - hang on to your hat and take a trip down the rabbit hole


and for more on the global warming scam see:


Thank you for your amazing reply @frot

So much valuable informations I never knew before. Seriously I appreciate it a lot.


Dear @minismallholding

Thank you for your kind reply.

Did any of the people you've tagged actually say anything to that tune? It's Intesting how people glean that this is what people are trying to hint at from what they say.

I'm very sorry if I caused some misunderstanding. I only mentioned and greeted them all, because they were involved in this conversation and Im curious of their opinion. Hope I made it clear, that Im not attacking anyone and I only want to learn from all of you.

Thank you for sharing your view with me.


I don't personally think you were attacking anyone. It's sparked some great feedback and I know there are those who feel that if you say the climate will change without people's input you must think its okay to continue to pollute and harm. I've often wondered why they come to that conclusion.

I wondered if something had been said that I had missed or even if you felt that it was implied. I see that this was not the case now and it was more of a leading question. Always hard to get the right tone with the written word.

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Thank you for your kind reply @minismallholding

I know there are those who feel that if you say the climate will change without people's input you must think its okay to continue to pollute and harm. I've often wondered why they come to that conclusion.

This is very mature way of describing this issue. Personally Im trying to figure out what other people I trust think. I would like to know what is public opionion view on this problem.

Trying to learn any real informations about that topic is a bit like walking in the heavy fog.

I wondered if something had been said that I had missed or even if you felt that it was implied.

Not really. Please keep in mind that you're way ahead with your knowledge about this topic and some questions asked by people researching (like myself) may just sound wrong. Simply because we may not even see a big picture and we're full of wrong assumptions.

Always hard to get the right tone with the written word.

Very true. It does help if you already know person behind the screen, but we just got to know each other.

Thank you for being so responsive

Please keep in mind that you're way ahead with your knowledge about this topic

Thank you for that reminder. I think we can forget when talking amongst those who already have a lot of knowledge and we're just adding new little bits of information. There is a lot of background to take in and it can be confusing to know where to start when someone is new to it. Really, if we care about the environment around us we're on the same page.

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Dear @minismallholding

My impression is that majority of those who have some knowledge and strong opinion about issues related to climat change get usually easily annoyed by ignorance/lack of knowledge coming from regular people.

Really, if we care about the environment around us we're on the same page.

Thank you for your mature reply. Like I mentioned before: I'm trying to learn from people like you to build my own bigger picture. After all this is very complex topic with many different agendas. It's not only left or right here.


Climate change happens, but if you look at the research personally (rather than just taking what the enemedia claims at face value) you will find that it is driven by the Sun, not CO2. For example, about ~55mya (million years ago) CO2 was ~6000ppm - almost 15 times the concentration we presently enjoy.

Life was thriving on Earth. Coral reefs survived handily. Temperatures did not soar.

Furthermore, CO2 is critical to life on Earth, the basis of the entire photosynthetic food chain. Below about ~190ppm plants begin to starve for it, just as animals would starve for O2 below a given threshold. During the LGM (Late Glacial Maximum) Earth basically bounced off this threshold. CO2 was about the lowest it's ever been during the entire history of Earth. We need MORE, not less, CO2, to drive agriculture by feeding plants. CO2 is basically fertilizer.

You can confirm this by inquiring of Marijuana growers, who commonly used dry ice (frozen CO2) in grow rooms to increase growth rates of their crops.

The globalists are using AGW (Anthropogenic (human caused) Global Warming) to drive a global tax on carbon, and taxes require government to administer, thus necessitating a global government.

AGW is a scam.

We're actually facing a catastrophic global climate disaster, but of the opposite nature of the AGW claims. Look at a graph of sea level over the last 250kya, and you will see that Earth has undergone periodic ice ages which lower sea level dramatically. Spikes in sea level indicate warm periods when the most ice was melted. We're currently at the tip of such a spike, showing that temperatures are about to plummet and massive ice sheets will begin forming, lowering sea level.

National Geographic published the chart that redpilled me on this topic. Further - and extensive - research has confirmed. WUWT.com is a site where climate science is debated by scientists. If you want to know more, have a read at it.


Edit: I also would point out that not all polluting chemicals are equally harmless or harmful. Endocrine disrupting pollution and additives to foods and packaging has driven testosterone down by over 50% during my lifetime. Read about Lake Apopka, where alligators suffered dramatic decrease in male births, and the penis size of males has been reduced by over 50% due to such pollution.

Consider how this might be affecting society, and concatenated with social pressure to impact social health. There are many pollutants and development practices that intolerably harm people, wildlife, and the environment.

It's just that CO2 isn't one of them.

Dear @valued-customer

The globalists are using AGW (Anthropogenic (human caused) Global Warming) to drive a global tax on carbon, and taxes require government to administer, thus necessitating a global government.

This is quite common narrative lately.

To introduce those taxes goverments need to convince people that AGW is real. And this seem not to be happening. People don't want to pay even more taxes. Simple as that.

We're currently at the tip of such a spike, showing that temperatures are about to plummet and massive ice sheets will begin forming, lowering sea level.

It reminds me of something.
I went lately to visit Venice in Italy. OVer 10 years ago I was told that this place will disapear under water soon. 10 years later I see no difference and neither local peopulation does (from what I was told).

I found it interesting at that time, when I didn't know shit about AGW agenda.


Based on what I have learned over the last month I would say that humans have a lot less to do with climate change than we are told. A big step towards understanding this was the realisation that the climate of Earth is controlled by the activity of the sun.

I agree the global warming subject has become so convoluted with contradictory evidence it is impossible to know with certainty what is going on, unless you are the scientist doing the research. So all we can really do is look at our lives and ask what we personally can do to make a difference. The more independent we can become, the less need there is for continual unnecessary waste of energy.

Thank you for this excellent comment @samstonehill


I'm not saying no changes are needed, I'm saying that man has no effect whatsoever on the earth's temperature - even eugenics attempts in the name of "global warming" like chemtrails will make no long term difference - within 10,000 years this planet will be a block of ice again - back to it's default setting.

What changes are needed? - just shoot jacob rotchild and al gore, and buy warmer jackets (I'm only half joking, jackets may not be enough...)

Thank you for your kind reply @frot

within 10,000 years this planet will be a block of ice again - back to it's default setting.

Is that really serious info? I'm not very familiar with this topic and it's just hard to believe that humans really have no impact at all on climat change. And all that pollution is just fine.


I think the point is that ice ages are regular and unavoidable, no matter how much humans throw the equilibrium out of balance. Like I said, it's more about our connection with the sun than anything else.

Thank you for sharing your view with me @samstonehill

Appreciate, Piotr

Afraid so yes - hopefully not in our lifetimes but on the way for sure

It's great to hear you are ready! Growing up in Alaska would do it.

And I think you are right about the social upheaval mostly eliminating the need to buy land. I personally have had little to no experience living in the way I described so figured it would be best to buy some land asap and start learning. The idea of living this way is quite exciting to me and I look forward to getting started.

You aren't wrong about acquiring land to learn from. Be aware that landowners will be easily locatable, and private property is susceptible to eminent domain, or other catastrophic actions.

Have a look at what is happening presently in South Africa to landowners based on race alone, and do some thinking about the various mechanisms that might be applicable to your own situation if SHTF.

I'm not trying to discourage anyone from owning land, merely encouraging folks to have plans in place for all exigencies, and attacks on landowners are amongst common developments when SHTF. Using your education from having private property prior to SHTF will empower you to react with agility regardless of such exigencies that arise.

You're on the right track.

That is an awesome post Sam - about 10 years ago I started learning all this stuff and did a blog post about it (your post spanks it) - and ever since I've been getting into arguments with brainwashed warmerists.


I don't worry about it because there's no point, but sooner or later we are going to get at least 100 000 years of snow!

I can see you have covered many of the same points as me. Amazing you wrote it 10 years ago! You're way ahead of the game than most.

And yeah, like I said, I'm over it already. Once I have a base established we can get back to our international travels. Learning to live this way was always part of the plan, I've just fast tracked it now ;)

It was that moron al gore that set me off - I suspect that donald chimp will set me off on something new any day now :)

That is a great read man. I found myself nodding while I read. I am already an advocate for self reliance and homesteading, now this is an even bigger reason. Well done.

I also did a fair bit of nodding while researching this. The global warming story had always been a bit confusing to me, but feel like I have a clearer picture now.

I think for a lot of us the idea of self reliance and homesteading is quite an appealing one. I can think of nothing more exciting than creating that kind of life. So much to learn!

An excellent post sir!

Hopefully it will make some ostriches withdraw their heads from the sand, before it freezes...

The subject certainly held my attention for a month. And I suspect it will for some time yet.

Let us see if others take notice....

very good dissection...

I've been looking at it for a while now. Some people refuse to see 'as it is', rather than 'what they are told'

I've just added his YouTube channel to the list at the end of the article. There are so many amazing people who appear to have dedicated their lives to better understanding this & sharing the message.