Upward Facing Dog with Bricks

in #yoga6 years ago (edited)

Up-ward Dog Prep and Pose

A sequence preparing the body for up-dog using the blocks. I recommend a warm or sun-sals (Hatha) before this practice. For this Video, it's preferable to use 2 bricks. If you don't have bricks you are welcome to try without. I find that it helps with alignment and height to feel into the push up into the posture.

I have found that with this pose, especially in Vinyasa and the Ashtanga practice, that it is perceived as an 'easy pose' and just part of the sun-salutations. The truth is if you have a lot of compression in your lumbar spine, which let's face it, most people who have a 5 day week at a desk job do experience at some point in their careers, this pose can heighten that pressure in the lumbar. Remember is a backbend, so it's about the support of core and back muscles. I have also found that some people feel quite at ease coming up into this pose without fully lengthening the spine and utilising the back muscles, and can be 'dumping' a lot of pressure in the low back. I advise anyone who experiences problems with their low back to stick with baby cobra until more strength and length in the low back are reached. I think the thing to remember is that Yoga's origins are in India, and most Indians lead a very different lifestyle when Yoga first came about, to us westerns currently. Meaning that we experience different types of issues and low back problems are rife in the West. So don't be afraid to modify or worried about 'not doing a proper sun-sal', if you are feeling pinching, pressure or any sort back off the pose. Remember you can stick to the beginner prep postures and work on these rather than coming to full expression.

Things to Remember:

(in all variations of cobra and up-dog)
Engagement of tops of the feet, all 10 toenails pressing down, even in baby cobra.
Keep the shoulders coming down the down the back and envision the sides of body lengthening.
Feeling a lift through the heart space, and collar bones broaden. In updog a huge lift and feel the toes wanting to ruck up the matt towards you.
Squeeze inner thighs together, activity engage.
Create Length, Not Compression, a very small lift is great. It wont take long of practice before you start to notice a difference and your back will thank you in the long run.
Happy back and spines :)

Disclaimer: further modifications are needed if pregnant (not recommended in 3rd trimester). Not recommended for severe illness health problems and injuries. Personal health and responsibility lie with the participant, (practice at your own risk). Make sure that you are fit and well to practice on the day. With all yoga poses if something doesn't feel right for your body back off or find a variation to suit your body or injury.

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