SEC S15W1: 5 stars, 5 steem and one Original dish

in Colombia-Original4 months ago (edited)



Hello dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this challenge by Colombia-Original Community:


Dish for 5 Steem


The task this time is quite interesting because it will an idea what we can effort for 5 Steem converted into our currency. Different countries have different prices, depending on economy of country but also probably on climate, if it is warm country with good agriculture then the vegetables and fruits could be cheaper and probably one of the main ingredients of our daily food. In many countries meat is more expensive.

When I was looking at our place and estimating what food we can prepare for 5 Steem it made me sad because it ivery limited choice.

First, in order to give you an idea how much the food costs I give some examples:


That means 5 Steem will be £0,9 it is not much

The only what I could think off is this little salad, but just one portion of this, what I need for 3 portion, the prices are taken from supermarket "ALDI"


  • one aubergine - £0,89
  • three small tomatoes, appr. £0.30
  • two small carrots, appr. £0,20
  • a half of small onion, appr. £0,10
  • three garlic cloves also maybe £0,10

So altogether will be appr. £1,50 or it is appr. 8,33 Steem for 3 portions and will be 2,9 Steem for one portion


Aubergine salad


To start with we need, of course, aubergine. I usually cut it into rings, then put into bowl and add salt that usually takes the bitter juice of aubergine away, so you need to keep them in bowl and every 30 min or so make sure that the juice is removed.



The other vegs also been cut, carrots in small pieces, as they are usually harder and need a bit more time. As to tomatoes, I usually use only hard part and juice is removed, otherwise, it changes the taste of aubergine. Some people use dried tomatoes, that is also OK.






Now you are ready to fry them.




I always start frying with aubergine, because it is now relatively dry and gives no juice so your pan is relatively clean, make sure that you turning them from side to side and they reach golden colour.




After that I add carrots, again they do not have much juice less water then less problem with oil splashes, then tomatoes, while they are ready I add onion, till golden colour, then all the fried veg, will be added into the same pan, add salt and chilli, at the end garlic and I leave the lid for at least 5 min. I do not cook too long otherwise everything will be too soft and you do not feel much taste of onion and garlic.








Here you go, ready to eat:



I would like to invite @pinkcastle, who is a new user and it will be a good chance to share something from his country,
@bambuka, @mamamashafor this challenge



CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.




I loved the recipe you made, an easy and practical salad, with the dried tomatoes it should be equally delicious although I prefer them fresh.

Many successes in the challenge 😊

Hi @bellana, yes, it is easy and also light, I usually prepare for my long shifts, it does not need to be warm and just with some bread is delicious. Glad that you also like this salad :)

Everything looks beautiful and appetizing. Thank you very much for the beautiful and tasty post. I wish you success.

Yes, it is very delicious and can be addition to any food, but the best to barbecue :) Thank you


Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts and comments!
Curated by : @chant

Thank you @chant for support and for trigering SC07 :)


Такое блюдо за такие деньги я могу приготовить только из своих овощей, со своей грядки. Зимой баклажаны стоят как мясо. Кстати, и кабачки становятся очень дорогими.

Кстати, а баклажаны не горчат?

Да огород это здорова,свои овощи даже вкус другой. Нет после того как сок вышел, так горький вкус тоже ушел

Дочь приедет через неделю в гости... они без свежих овощей с мужем не живут. финансы позволяют. :)

Wow wow wow, esto verdaderamente es una delicia, me encantan los vegetales que usaste, sobre todo la berenjena, un plato muy nutritivo que en estos momentos desearía probarlo.

Te deseo suerte en el concurso amigo ☺️

Thank you @noelisdc, those vegetables are very good combination and also very easy to prepare, you can try it too :)

Greetings friend, very good dish! It looks super delicious and healthy. It is also very economical to prepare! Thank you very much for sharing, blessings and success!!

Thank you Alessandra, I am glad that you like this salad, I am pretty sure everyone who likes egg plant will love this salad, it is always a part of our barbecue menu :)

@stef1, Thank you for the invitation, I will try to participate.

Да попробуйте, если будет время и желание


Thank you :)

Greetings Dear!

A great explanation of this recipe. You have done well to make this recipe. In under 5 steem, you make just salad is also well. I want to try this recipe made by you in a very simple way. Thanks a lot for sharing here. Best of luck for this challenge.
Regards: @ahsansharif

Thank you @ahsansharif, yes it is easy and healthy so if you like ingredients you can try it :)

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