It is true that the number 8, more than any other number, puts the emphasis in the areas of career, business, finances and authority. However, as with many other single-digit numbers, the shape of the number reflects its most important attribute, and in the case of the number 8, that is, first and foremost, balance....... https://www.numerology.com/numerology-numbers/8
To all my friends THANK YOU !!
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@stranniksenya @strapped @sweetgirl @syahhiran @syarqawi @sylviamiller @tantawi @tashsumm @tbs @teddy7 @terrorpheut @the.maett @thecoolplayer @thedailyroto @thelit @thenightflier @thewritelife @thinkit @thoughtchain @tigerhite1 @tommy93 @tradelord
@travel-photo @tristan143 @tryto @uniiq @vanessavanny @vargapauline @vbnm21 @velimir @vivacrownking @voiceover @vsoutdoorsnaps @warrenvee @wattacut @wealthguide @stranniksenya @strapped @sweetgirl @syahhiran @syarqawi @sylviamiller @tantawi @tashsumm @tbs @teddy7 @terrorpheut @the.maett @thecoolplayer @thedailyroto @thelit @thenightflier @thewritelife @thinkit @thoughtchain @tigerhite1 @tommy93 @tradelord @travel-photo @tristan143 @tryto @uniiq @vanessavanny @vargapauline @vbnm21 @velimir @vivacrownking @voiceover @vsoutdoorsnaps @warrenvee @wattacut @wealthguide @weedporn @whatisnew @wheelsliam @wiedy @william702 @xiobus @yayn @yesfa @yvonneinoregon @zakura @zero9 @zoef @zoommc @zuljalalil
Good work and good number- well done and keep steeming
THANK YOU my friend
Exactly. In astrology, the number 8 is a symbol of Scorpio and the 8th house, and this sign and house are associated with foreign money, foreign energy, large investments, profits, and other serious topics. :) Good job.
)) yea THANK YOU