Improving negative curation, A downvote button Vs. flag explained. [UI improvement]

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Here's my vision of a downvote button at UI level.

The new downvote button has the same effect as the current flag on the blockchain but it's maximum strength is calculated in the UI so that it can only bring the post/comments to $0.00 and not below.

The new flag button has warnings about it's usage similar to what we have now but without the "disagreement on reward" (use downvote for that) the interface would also encourage, if not force users, to leave a custom comment or select a preset reason to let the author know why his content was flagged.

Reasoning :

  1. Not enough people are down-voting so not enough organic content discovery is taking place.
  2. Votes can too easily be sold for liquid money without any regard for content quality.
  3. New people getting flagged think someone's is accusing them of wild claim like of Fraud or Hate-speech... drama ensues.
  4. It is problematic right now to know what vote weight to use to bring a reward to zero but not below and unintentionally hiding content behind extra clicks on and having to deal with one more uninformed claim of censorship than a disagreement on reward warrant.

This solution is for sure not perfect as bringing a post to 0.00 doesn't mean someone won't upvote it later and without being able to see orders of downvotes on a block explorer it's impossible to tell which user brought the post from $100.00 to $0.00 or from 0.00 to -$0.05

On that subject I'd like inputs on what could be possible disadvantages and technical challenge if the blockchain would not to forgo previous voting power when either incrementing a positive vote or reducing a negative vote ie: from +10% to +20% or from -10% to -20% ?


That is about as dumb as California taking away straws.

All disposable dishware is pretty bad for the environment.

Better flag dangerous opinions before people see them!

downflagged by @transisto, made visible again by me:

Better flag dangerous opinions before people see them!

Bring it back! If we can't learn from our mistakes, we're fu**ed!

The following accounts belong to a psychopath that is one of the main reasons for the demise of STEEM:
abusereports, berniesanders, eatsrewards, engagement, iflagtrash, nextgencrypto, ngc randomthoughts, rewardpoolrape, thecyclist, thedelegator, yougotflagged.

If you doubt any of my claims, check these accounts' voting behavior and posting history.

Yes but is their another way for it??

As a veteran of web forums, semantics matter. "Flag" carries a universally negative connotation, and 9 out of 10 people see that word and associate it with "I did something illegal." And so, people get all fired up over getting "flagged." It doesn't matter what the effective application is, it's the word that's offensive.

"Downvote" means just that. It's like leaving a 1-star or 2-star review on Yelp or Amazon. You're not saying the establishment you're reviewing is a fraud, just that you don't like it. Two very different situations, even if the effective application results in the same thing.

If someone is going to go to the trouble of submitting a downvote button for the UI, it might be useful to actually make it DO something, like such toggles do on many sites: When you downvote, you have a number of checkboxes:

Downvoted for (check one):
Disagreement with rewards
Not tagged as NSFW

And whatever else might seem appropriate. With that added, it might be a useful tool for cheetah, spaminator and so on.

These suggestions would make downvoting more culturally acceptable on this platform. Thanks for sharing.

That's an awesome notion. Choosing what the flag is for.

Sounds very interesting, will steem take this idea?

I think flags that take the value negative have a place when dealing with spam as it preempts others voting them back up again. There are some who leave junk comments around so they can give them a big vote at the last minute. We need to be able to counter that behaviour. Of course flags get abused. It's sad to see powerful people trash the accounts of others simply because they disagree with them.

Just to add, voting in the last 12 hours is blocked by the blockchain now.

Has this been announced somewhere?

Maybe on Github, not sure. But you can try it yourself.

The only "Amen" you have coming is the wrath of a person whom you falsely accused with fabricated evidence of tax evasion.

The word is out on how you fabricated evidence to do your best in framing an innocent analyst, Peter Brandt, a colleague of mine from BitcoinLive; as a convicted criminal.

You slyly used a real criminal with similar name and a Fortune writeup about his tax evasion to frame Peter Brandt. Except I figured it out and caught you!

You used the same false evidence to extend the accusation towards BitcoinLive and Me as well.


We demand a written apology from you posted on Steemit for ALL to see.

Does it even matter anymore? Interest in Steemit appears to be waning.

hi @transisto

Not enough people are down-voting and not enough organic content discovery is taking place.

Do you think that it will change now? People are to afraid of down voting.

upvote on the way! :)


I would love for the UI to reflect downvotes just as you describe. I also want users to understand downvoting is just part of the platform and doesn't mean you have done something terrible.

What happens when @kabir88 is caught fabricating evidence against an innocent person?

The word is out on how you fabricated evidence to do your best in framing an innocent analyst, Peter Brandt, a colleague of mine from BitcoinLive; as a convicted criminal.

You slyly used a real criminal with similar name and a Fortune writeup about his tax evasion to frame Peter Brandt. Except I figured it out and caught you!

You used the same false evidence to extend the accusation towards BitcoinLive and Me as well.


We demand a written apology from you posted on Steemit for ALL to see.

Steemit needs a downvote button. The meaning behind flagging and downvoting are two completely different things in my book - so it would only make sense.

It is problematic right now to know to what weight to downvote something to bring the reward to zero but not below and unintentionally hiding the content behind extra clicks on and having to deal with one more uninformed claim of censorship than a disagreement on reward warrant.

Having this option for downvoting would be quite neat as well!

Correct, but Busy had one for ages. Wny use steemit at all? It doesn't take a genius to see that it's functionally and visually inferior. One button won't change much.

So basically my but with rshares calculation to cancel rewards and not hide posts. Doable

What about a selection for no damage to earnings just so to say, "I don't approve." A nominal amount as to not burn vote power.

make downvotes grat again

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