I want to be an anarchist ...

in #anarchy6 years ago

I would class myself as an anarchist but am I really ?

So i'm am anarchist! I still work a full time corporate job, pay my taxes and obey many laws! This is not the way I want to live though I am forced into complying. Freedom would be my choice but I am being prevented from doing this as I am stuck in the system.


This is my topic for today; I want to follow anarchic principles but in this society it's blooming tricky. The main hindrance in my mission to live this life I choose is capital or lack of it; meaning I am well and truly trapped in the system. Obviously this is how the system is designed we all know this, it traps you into a life of debt. There are many ways it does this through a 'Mortgage' (actual meaning death pledge) or debt though credit or loans. Thankfully I dont' have much debt now; well a few grand which I kindly (in a moment of madness) took on when me and my ex split up. This is being paid off slowly and I have put it on zero interest credit cards. Again the credit card is all part of being tied into the system.

Tax is another huge issues for me I could not disagree more with it; I feel massive guilt every time I see how much tax I have paid. This is not because it is theft! of my hard earnt money but because it's funding bombs to be dropped on someone miles away who has done me no harm. I am told (well if I pay attention to the propaganda) these people pose me danger to me, although there is no concrete evidence other than the word of the media funded by the people who are dropping the bombs. There are many other disagreeable causes my money is stolen for, but this hurts me the most. I am peaceful person and the fact I am contributing to the murder of innocent people is hard to take. As a anarchist you would not stand for this; but in today society its so hard to challenge this without it ending in jail or hefty fine on top of what they claim you own!

As I have said many times before I was a budding anarchist from the onset; I've always questioned things I don't see as right. I find the loop holes and exploit them; like Acts and Laws, yes their is a massive difference. Things like not paying Tv licence or water bills. However I now have to pay the water bill as the agent who I rents my house of kindly passed my details on to them, if I did that though it would breach data protection laws. But in the UK a least you don't have to pay water bills! Before I was breached but my agent I didn't pay water for nearly four years. They will send letters to the home owner and until you (or your agent) gives them your name they will not trouble you directly, even the its the legal representation of you (but thats all a different post).
Anyways they won't cut off water either as its a human right, their not all bad then haha!

We are kept in check though and forced to compile with threats of jail of massive fines. Like £1000 if you don't register to vote in England; I was attempting to test this law until I need a new interest free credit card so I was not paying £50 a month interest. In order to get a credit card you need a decent credit reference for this you need to be registered to vote and so the circle starts and your trapped!

The conditioning that prevents the breakaway...

It's taken a longtime to get to where I am today, I have had a lot of conditioning to break (and much more to yet) as we all do. I was brought up in a very traditional family who were law abiding "love that phrase" and had good morals. Whoa hold on now there is a contradiction in terms law abiding and moral! The first part of the conditioning I managed to break is the fact law is not moral. Often I do something; I don't know let say heading out into the woods have fire and camp out, my mother will say but this is not legal you were bought up to have good morals !!! To me that does not make sense now, well yes I was brought up to have good morals but have now realised this is the most important thing and should not be associated with law! When I camp I clear up, leave a little sign I was there as physically possible and am responsibly in looking after the environment. I don't damage anyones property or go when I am causing annoyance to anyone, if I was asked to move I would give my apologies and do so. The more I live by this ethos the happier I become, this comes after years of feeling trapped by the system and a lot of anger which clouded my view and passions. I endeavour to make sure my actions don't harm anyone, I like to think I am a caring individual and will cause no distress to anything. This is what I understand as moral! Laws are not moral many prevent, restrict, force prejudice and division amongst us all.


I have not come to this conclusion through some genius of my own the main people who have brought me here are Derrick Broze, Luke Rudkowski, Max Igan and Jeff Berwick. These guy inspired me and I have developed their influence and come to my own conclusions. All coming from slight different perspectives and indeed its important to get a varied perspective. One of my favourites and one I am trying to implement is that of Agorism introduced to be by Derrick Broze. Through this I am developing my own way of living this way that ties with with my current lifestyle like offering Reiki on a donation basis therefore its not earning and not taxable (well in my book anyways). Although this is not up and running yet I have others project and plans inspired by Jeff Berwick, you get the jist.

So am I an anarchist?

Now not being for for a label this is a bit of a rhetorical question for me, but for the purpose of the post lets look at it.

Living in a anarchic society would suit me I can see massive benefits. Currently we don't live in a free society but any stretch of the imagination. People have morals deep down and with no laws or regime telling us what to do, there would not be this massive collapse of society. In fact I think it would improve drastically and build communities which have been eroded away though this narcissistic parasite that now dominates in todays society. Back to the topic though I actively promote this way of life to my friends, colleagues and loved ones, often to laughter or advice not to follow such extreme ideologies and conform to society.

My plans for the future are ones of freedom where people have a choice to make mistakes. In my field of work (mental health) I see the damage done but continual disapproval and judgement. Societally we need to change this approach and create one where people are supported and praised for admitting mistakes and even making them. This does not mean people should go out and make them but should not be ridiculed when they do; communities should show compassion and willingness to advise. In my life I have done things I am not proud of also things that are wrong although thankfully not caught or punished to a detrimental affect; does this make me a bad person? No I had support and love that helped me through and the luck as I was not thrown in a cage after being put in front of a bias system to judge my actions.

However as in the start I am held back by lack of money so have to play into the system. Now I have plans to set up a free and holistic mental health centre. I have what I think it a alternative approach which will make a difference to the world of many with mental health problems. This will go against many 'norms' and rules but I have confidence it will prove successful. Hence the reason I work and would say am conforming to the system more then I would like. This is for a number of reasons:

Mainly I need to keep my name clean before it gets rolling as a dirty name will drawn too much attention and result in it not taking off in the way i'd like.

Also I love my job and although its corporate its giving me a lot of valuable experience and resource to build on.

Unfortunately I need to make some big bucks to set up and build this project. The main cost of buying the right land. And I want to buy out right as I don't want to be borrowing from the bank and be under their control. I have a few planed projects and crypto investments which are slowly building up. Ten years max is my aim!

In answer to the question then....

Of course I am we all are some just haven't realised it yet. I do my best to explain the benefits and possibilities to those who dont realise, with more and more success. For things I get stuck on I consult the communities that are building and research.

The future is free and the hundredth monkey is well and truly stirring !



Good luck on your endeavor. Sounds like a great goal. And you will be giving back to humankind. Youve got my vote!

Many thanks, I've had it in my head for a few year and now is time to put it out to the universe. Things need to change our current system for mental health does not work. It's my goal to shake this up and explore a new option. The support is greatly appreciated 💯🐒

I would say you are an anarchist, you are just not free. But that is not your fault. You dont blame the salve for the sins of their masters.

If being an anarchist means having to disengage from society and live alone in the woods, then we have no chance. I dont fell any guild, I live in peace with myself and the people around me. I pay my taxes as long as that is the more reasonable choice, I use state infrastructure.

I try to be smart about which fights to pick so I dont waste my energy on the hopeless battles. Right now there is so much potential to disrupt, especially in crypto. Going to jail by refusing to pay my taxes will not make anything in this world better. But the time may come where we have to through our bodies into the equation, just not yet.

Spot on there! The little things we do to change our lives and perceptions sends out vibes to those around us. This creates a wave through society and when the time is right the state and its control will simply fad away! The power lies within the small actions and the education of the minds. 💯🐒

I feel massive guilt every time I see how much tax I have paid. This is not because it is theft! of my hard earnt money but because it's funding bombs to be dropped on someone miles away who has done me no harm.

Yes, while we pay tax we are accomplices to murder.

£1000 if you don't register to vote in England...

Holy sh*t, I didn't know that.

...offering Reiki on a donation basis...

Nice job there.

People have morals deep down and with no laws or regime telling us what to do, there would not be this massive collapse of society.

I believe that with all my heart. 99.9% of humanity is not psychopathic naturally.

I believe in "Nurture over Nature".

I love your 10 year goal and look forward to contributing in any and all ways that I can. Thank you for believing, in Yourself, and in allllll of us Vibe. Much Love.

Kind and supportive words many thanks!

I have been learning for years now good and bad experiences, thankfully have a strong mind. I have come close to cracking point very close. I went into mental health with good intentions and ideas. Due to conformity and people being scary to think outside the box it's not working. The corporations want the profit and the big pharm want the profit too, I want to make people better. Now is my time, I have a long way to go but this is my goal and I will make it happen. Thanks for your support it's very welcome 💯🐒

I'm at the "breaking free where I can but still stuck in other ways" place too. Poverty has ironically freed me in some ways and trapped me in others.
I agree with you about taxes. If my taxes went to help people in society, I'd be glad of it. Yes, fund a hospital, a school, a community garden, public transport, awesome. But in the States it's all a handout to rich CEOs and weapons manufacturers and shit.

We are all trapped in some way or another. But the fact we have the desire to break free is the saving grace. When people realise that government amongst other things is just a middle man making profit and we can get all the services by paying direct, things will begin to change. Hold on in there 💯🐒

You know how games have checkpoints where your character reappears once it dies? That's what we need for society -- a place where people can go to start fresh.

I love your idea of a holistic health center. I will surely be following you along on this journey.

Yer wouldn't that be great and you could pick spots to relive the best times, amazing idea if only. But probably one day.

Thanks I've been thinking of it for a while now and have a plan in my head ready to go. Just need to build the land and environment now. Thank you for your support its very welcome 💯🐒

Contributionism can help move us away from this slave system

Yer I come across this before has some good aspects to it that I like. Difficult to implement everywhere but has great potential. I prefer the idea of people to share trades and not so much to mass production that Ubuntu kind of suggests. Great movement though 💯🐒

Great to find you. I think your goal sounds great. I'm also in the mental health field with an "unusual" approach, so it'd be fun to chat some time maybe? Have you joined Natural Medicine on Discord? Here's a link, if not - I'm sure you'd like it in there - https://discord.gg/zbWckQ9

Yer it should be a successful approach. I'll get on the Discord group although don't sign in that often. But yer be good to chat 💯🐒

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I love a lot of what you say. I understand and realize you want to get your word out there. I can not help but think..you have free internet.? You have your own cyberspace is not a part of the rest of the United Kingdom or the world. Do you own a cell phone. Do you use part of that cyberspace. I think if you want to have nothing to do with society and the way it operates...then dont use society and the things they use to operate. When you own land as I do, I still have to pay land tax. When you own a cloud then I guess you are free. Or a hole in the ground. Maybe if you find a cave that know one owns you can claim it as your own. As I see it we will never be free. One day hundreds of years ago. the Indians that roamed North America. They were free

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