Steem engagement challenge-s7/w5|My way to stay balanced during times of stress.steemCreated with Sketch.

in Incredible India2 years ago

Edited with photocollage

It's another beautiful day with a beautiful topic here in this noble community and I'm so glad taking part in this very contest titled “My way to stay balanced during times of stress.”

Before I answer the question below let me refresh our mind on what stress is and also invite my friends to come and share their views on this very topic. @mjerry @jasminemary and @ishayachris

Stress as the name implies is a change that causes emotional, physical, logical, and psychological strain in humans. In life everyone experiences this stress to some setting level therefore, we can define stress as our body's response to any things that require attention or action. How our body responds to stress makes a big difference to our overall well-being.

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Stress can also be seen as a feeling of emotional or physical tension which can come from any event or thought that makes one feel frustrated, nervous, and angry. This can make our body react to challenges or demands.

What do you do to stay balanced in times of stress?

The things I do to stay balanced in times of stress are numerous among which are;

Regularly Exercise: This is one of the things I don't joke with because the nature of my job is very stressful and the only way to get off that stress in the morning to be able to work perfectly fir the day is by doing exercise no matter how little time I spend doing it helps me a lot and I can say that its exercise is indeed good for our body and it helps to reduce stress.

Water: Water is another key factor for me to balance stress, after my morning exercise I usually drink one cup of water before taking my bath. And it has been so useful to my body system.

Good food: It is very important to eat a good diet in other to keep fit and balance the body systems. Food is what gives us straight and also makes our body active and ready for the day. I try my best to eat my food as required and also I drink a lot of water to ease stress at work.

Hanging out with friends: once a month, I hang out with my colleagues just to have fun and ease all the stress and tension at work. It is very important to know that no matter how you work your body system needs rest in other to function very well for the task ahead. Also, hang out with friends, laugh, dance, eat, and party small so that your body will get over the stress.

Watching a movie or listening to music: I do this every day most especially with music I'm always fulfilled. Whenever I'm stressed out at work the best way to calm myself is to listen to cold music. And I will be relieved after some hours.

Focus:Whenever I'm depressed or have some issues which will stress me I always let things be because I found out that no matter how I think those things will not be fixed and I will end up accumulating issues in my body system. So I always focus and I don't allow things to get over me and always free myself and work toward archiving my set goals with less stress.

Give three main reasons behind our stress.


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In the world we are in today inability to pay our bills causes stress to many, because when you are in need and yet you can get over it then you will be stressing yourself just see that you try to meet up with all your demands and needs. Sometimes long-time unemployment causes stress and depression to most people out there, when you are always at home doing nothing while your friends are out there making it serious you will be depressed and stressed out with the whole situation.


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Pressure from our employees causes stress. For instance, some employers will always want their workers to do more without minding if they are being stressed out or not provided they get what they want from the work they don't care. And for the workers to earn more money he/ she will always try to see that they meet up to the requirements of the work in other to satisfy their employees and also get good money in the end. Some work is very frustrating and tearing but nan has to survive just to keep up with their needs.

Emotional well-being and relationships issue

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This is another thing that causes stress to most people. 100% of people are subjected to an emotional state which we all know that it leads to chronic stress without the right emotional skill. Most people pass through a lot which will lead to stress some may be relationships such as unhappy married, divorce, and healthy relationships with your friends and partners.

Do you think now we should take this problem seriously? If so, then describe why?

Oooh yes, we should, because stress symptoms can affect our body, our thoughts, behavior, and our overall feelings for each day. Being able to recognize some common stress will go a long for everyone to manage them well. Stress can also contribute to many health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and others. So it will be good if we try our best to overcome some stress when it comes our way because when stress turns to serious illness, my brothers and sisters it's important to get good and professional help as soon as possible. Also, untreated disorders can lead to serious depression.


In conclusion, once we are living on this earth we can not escape stress but the best thing we can do is to try our best in other to manage each stress so that it won't cause many problems to our physical and mental health. Let's eat good food at the appropriate time, also let's try and rest our heads whenever we are exhausted that will go a long way to staying balanced in a time of stress.

Thank you....

 2 years ago 

Saludos amiga

Haz nombrado algo muy importante y es que el beber agua, el agua es vital en nuestra salud y eso ayuda a calmarnos un poco cuando estamos estresados.

La falta de trabajo y el no tener dinero para cubrir nuestras necesidades es un factor principal que nos genera stress, por eso siempre hay que estar haciendo que genere ingresos.

Me gusto mucho tu post, suerte en la dinámica

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much ma'am i appreciate your comments and contributions.


Hey My Friend @yakspeace, your post made me take a second look. Stress can definitely feel daunting at times, but there are ways for us to successfully manage it. You’ve done a wonderful job listing the top remedies that work for you – regular exercise, water, good food and taking time out with friends always helps put things into perspective!

Furthermore, finding something that you’re passionate about and engages both body and mind is great for keeping stress away as well! For instance, hiking in nature, yoga classes or playing a sport can provide much needed outlets of relaxation while still providing physical and mental stimulation.

So here’s to managing life with ease… because if we don’t, who else will? Keep up the great work and drop me more tips when possible. thanks!

Regards, @fabiha

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the review sir, i'm most grateful.

 2 years ago 

All your ways of staying healthy are okay friend and you are right about telling us those things that causes stress. I wish you success.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for visiting my blog dear friend. I'm grateful.

Money is the main cause of stress now adays.
The things you do to stay balanced are very good.
Great you drink water to stay balanced during stress.It really helps.
Hanging out with friends can be very helpful to get rid of stress.
Good luck.

 2 years ago 

Sure money is a cause of stress this days. Thank you for your contribution i appreciate.

In everyone's life sometimes there is happiness and sometimes there is sadness and these things every human being should face with determination and never be afraid of the fact that there is any kind of stress in your life. Yes, you should fight it hard and if you don't, you will always be in trouble and you will face trouble in different ways. I hope you will benefit from these things and you will You have created a very good post and I really appreciate it

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your contribution and kind comments sir, i appreciate.

Best regards 🙏

Stress can be positive and negative
Short term stress can be positive and helps you to complete your achievements
Long term stress can be negative because this kind of stress cause you health problems

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your contribution sir, your comment is highly appreciated.

Saludos amiga, el estrés es algo que vivimos a diario, si hay muchas formas de combatirlo como hacer ejercicio y tratar de mantener la mente ocupada.

 2 years ago 

You are right ma'am .thank you for visiting my blog🙏

The points mentioned by you regarding stress and stress relief are really mind blowing.
This is the first time I got to know such a beautiful song from someone. So thank you very much.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much sir, i appreciate your comments.

Most welcome.

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