yuan0601 (44)in #photography • 7 years ago龙猫,你喜欢吗/do you like Totoro?这两天天气又变得异常寒冷,我的朋友圈也下了场大雪,各种晒雪,眼馋的还有千里迢迢的跑去雪乡看雪的,然而湖南没有下雪,我只好翻出早些年的照片来晒一下咯 学校乒乓球台上堆的龙猫/Totoro…yuan0601 (44)in #dtube • 7 years agoAmazing !Chinese dragonWow , Chinese dragon , it's amazing who know how does this work? ▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFSyuan0601 (44)in #dtube • 7 years ago集赞新玩法,教大家如何登陆Dtube/ how to login your Dtubenotice : the password should be your posting private key,not your steemit password,so find your private key,that's…yuan0601 (44)in #dtube • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.bee the video was taken in my little aunt's yard, i feel it's funny, i've never seen bees forage so close,woohoo ▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFSyuan0601 (44)in #cn • 7 years ago福利!支付宝红包每天扫刚刚看到@tuzikiwang 的文章,受到启发,感谢…yuan0601 (44)in #photograph • 7 years agoi just wanna post a photo冬日里的晴空,就是美!yuan0601 (44)in #cn • 7 years ago都行,可以,没关系最近“佛系”这个词非常火 佛系,顾名思义,不以物喜、不以己悲,“ 一切随缘 ”的生活态度 通常表现为,有也行,没有也行,不争不抢,不求输赢,我感觉我非常的符合,甚至属于佛系大成者,三连招(都行,可以,没关系)简直是登峰造极了…yuan0601 (44)in #cn • 7 years ago我是家里的采购员“野子,上网买下牛奶” “野子,酒到网上买算了” “野子,看下网上抽水泵的价格” ......…yuan0601 (44)in #cn • 7 years ago你在北方的寒夜里四季如春,我在南方的艳阳里瑟瑟发抖烤火桌镇楼 最近天气很冷,气温4-5摄氏度,窃以为南方气温4-5度的感觉和北方-10度差不多,又到了起床靠勇气,洗澡靠毅力,出门靠洪荒之力的时候了,让我感叹北方有暖气真是暖和呀…yuan0601 (44)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.这属于什么流派?听歌十余载瞬间有点凌乱了平时喜欢听歌,杂食,小清新到听温情民谣,重口味到听Marilyn Manson,跨度之大,哈哈哈哈 但是前段时间听到一首《小棋童》,居然还有这种歌曲,这是什么流派,瞬间凌乱啊…yuan0601 (44)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.万圣节手工灯饰/Halloween decoration lightingHalloween is coming,we are a holiday lighting manufacturer, some products of Halloween share with you,handicrafts,hope…yuan0601 (44)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.雄关漫道真如铁-自我介绍帖新人报到…