City Hall Speech 2 - #IAmJohnSantiago

in #able12122 years ago (edited)

WATCH VIDEO (Speech Cell Phone View)

Two weeks ago I sat before you and mentioned I was speaking past you. Well, today I am speaking to you. I am here to ask City Hall Council for your help. With what you may ask? To use your resources, connections and influence to get journalists and the media to cover this story! HELP APPLY PRESSURE! My rights are your rights and if my rights are violated especially like in this case, specifically with the FBI committing perjury and slandering my name saying I committed multiple felonies with zero arrests or convictions, should make you think what the hell is going on over at the FBI if I truly and honestly did what Mr Aldenberg testified in court that I did that day. [You either stand for justice or you stand with lies.] I can prove my innocence cause I recorded those phone calls but can the New Haven FBI prove my guilt? Mr Mayor... you might remember we talked once on the phone years ago and I was requesting that you remove the Christopher Columbus statue 2 years before the public had forced your hand because of the George Floyd incident. You failed me when it came to the Columbus statue. Don't fail me when it comes to Bill Aldenberg, please, cause you will be on the wrong side of history. And seeing how it's the 10 year anniversary of the alleged Sandy Hook shooting, I just wanted to ask, how is it Anderson Cooper showed the WRONG footage of cops running into a school from a St Rose of Lima DRILL instead of cops really responding to Sandy Hook? Yet when I question these things I get called a conspiracy theorist for asking obvious questions? Like I said last week, public perception is more important than provable facts. The censorship I have faced over the years on social media has been relentless. I have been so extremely censored for so long it is the reason why I am sitting before you today. I tried to send governor Ned Lamont on Twitter a tweet that said, "Hey Ned I hope you have a great day today!"... and it was put under the offensive tweet section which doesn't come up unless you scroll all the way to the bottom and click it! So this is freedom of speech in the "constitution state" huh? Where Big Tech, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI get to dictate what is seen by who and who gets to actually use the platform. And clearly Elon Musk is only virtue signaling free speech on Twitter, seeing how I am still blacklisted. And I dont fall on the left or the right, I stand against this entire divide and conquer system! Speaking of... how many Freemasons are in this room? How many Order of the Eastern Stars? Any from the Jesuit Order? Affiliations matter in my book! I stand for the one true God - Yahuah, Yahusha Ha'Mashiach, and Ruach Ha'Qodesh and I can't pretend anymore! How many more times do I have to see celebrities, politicians, musicians, actors, and rappers doing one eye? How many more times do I have to see blatant Freemasonic symbolism right in front of us like "thumb pyramids" and "hidden hands" or blatant "devil horns" and "666" like Drake loves to do. Affiliations matter... [and it's crazy cause everyone loves to bring up nazis right... yet they never bring up Connecticut state senator Prescott Bush funding hitler and helping him rise to power... and then we had 2 President Bush's AFTER that which were both Skull and Bonesman... eventually the veil will be lifted... have a great night] ...Senator of Connecticut Prescott Bush funded Hitler. Look it up!

~John Santiago~ #IAmJohnSantiago #SoldierOfGods #Able1212 (Speech City Hall View)


~PROOF of FBI Bill Aldenberg PERJURY~


ALL INFO BELOW: (There is MORE Too But This is Enough To PROVE MY INNOCENCE)

~St Rose of Lima NOT Sandy Hook~

~One Eye~



~Prescott Bush Funded Hitler~


Brown Brothers Harriman in the Second World War:

Bush Nazis.png

MEDIUM Speech Transcripts: