FBI Bill Aldenberg LIED About VIOLENT THREATS From John Santiago

in #able12122 years ago (edited)


My name (John Santiago) was brought up 4+ times in the Sandy Hook Alex Jones trial and every time they (Bill Aldenberg and Attorney Chris Mattei of Koskoff & Koskoff) brought my name up they basically implied I was a domestic terrorist by violently threatening FBI Bill Aldenberg FOR MONTHS! (PS that is MULTIPLE FELONIES) The WORST CRIMES brought up in the ENTIRE trial are of ME allegedly committing MULTIPLE FELONIES yet I was NEVER arrested? IT'S ALL LIES!!!! I had to go to city hall because "journalists" everywhere IGNORE THE INFORMATION when MY FREEDOM is an UNDENIABLE FACT ITSELF proving FBI Bill Aldenberg committed PERJURY! It is one of the BIGGEST stories in America right now if not the WORLD seeing how they are trying to use this case (Sandy Hook Alex Jones Defamation Trial Verdict) to SILENCE anyone that QUESTIONS the mainstream narrative. Don't believe me...
Chris Mattei said this about "misinformation" here https://twitter.com/RozieBreen/status/1652452323262873601
and Matt Blumenthal said it himself here https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj0mYJyDht5/ which I did a REMIX of this REEL on Instagram calling Matt out for his hypocrisy and he blocked me AGAIN breaking the law because he is a POLITICIAN http://bit.ly/COURT-PAPERS Bill Aldenberg (along with Matt Blumenthal, Chris Mattei and the Koskoff & Koskoff lawfirm) got $90+ Million from Alex Jones by saying my name (John Santiago), LYING, claiming I violently threatened him yet I was never arrested AND I wasn't even influenced by Alex Jones? AND Norm Pattis (Alex Jones lawyer) blocks me on twitter when I give him this information MULTIPLE TIMES? Make it make sense!

ALL INFO BELOW: (There is MORE Too But This is Enough To PROVE MY INNOCENCE)

#IAmJohnSantiago #FBILIED Movement Needed:

  • 1st Speech (12/05/2022)
    (FBI Bill Aldenberg, Rothschilds, Confederacy, B'nai B'rith)
    bit.ly/CITY-HALL-SPEECH (Speech Transcript)
    "Recently, on September 13, 2022, an FBI Agent by name of Bill Aldenberg, once part of the New Haven FBI, testified in the largest defamation trial in US History being the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook trial. In his testimony he brought up an individual by the name of John Santiago from New London that allegedly violently threatened him for months to the point he was scared for his family. Well I am here today to say that I am that John Santiago from New London and EVERYTHING that Bill Aldenberg mentioned about me "threatening" him is a complete and utter lie and he knows it. I recorded those conversations purposely because I KNEW they were going to try and say I threatened him and I was right because he basically painted me as a domestic terrorist. I ask how is it possible for someone to threaten a federal agent multiple times for months, especially VIOLENTLY, and yet never be arrested? The answer is it's not possible because it's lies. No wonder why Matt Blumenthal blocked me, when I simply followed him on twitter a while back, because his client was using my name to get paid $90 million dollars. I would also like to ask how is it Bill Aldenberg was paid the second highest amount next to Robby Parker over the other families that allegedly lost children? Anyway, now I am literally a walking "save Alex Jones $90 million dollars" chess piece because I'm pretty sure Bill Aldenberg's entire testimony gets purged now for committing perjury"..."Today, Bill Aldenberg and the New haven FBI need to answer for their blatant lies about me. I challenge any real JOURNALIST and news outlet to cover this information because if you dont, then you will expose yourselves, praise God. The truth is coming and you won't be able to hide it."
    http://bit.ly/CITY-HALL-VIDEO (Speech Cell Phone View)
    http://bit.ly/CITY-HALL-VIDEO-2 (Speech City Hall View)

  • 2nd Speech (12/19/2022)
    (FBI Bill Aldenberg, Sandy Hook, Freemasons, Occult Symbolism)
    bit.ly/CITY-HALL-SPEECH-2 (Speech Transcript)
    "Two weeks ago I sat before you and mentioned I was speaking past you. Well, today I am speaking to you. I am here to ask City Hall Council for your help. With what you may ask? To use your resources, connections and influence to get journalists and the media to cover this story! HELP APPLY PRESSURE! My rights are your rights and if my rights are violated especially like in this case, specifically with the FBI committing perjury and slandering my name saying I committed multiple felonies with zero arrests or convictions, should make you think what the hell is going on over at the FBI if I truly and honestly did what Mr Aldenberg testified in court that I did that day. I can prove my innocence cause I recorded those phone calls but can the New Haven FBI prove my guilt?"
    http://bit.ly/CITY-HALL-VIDEO-3 (Speech Cell Phone View)
    http://bit.ly/CITY-HALL-VIDEO-5 (Speech City Hall View)

  • 3rd Speech (01/03/2023)
    (Skull & Bones, Rothschilds, MLK, Freemasons, Giants, FBI Bill Aldenberg)
    bit.ly/CITY-HALL-SPEECH-3 (Speech Transcript)
    "...can you imagine how I feel with a federal agent (FBI Bill Aldenberg) using my name and committing perjury in the largest defamation trial in United States history and having everyone remain silent including the entire media apparatus?"
    http://bit.ly/CITY-HALL-VIDEO-6 (Speech Cell Phone View)
    http://bit.ly/CITY-HALL-VIDEO-8 (Speech City Hall View)

  • 4th Speech (01/017/2023)
    (Education System, Giants, Tartaria, FBI Bill Aldenberg)
    "I can understand if you don't care about my rights being abused by the federal government, you know, FBI Bill Aldenberg slandering my character for personal gain and having complete silence on the matter. But please don't continue teaching the children lies"
    https://bit.ly/CITY-HALL-VIDEO-9 (Speech Cell Phone View)
    https://bit.ly/CITY-HALL-VIDEO-11 (Speech City Hall View)

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