Legal abortion should be as accessible as it is in Europe.

in #abortion3 years ago


Some Pew opinion polling data on overall US feelings about when abortion should be legal or illegal.

It varies substantially by gestational progress. The breakeven point (where roughly-ish 50% oppose abortion, and the other 50% would allow it) is at around the 14 or 15 weeks mark.

For reference, most of Europe (with the notable exception of Poland, which has a total ban) allows abortion on demand up to 12 or 14 weeks. Another exception is Great Britain, which allows abortion on demand up to 24 weeks (i.e., viability)

I would personally like to see abortion legal up until birth. (And if that makes you squeamish, you should stop and consider that the women that are facing that decision are almost always facing the most heartbreaking medical decision of their lives).

I recognize that I am far more liberal on bodily autonomy issues than the rest of America is, but as a compromise, I'd like to see states have abortion access that is at least as accessible as Europe.