
in #abuse8 years ago (edited)

iloveupvotes -8 · 29 minutes ago
I Just know people are abusing people on the blockchain. Just over it. Came here, they crashed 4 accounts. It's whatever now. My intentions are good. Yeah, my path strayed. It's not a harm to anyone tho or they might want to re evaluate the true meaning of harmful. Harm is what's caused by the things that were done to peoples family's in the losses having to be accepted. Came here like everyone else with thoughts of freedom on the blockchain and free speech, not bot attacks and violent people. Came as an artist and writer to have it all flagged. No method to my madness. It's obvious no matter what only certain people are allowed on the blockchain. It's sad. It's like middle school. If you aren't a popular kid, you simply have no place and aren't allowed to speak there. That has become this place for me and will soon become nothing but a void in my time. Flags don't harm people. Comments, conspiracy's, and opinions do not harm people. People harm people. I know all the people watching every word I say. And that's all you need to know from me. People are nothing but a plague this day in age built to take what little one has. You all got it all off 4 accounts. Happy now. You took my voice. You took my steem, my monetary values, my written poems, and my posted pictures. Everything I came to be and was, taken. Yeah I'm mad about that. But it's cool. People like me take shots and keep going never giving up. I know the wrong and the right ventures. I'm a bright dude despite what people think, and I have had my kicks along the way. But I'm tired of all being taken. I have a family too. I'm people like everyone else. I have said some awful things, and some untrue things just to get a rise out of many. But not before I was continuously attacked and patronized. In the end there is no base behind anything that I have done other than to make a point. You must watch who you do what to. Do it to too many people like me, (speaking in general) and you're going to have a real blockchain issue on your hands when people unite and get smart themselves. Maybe when enough people leave like me after all these things and the negative time invested, the abuse can stop when there is no one left to abuse but one's self. I however, will not be here to be abused any further. Or to waste time trying to get people to understand moral over money. Good luck to everyone in your ventures. Nothing left here for us, you all have it all now ~ And thank you for the decent reply. It was much better than treating me like a demon for being human. All it ever took was the abusive behavior of me and my accounts instead of assuming and judging me like I don't belong.
3 votes
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Sometimes we can get a little caught up in things and venture down a path that's harmful to ourselves and others.

In these cases it's probably best to throw in the towel and move on.

Poloniex is an exchange, Google it. They're one of the biggest crypto exchanges. If you thought they were part of some big account funding conspiracy then I think you ought to question the logic of some of your other arguments.

Good luck.

I Just know people are abusing people on the blockchain. Just over it. Came here, they crashed 4 accounts. It's whatever now. My intentions are good. Yeah, my path strayed. It's not a harm to anyone tho or they might want to re evaluate the true meaning of harmful. Harm is what's caused by the things that were done to peoples family's in the losses having to be accepted. Came here like everyone else with thoughts of freedom on the blockchain and free speech, not bot attacks and violent people. Came as an artist and writer to have it all flagged. No method to my madness. It's obvious no matter what only certain people are allowed on the blockchain. It's sad. It's like middle school. If you aren't a popular kid, you simply have no place and aren't allowed to speak there. That has become this place for me and will soon become nothing but a void in my time. Flags don't harm people. Comments, conspiracy's, and opinions do not harm people. People harm people. I know all the people watching every word I say. And that's all you need to know from me. People are nothing but a plague this day in age built to take what little one has. You all got it all off 4 accounts. Happy now. You took my voice. You took my steem, my monetary values, my written poems, and my posted pictures. Everything I came to be and was, taken. Yeah I'm mad about that. But it's cool. People like me take shots and keep going never giving up. I know the wrong and the right ventures. I'm a bright dude despite what people think, and I have had my kicks along the way. But I'm tired of all being taken. I have a family too. I'm people like everyone else. I have said some awful things, and some untrue things just to get a rise out of many. But not before I was continuously attacked and patronized. In the end there is no base behind anything that I have done other than to make a point. You must watch who you do what to. Do it to too many people like me, (speaking in general) and you're going to have a real blockchain issue on your hands when people unite and get smart themselves. Maybe when enough people leave like me after all these things and the negative time invested, the abuse can stop when there is no one left to abuse but one's self. I however, will not be here to be abused any further. Or to waste time trying to get people to understand moral over money. Good luck to everyone in your ventures. Nothing left here for us, you all have it all now ~ And thank you for the decent reply. It was much better than treating me like a demon for being human. All it ever took was stopping the abusive behavior of me and my accounts instead of assuming and judging me like I don't belong.

That "weak ass" bot is far larger than your accounts. Are you poor or what? Yeah, I'd guess you are just based on your obvious lack of education and a job. Pretty sad for a 36 year old hillbilly. They may hire you to bag groceries at the local store, they tend to go for the slower types.

Ummm, I got a comment from this account with a screenshot of my wallet showing my husband's transfer of steem to me from poloniex-claiming it was some kind of scam involving you and linked me to this...I have to admit things like this make me super glad I haven't disclosed my full name or location anywhere on this site, yikes.

Sorry to hear that. I've been doing my best to flag the accounts so his trolling is hidden. He seems to have stopped, at least for now.

Oh it's not your fault! I can't even imagine the amount of time it took for him to go through people's accounts and send personalized messages involving their transactions, or what could possibly make him see logic in connecting these transactions to you?? Not something I'll figure out.

Oooh, I'm shaking!!! I've never been threatened by a slow hillbilly before!!! Dumbass mongol.

That's funny because you're the one commenting on random posts looking like some kid whose mother smoked a LOT of meth. Did I hit the nail on the head?? You don't have to answer, we can all see you're a little challenged. Now that I know you truly are a little slow I'm going to stop replying to you so you don't completely lose your half wit mind. Have a great day, mongol!!!

I actually made this mistake too, @poloniex is the exchange and funds nearly all the newly created accounts. 😂

And because it is highly unlikely that you will realize your mistake and apologize, just like you never apologized for making that false accusation about the asshole account and me, in fact it's much more likely that you will say horribly mean things in return, so I will not be reading any more of your messages which are hidden and hard to look at anyway.
I feel sorry for you and your very negative outlook on people and on life, but it is a choice that you are making. I wish you would seek help for yourself.

I will explain this only once, then I am done. @ poloniex is NOT the account that transferred money to me, poloniex without the @ sign, the real poloniex which is a bit coin exchange company, not the person who is using it on steemit. My husband mines crypto currency and he trades it for steem for a little support. This is where you get yourself in trouble by not getting your facts straight, and because of that you make false/inaccurate accusations and become the one who is abusing people. I truly did hope that you would learn from your mistakes and do well with this account. You must be a very unhappy person to spend your days being cruel to others.

I think, as a child maybe you were abused, or still are very heavily. You love to bash people because you think your tougher, smarter, and better than the world. The abusive behavior you watched throughout your life, has impacted you in such a way it has flowed well over into adulthood. You have no more respect for a grain of dirt than a human being because you're a very hurt person down in there. You like to stalk others and latch onto them simply because you have no one around you in life due to your never ending abuse you dish to even those closest to you that you love the most. Did I hit the nail on the head?? Either way, you appear to be emotionless when it comes to people. Therefore, my advice to all is to stay away from such behavior because throughout history and by popular pattern people like you are very dangerous. :)

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