Pelaminan Aceh

in #aceh-trades7 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum sahabat stemian !



Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang pelaminan Aceh. Setiap daerah memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda. Begitu juga dengan Aceh. Pelaminan Aceh ini dibuat sangat unik, kain yang dibordir dengan motif bermacam ragam. Mulai dari Pucuk Rebung, Bunga dll. Kemudian dibentuk menggunakan kerangka yang bermacam ragam.
Sedangkan untuk warnanya juga memiliki arti tersendiri.

Berikut arti warna pada pelaminan Aceh :
Merah : Menunjukkan keberanian
Kuning : Mencerminkan kebersamaann
Hijau : Melambangkan kedamaian di dalam kehidupan masyarakat Aceh

Semoga postingan saya akan bermanfaat
Tunggu postingan menarik lainnya ya sahabat stemian !!!


On this occasion I will explain about Aceh plaque. Each region has different characteristics. So it is with Aceh. Aceh's wedding is made very unique, embroidered cloth with various motifs. Starting from Pebuk Rebung, Flower etc. Then formed using a variety of skeletons.
As for the color also has its own meaning.

Here is the meaning of color on Aceh's altar:
Red: Showing courage
Yellow: Reflects togetherness
Green: It symbolizes peace in the life of the people of Aceh

Hopefully my post will be useful
Wait for another interesting post ya stemian friend !!!


On this occasion I will explain about Aceh plaque. Each region has different characteristics. So it is with Aceh. Aceh's wedding is made very unique, embroidered cloth with various motifs. Starting from Pebuk Rebung, Flower etc. Then formed using a variety of skeletons.
As for the color also has its own meaning.

Here is the meaning of color on Aceh's altar:
Red: Showing courage
Yellow: Reflects togetherness
Green: It symbolizes peace in the life of the people of Aceh

Hopefully my post will be useful
Wait for another interesting post ya stemian friend !!!
Keep follow me @veer .

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