in #aceh7 years ago (edited)


Monas Of Aceh

Tugu yang berada di taman hijriah meulaboh, atau sering dibilang tugu monas aceh yang berada di jalan nasional, meulaboh aceh barat. Foto tersebut diambil menggunakan camera hp samsung j1 2016 dan di edit dengan menggunakan aplikasi snapseed yang berada di playstore
Monument located in the park hijriah meulaboh, or often spelled monument aceh monas in the national road, meulaboh aceh west. The photo was taken using camera hp samsung j1 2016 and edited using snapseed aplication which is in playstore.

Awesome! Nice post amin.mbo
Today I motivated myself by just saying: "Be a soul filled with love".

It was my mantra today. It can be love for anything. For your job, your passion, a person or just being happy you're on this earth.

Be a soul filled with love.

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