Buffalo water, a natural charm of the Krueng Keumala
Hello everyone, Krueng Keumala is a trajectory of water coming down from the inland Tangse and empties into the seaside town of Sigli and is the highest point in the water buffalo found that soaking in it.
Upon arrival I was some time ago to Keumala, there are a tourism object named Krueng Keumala, in the river, air leisure travelers on holiday, they usually eat with his family on the river bank.
Not only the natural beauty of the course, here too there are many people who still maintain tadional indigenous forests and the region is still very natural without a touch of modernity that occurred from the city.
Come to this area is easy we only have to travel about 3 hours from downtown Sigli, when arriving here you will be amazed to see its natural beauty.
Buffalo Water
Wikipedia source said. The buffalo is an animal ruminant livestock that became for many nations in the world, especially Asia. This animal was domesticated from wild buffalo (Indians call Arni) which can still be found in areas of Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam, China, Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Thailand.
Currently the population of buffalo in Asia began to decline and it is feared in the future there will be no wild buffalo population can be found. Adult buffalo can weigh about 300 kg to 600 kg. Wild buffalo can weigh more, wild buffalo females can weigh up to 800 kg and male wild buffalo can weigh up to 1200 kg. The average weight of male buffalo is 900 kg and average height at the shoulders buffalo is 1.7 meters.
One of the distinguishing features of the wild buffalo buffalo buffalo pet is that the pet has a rounded belly. With the descent mixing between the bulls among different populations, buffalo weight can vary.
ka lom, u keumala tema
Right @silvia :)
Kakeuh meuhan lon jak bak droen jeut...
jet, urou raya entrek ne jak me jamei
Uroe raya lonjak, Trep that agoe....
njan kadang kujak lam lam paya hare...
njoe teungoh kuh di manda atteujeh kuh....
Njoe uroe raya kadang ka lam paya :D :D