Boiling banana ( pisang teurebôh )

in #aceh7 years ago

Dear steemian...

Good night steemian
Tonight we try cheap food but no less delicious. The material is very easy. Bananas on the stew. grated coconut. Sugar and salt. The way is very easy. Boiled bananas after boiling. Lift and drain. Then cut the banana according to taste. Sprinkle grated coconut with sugar and salt to taste. Banana coconut ready to serve. Serve while warm more delicious. Enjoy. This food is also suitable in eating in cold weather. image

Selamat malam steemian....
malam ini kita mencoba makanan murah meriah tapi tidak kalah lezatnya. bahannya sangat gampang. pisang di rebus. parutan kelapa. gula dan garam. caranya pun sangat mudah. rebus pisang setelah mendidih. angkat dan tiriskan. lalu potong pisang sesuai selera. taburi parutan kelapa beri gula dan garam secukupnya. pisang kelapa siap di hidangkan.hidangkan selagi hangat lebih nikmat. selamat menikmati. makanan ini juga cocok di makan di saat cuaca dingin.

Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk membaca postingan saya. Jika anda memiliki waktu luang anda bisa mengunjungi blog saya dan ikuti saya @zye

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. If you have free time you can visit my blog and follow me @zye

Happy nice day and have a good activity 😉😉😉

Sweet regards @zye


Gorgeous astrophotography @zye

WOW YOUR PICS ARE AMAZING keep exploring @zye

Woww. Looks so delicious. Thanks for the post. You write some great articles. Cheers @zye