Apa Untung dan Ruginya Bergabung dengan Actioncoin!? {What are the advantages and disadvantages of joining Actioncoin !?}

in #actioncoin7 years ago (edited)

Hai sahabat Steemit semua. Kalian semua masih dalam keadaan baik-baik saja bukan!?


Kunjungi Web Actioncoin klik disini

Join segera.

Atau klik link ; https://affiliates.actioncoin.io/7741.html

The Action Coin Platform represents over 400,000 Action collectors and customers from more than 200 countries and territories. It is the basis of an incentive-driven rewards program with “points” that are rewarded in the form of a decentralized, blockchain-based digital asset known as Action (“ACTN”). Action may be redeemed for member-only discounts on a growing list of products and services offered through our business network.

Action Coin

Bagaimana pendapat kalian dengan Actioncoin? Apa kalian sudah mendaftar?
Saya melihat pada jalur lalu lintas log saya di Platform akun Actioncoin saya, dari total 62 pengunjung pada postingan saya kemarin, 24 diantaranya telah mengunjungi web Actioncoin. Dan 2 diantaranya telah mengambil tindakan pintar dengan mendaftar menjadi bagian dari pengguna di Platform yang akan rilis pada 1 Maret mendatang. Dari yang saya amati diatas, saya menduga ada 3 kemungkinan penyebabnya.

1 - Besarnya rasa curiga/takut rugi(skeptis). Padahal jika di analisa "dengan hanya mendaftar akan mendapatkan 1000 ATCN gratis", itu tidak akan dirugikan jika coin yang telah didapatkan itu tidak jadi rilis. Karena kita tidak mengeluarkan modal nyata. Artinya, bahkan kita akan merasa rugi jika suatu hari nanti ATCN benar-benar dirilis pada Airdrop NXT Maret depan, dan hanya melihat sambil gigit jari jika ATCN akan benar-benar senilai 1 USD/ATCN. Hal seperti itu sudah kita lihat sekarang bagaiman pada Awal kemunculan Steemit. Banyak yang menyepelekan, tapi sekarang mereka sibuk berusaha membuat akun, bahkan ada yang mau membayar jasa orang lain hingga 300 ribu rupiah untuk membuat akun steemit. "Hidup ini adalah pertaruhan antara menang dan kalah, tapi anda tidak akan menang jika anda tidak berani untuk kalah."

2 - Tidak mengerti/tidak tuhu cara mendaftarnya. Cara mendaftarnya mudah, anda hanya tinggal ikuti petunjuk di platform, atau bisa juga cari di google. Atau lihat post Tutorial cara daftar akun actioncoin saya minggu lalu. Tapi anda tidak bisa mendaftar disana, link nya sudah rusak.

3 - Sudah mendaftar.
Saya ucapkan SELAMAT bergabung di Platform Actioncoin . Karena talah berani mengambil tidakan untuk kalah, maka 50% kemenangan sudah ada ditangan anda.

Action Coindiwakili oleh tim individu berbakat, diambil dari beragam latar belakang bisnis dan teknis.
Apakah Anda memiliki kontak, pengalaman dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk mewakili dan mempromosikan Platform Coin Aksi dengan benar ke bisnis lokal, sebagai imbalan atas Penawaran Uang Coin yang Menyenangkan? Klik di sini untuk mengakses formulir aplikasi Brand Ambassador kami, dan beritahu kami semua tentang Anda!
Kami memiliki lebih dari 55 Sukarelawan Sukarelawan yang berada di lebih dari 20 negara. Orang-orang ini memiliki pengetahuan lokal tentang proyek Coin Aksi yang mendalam, dan banyak di antaranya dapat dicapai melalui meja bantuan. Silakan merujuk pada basis pengetahuan kami untuk jawaban atas pertanyaan yang paling umum.

Action Coin

By @toniesteem


Steemit's best friend all. All of you are still in good condition is not it !?

Action Coin

Visit Web Actioncoin click here

Join immediately.

Or click the link; https://affiliates.actioncoin.io/7741.html

The Action Coin Platform represents over 400,000 200 countries and territories. It is the basis of an incentive-driven rewards program with "points" that are rewarded in the form of a decentralized, blockchain-based digital asset known as Action ("ACTN"). Action may be redeemed for member-only discounts on a growing list of products and services offered through our business network.

How do you think with Actioncoin? Have you signed up already?
I am looking at my traffic log on the Platform of my Actioncoin account, out of a total of 62 visitors on my post yesterday, 24 among them have visited Actioncoin web. And 2 of them have taken smart action by signing up to become part of the users on the Platform which will be released on March 1st. From what I observed above, I suspect there are three possible causes.

1 - The amount of suspicion/fear loss (skeptic). Though if the analysis "with only register will get 1000 free ATCN", it will not be harmed if the coin that has been obtained it not so release. Because we do not spend real capital. That is, even we will feel a loss if one day ATCN actually released on Airdrop NXT next March, and just see while biting the finger if ATCN will really worth 1 USD / ATCN. Things like that we have seen now how in the Beginning of Steemit. Many are underestimated, but now they are busy trying to create an account, some even want to pay someone else's services up to 300 thousand dollars to create a steemit account. "Life is a bet between winning and losing, but you will not win if you do not dare to lose."

2 - Do not understand / do not know how to register. How to register easy, you just follow the instructions on the platform, or can also search on google. Or see post How-to-actionco account list tutorial I was last week. But you can not register there, the link is damaged.

3 - Already signed up.
I say WELCOME to join the Actioncoin Platform. Because dalah take the action to lose, then 50% of the victory already in your hands.

Action Coin is represented by a team of talented individuals, drawn from a variety of business and technical backgrounds.
Do you have the contacts, experience and skills necessary to properly represent and promote the Platform Coin Action to a local business, in return for an Exciting Money Coin Offer? Click here to access our Brand Ambassador application form, and let us know all about you!
We have more than 55 Volunteer Volunteers located in more than 20 countries. These people have local knowledge of the deep Coin Action project, and many of them can be reached through the help desk. Please refer to our knowledge base for answers to the most common questions.

Action Coin

By @toniesteem


very good and helpful information, thanks for sharing @toniesteem

Thank you my friend @fajri26. I hope you have registered in actioncoin

This wonderful post has received a @toniesteem 6.46% upvote from @mrswhale. Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/WVJW7AC Please vote with the link below if you support our project. https://goo.gl/1zYDKh

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 0.90% vote... I was summoned by @toniesteem! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

This wonderful post has received a @toniesteem 10.89% upvote from @hellowhale. Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/WVJW7AC Please vote with the link below if you support our project. https://goo.gl/1zYDKh