Actions of the Day

Challenge Set Up

Complete a different action every weekday for as many days as possible. I posted these on FB as Actions of the Day (AotD) and encourage others to complete the action as well.

Why This Challenge?

Before I learned about micro-resolutions and the you-app, I felt a little slump in my routine – it was like I wasn’t completing anything important for the day. Progress felt slow and also insignificant. I think I was working so closely towards a larger goal that I forgot about all the fun smaller goals along the way. Each day, I wrote a simple action that I could complete and looked to maintain these smaller actions throughout my regular schedule.

  1. AotD #1: Take 5 minutes and stretch – I was able to continue doing this throughout the week
  2. AotD #2: Plan 3 things you will get done today and Visualize them being done. Make these tasks realistic.
  3. AotD #3: Plan a trip you can take in one month
  4. AotD #4: Read up about a cool new technology topic – I suggest blockchain
  5. AotD #5: Take a photo with a friend
  6. AotD #6: Find 3 things in common with a stranger at your next networking event
  7. AotD #7: Write a journal entry with 3 things you loved about the day
  8. AotD #8: Take a different commute route to work
  9. AotD #9: it’s getting cold out. Donate those clothes you don’t wear anymore
  10. AotD #10: Find a new place to eat for lunch. I suggest Frank’s bbq.
  11. AotD #11: Contact someone you haven’t spoken to in 3 months
  12. AotD #12: Write down your Most Important Things. What is this?
  13. AotD #13: Listen to a new podcast during your commute to work
  14. AotD #14: Try a new scotch (if you’re into that type of thing)
  15. AotD #15: Cancel your plans (take a sick day or don’t go to that networking event). You’ve been doing great and need to focus on decompressing today.
  16. AotD #16: Send a postcard to someone
  17. AotD #17: Buy your parents a gift and send it to them with a note.
  18. AotD #18: Share one of your friend’s accomplishments.
  19. AotD #19: Write a recap and reflection of 2015.
  20. AotD #21: Don’t eat meat today. Why? It’s good to take a break.
  21. AotD #20: if you haven’t already, call your parents and tell them you love them
  22. AotD #22: Learn a new vocabulary word and use it as much as you can in conversation.
  23. AotD #23: Find out what you can organize in your apartment/house and do it. I threw out all my mismatched socks.
  24. AotD #24: Write down all the things that stress you out. What’s on your mind and what can you do about them?
  25. AotD #25: Update your wish list. This is a list of purchases or goals that you’re aiming towards. Maybe you’re saving money to get that new coat or vacation days for that upcoming trip.
  26. AotD #26: Unsubscribe to email lists you wind up just archiving. If you haven’t opened and learning from one in the past 2 weeks, you don’t need it.
  27. AotD #27: Surprise your significant other with an experiential gift. This could be a massage or dinner out.
  28. AotD #28: Plan your 2016 new years resolutions (and how you’ll keep them)
  29. AotD #29: Write a thank you letter/card to someone at work or at home.
  30. AotD #30: Write down all the promises you made and try to keep them
  31. AotD #31: Make a happiness jar and place those Random happy thoughts in there daily. Try to make it a physical jar with handwritten notes. Good memories take 40 seconds to imprint into long term smiles.
  32. AotD #32: Think about death and being more present. What really matters to you and what micro decisions do you make about time management?
  33. AotD #33: Plan a curriculum for your self improvement.
  34. AotD #34: Find a reason to give a high five today and give one to someone. High five!
  35. AotD #35: Listen to your favorite song. Why is it your favorite? What made it your favorite? When did you last hear it?
  36. AotD #36: Make plans with someone and actually keep them. See you at spin at noon, tt addicts.
  37. AotD #37: Sing a song in the shower. Maybe it’s your favorite song. Hopefully it’s bohemian rhapsody.
  38. AotD #38: Don’t bring your headphones today. Look around and observe.
  39. AotD #39: Ask for help from a friend. It’s better to be clear about what you’re looking to accomplish and then complete it together #cocreate
  40. AotD #40: Tweak your routine with experiments. Move all the essentials you need to leave in one place (wallet, keys, metrocard, hat, gloves, backpack, etc) within 5 feet of each other.
  41. AotD #41: Check up on those new years resolutions. Are you closer with creating positive habits?
  42. AotD #42: Introduce some spontaneity and randomness to look for improvements in efficiency.
  43. AotD #43: Learn deeper about your most passionate subject. Befriend someone who also shares this passion.
  44. AotD #44: Simplify your fashion style. Remove the number of clothing permutations and focus on outfits for occasion.
  45. AotD #45: Don’t just be a spectator, be a participant. If you ask, your help is usually welcomed.
  46. AotD #46: Write your new micro resolutions for a new month.
  47. AotD #47: Take a nap and start over. The day can always restart.
  48. AotD #48: Fight for your right to party
  49. AotD #49: Don’t be the first to complain about anything today. You are the still pond reflecting positive energy.
  50. AotD #50: Ask a silly question. “Why did they make a highway to the danger zone?”
  51. AotD #51: Fold origami. It’s really relaxing.

What’s Next?

The challenge ended arbitrarily, but it has not been forgotten. I think I liked the Questions of the Day a little bit better because it encouraged more interaction and a simpler response. In the long run, I do feel like there have been some great habits that formed from reflecting on my vision of success for the day. The small actions truly do make big changes.

~See Lemons Stay Active 

#actionoftheday #actions #actionsoftheday #aotd #fbactionoftheday

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