
Maybe the sun will have to fire up a CME and take this offline...just as devastating for humans ...but at least the plants will have a chance.

Thanks Max!

Thanks for all the information you have ben puting out there Max, as for this piece its craking rigth on the mouche, we need something to take effect emediately, the non compliance issue is in my humble opinion the only solution in the short run, but is very hard to put people on the mood for it, as for me i stoped cooperating directly with the system a few years ago, first it was the taxes of social security, afther a few motnhs working as designer in an office of some archictects, the office was visited by a tax supervisor,he afther talking whith me, as i was the only one in office that day, and having answered all his questions only to become aware that i was in fault whit social security, so he then passes me an Interest fine saing thath i should pay the fine and register as to pay all months the social contrat fee. So i did'nt pay the fine nor the fee and as soon as i was able i lefth that job and the green receipts (it's called this way in portugal the taxacion for people doing indepedent work ) this for me was unacceptable so i decided there some twenty years ago not to go for their rules for it didn't seemed rigth to me, i kept on doing the same kind off job all this years but im not delivering any taxes and i'm not enrolled in any legal activity, then some years later the banks started demanding for maintenance fees, so i was almost bankrupt the job was poor and this guys whanted to robe me so i say f* you i will not pay you so you can play whith my money, and i closed my two bank accounts, so this was around 2004, up till now i've been living this way and it's been working, no compliance were ever i can , i tried to speak out to freinds and family, they see the problem but for them to quit it´s harder ...
We all aroud the globe are able to created something like you mention in your previous talks, i't woul be a kind of leverage for people to get inspired and stop folowing all the rules and legislation of goverment. it´s a starting point for people to feel their live is in their hands, and that they must take control before it´s to late...
Anyway thanks again for your work, for listening and for we should all say "in la kesh" brother!

Hi Max
Thank you for your insight yes unfortunately very few people are aware of this coordinated effort by Globalist to turn us into a mixture of bio and AI beings. I think we need a "Deux Ex-machina" solution to this. The only good thing I probably won't be around to experience it. But you keep up the good work. By the way this hole idea is been around for almost 30 years read thiis article from The Economist: “GET READY FOR A WORLD CURRENCY”
Title of article: Get Ready for the Phoenix
Source: Economist; 01/9/88, Vol. 306, pp 9-10
30 years man and only a few people notice it. The old Roman proverb: "panem et circenses" meaning (bread and games).
It seems so true history just keeps repeating itself and those who don't learn from it tend to repeat it and this is how we have been manipulated over thousands of years.

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