How I became a Volunteer, why I LOVE it and why YOU should consider...

in #activism8 years ago (edited)

Don't you wish you can dedicate all your valuable time on the things you're passionate about? I know I do... Turning your hobby into a Job is for most just a dream. It's exactly what I did from 1984 - 2012, full time. 

I was able to turn my talent into an income stream.
I was a professional DJ, earning from scrappy wages till heavily overpaid gigs.  
Club hopping all my life.

The DJ job did treat me well though, in my best times (mid-late 90's, early 00's), all trees grew to the sky and beyond, a pretty much careless life.
Years go by, getting older, clubbing became less popular under young people and clubs start to struggle to survive.
Festivals became the new game, festivals only engage "super-star" DJ's, while not being one of them, I shifted my territory to the private and corporate sector and did well for several years after.

Living a careless life is kind of nice, but it is also very empty.
In the scene, I saw a lot of drug and alcohol abuse.
Kids start doing these things a very young age nowadays.
It's very sad to witness.
Luckily I was able to stay away from drugs and always enjoyed alcohol in "healthy" levels. 

Around 2005 I became more interested in my surroundings.
Global warming became a "hot" topic.

One question didn't let go anymore: "Why are we using (abusing) all our natural resources in an untenable fashion." Was nobody seeing and caring we can't go on like that?
Especially our major resource for energy, oil and gas, controlled by only a few major players in the world, got exploited and speculated with to the max. The financial aspect is for a later writing. 

YouTube became my number 1 resource for learning and getting my questions answered. I've spent countless hours watching documentaries and short videos. I stumbled upon the work of Nicola Tesla and guys like John Bedini and Tom Bearden to name a few. They all talked about extraordinary technologies that never got materialized and commercialized, even got suppressed. Why? The general short answer is, the powers that be can't put a meter on it... 

I had to meet these guys. How? I couldn't afford a ticket or several tickets to attend their annual conferences, held in New Mexico and Idaho USA... 

Oh, hang on, wait a minute... Many of the USA conference speakers are lined up for a conference in my home country, the Netherlands? It was late 2012, I had to be there, but still no € to purchase even a ticket for that close by event. 

I contacted the organization and offered my service as a DJ for conference breaks and after party.
They accepted the offer and I found my way in. 2012 (Global Breakthrough Energy Movement) became the most exciting event I've ever attended up till that point.
I was able to meet the most exciting people and talk to them face to face. The whole event felt like a warm blanket. 

The awesome guys that put the conference together became good friends. I became their FaceBook promoter and a helpful extra pair of hands. The last 2 conferences we put together I became valuable as a link in the Audio/Video team.

For the last '16 conference, I pushed my FaceBook promotional skills to the max, however, something was wrong... More on that in a later post.
The attendance count was low this time. Lots of financial patchwork and compromises had to be made.
At this point we're still looking into ways to continue our mission being:

1 Conferences

We annually unite great minds and innovators from all over the world so they can share their knowledge, present their technologies and discuss further steps for development and deployment of Breakthrough Energy Technologies.

2 Media

We create media for the purpose of informing and activating the broader public about the history, mechanics and implications of Breakthrough Energy Technologies.

3 Movement

We act as a facilitator for a global community, a reunion of humanity calling for the new energy paradigm.

So far it's been a great ride to be part of this team. I'm sure we find a way to come up with the best conference next year. Do you have a promotional skill, do you know your way around Twitter or any other platform? Can you edit video, are you a team player... any other value you think you can add? Able to support us monetarily? Like to donate, or become an investor? Contact us via:

Are you interested in our 2016 content? Go to:

I can imagine this "Energy Thingy" is not YOUR cup of Thee. |
I still recommend you start doing some voluntary work, there is so much to do.  

Just pick YOUR TOPIC and see what you can do, even if it's just 1 hour a week.
I was looking into ways to go full time. (Unfortunately, that failed, see my article here:
It will fill your mind and soul with true happiness, and that's a promise!!!


All my Steemit contributions can be found here: 

Please check my introduction and hit follow. Thanks.


There is a difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

Take care:
