Climbing the mountain burni telong

in #adventure7 years ago (edited)

Climbing Mount Burni Telong in early 2014, is my first climb in Gayo Land. Mount Burni Telong is the 10th highest mountain in Aceh province. The height of Mount Burni Telong reaches 2,670 Mdpl.

Mount Burni Telong is famous for the beauty of Edelwies field, which at an altitude of 2200 Mdpl can already be found shoots Edelwies plants around the summit path. Lucky as we climb Mount Burni The flowered eggs that can only grow on this plateau are in the flowering season.

Mount Burni Telong is located in Bener Meriah Regency. The climbing route that we traveled through Bandar Lampahan route, in Rembune Village. According to the information we get other than through this route can also be through Pante Raya Route, but Pante Raya Route is very time consuming, because Bandar Lampahan route is more often chosen by the climbers.

The route to the foot of the mountain begins with a journey from Simpang Lampahan (if the trip from Bireuen, Simpang Lampahan is on the left side of the road, because this intersection has no name plank should bole asked to people around the location of Bandar Lampahan Hot Water Baths, this bath is more Popular from any location in the city of Lamapahan). From the intersection Lampahan into the walk about 2-3 km, although the road is asphalted but the tanjakannya enough drain calf muscles. As a sign that we have arrived at Rembune Village, there is a simple gate made of iron plate that reads Welcome to Rembune Village.

In Desa Rembune, POS is available which is managed by the village youth. In this POS every climber must leave the identity card and pay the levy seiklasnya, generally the climber gives Rp. 5000- / person. For those who bring a motor / train can dititip in this POS. Even for beginners POS also provides a guide to help climbers to get to the top (about the tariff for guide services, we have not had time to ask, hehe).

From POS Rembune if we go on a motorcycle can ask on the shuttle to the foot of the mountain, the distance is about 3 km. Twice I climbed Mount Burni Telong always arrived at Rembune Village on the dark day, the first at 9 pm, to two hours 6 am, so I was always in the dark towards the foot of the mountain, mungkim because that is also the population willing to take to the foot of the mountain .


Morning On January 20, 2014, the air still felt so cold to us, people who were used to the coastal weather, eagerly early in the morning, on a dark day we had finished breakfast. At 8 am we were done with packing. We are ready to start the journey (trakking).

The first fifteen minutes we will walk through the coffee plantation, the path here is still sloping, after passing through the coffee plantation, we will pass the vegetable garden, in this vegetable plantation we will not find the big trees. In the plantations that we pass this we will often greet with the local farmers, even sometimes they first greet us, Gayo land people are really very friendly,

Past the vegetable garden, directly in the presence of a high-backed hill, the track is about 100 meters but enough to force us to stop to rest. Nahhh, after passing through the hill, the journey directly into the jungle jungle, does not take long, just 10 minutes journey just sunlight is difficult to penetrate the shade of tree leaves in the forest.

The track for 2 hours is still clear to follow, which is difficult when it comes to fallen tree lanes, here there is a Three intersection, to the right, to the left and from where we come. As we hiked long enough to circle at this intersection, we chose the jalir on the right, which after the ascent we know that this path du use for the hunters of animals, because that is the path of mutar-mutar. We spent an hour spinning in the path, finally we returned to the third intersection, and select the left lane, and it turns out that we smoothly continue to follow the path. On this path we did not find a confusing crossroads, we smoothly trus ngetrek with the spirit of steel.

Four hours already we split the forest of Burni Mountain Telong, climbing, sagging, hanging, jumping is the way to pass through the Burni Telong Mountain field. Naturally this path has a Vertical track, because Bandar Lampahan route is open to speed up the distance to the top of Mount Burni Telong. So do not expect a lot of ramps, just enjoy Mennnn. It took us six hours to get to Shelter Camp, although tired, tired but the jungle was different from the city's air, no matter what body, the air we breathe was cool and always refreshingly fast.


Because it was late afternoon, we were looking for wood for the bonfire, we hoped that before the curfew arrived we could calm down inside the tent. Need to know, for climbers who want to find firewood in Burni Telong, you should not mengambik wood around Shelter Camp, in addition to the wood here is difficult to burn because wet, Shelter Camp location is also already seen bald, so our advice just look for wood Around the summit line. Along the path of summit many dry branches that can be burned, it means that plants grow on volcanic rock, so easy to dry and good for firewood.

One more survival tips at Mount Burni Telong, do not forget to bring enough drinking water supply from the foot of the mountain, because the water source is not here. But if for BAB, do not worry there bnyak bottle aqua tied tree-lined around Shelter Camp. Water that is stored in aqua bottles is in addition to the CHAPTER can also be used as alternative water, if necessary.

It was late dawn we wake up, wake up is actually fast but nobody wants to come out of the tent, know the coastal child is on the mountain, cold xxxx we think makkkk ,,,. So we started the summit at six o'clock in the morning, up to the peak of nine o'clock. The sun is bright, Sunrise has become SunHot.

In the path of summit we will be spoiled by a dream hiker's dream, the eternal Edelwies. Yes, almost along the summit line can be encountered in this rare plant. In the hope that the climbers do not pick flowers, you will feel guilty in the future, just take a picture of it or berselii ria with a beautiful resident vulcano.

the summit

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