in #advice6 years ago


Remove sex from a relationship and most girls don't have anything else to offer. Can you support him Spiritually,mentally and physically? All you do is demand money and make him spend unnecessarily. Have you ever sat him down and help him plan his future? If Yes, then kudos to you. Are you someone he can confide in? Does he ask advice from you? Be that woman that your man can never afford to lose to another man. Build your man to your taste. The goal is figuring out what you can do that adds enhancement, value and completion to your relationship. Don't expect anything from your man that you are not willing to offer him yourself.

You are not married yet, Sex is for MARRIAGE. No matter how we try to paint or justify premarital sex, it is Fornication. With this knowledge, I believe in our relationship, we should focus more on our spiritual,physical, mental and financial development. Sex is what you will enjoy when you get married, so, why rush into it now? Don't become a used product. You are beautiful, intelligent, purposeful, a queen and you are the best. Do not allow anyone not worthy of you misuse you. It is high time we know our value and worth. Stop being sex machines. Be that lady that a man would not want to loose to another man even when sex is absent. Relationship goes beyond sex, you are priceless.

I would love a generation we all detest fornication, even when pressure comes in a very hard way, we'll keep ourselves for our husbands who deserve and respect us. Sex is vital in marriage but outside marriage, it is wrong. Let us live better, let us build capacity and become dignified. We know our worth! No one can trample on us! Never!



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