"SEC | S20W1: Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture"

in #agro-s20w19 days ago

Hello friends greetings I am happy to participate in one of the interesting topic which is obviously the basic one to be consider, thank you respected team give me chance to share my knowledge about the topic of "SEC | S20W1: Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture"


1: Describe in detail how agricultural productivity is affected by climate change.

Well we should know it climate has changed rapidly if it e exerted effects on lives definitely it stronger impact on agricultural productivity. I will discuss few factors which are adversely affected crop productivity.

Variation in temperature of the globe

As we clearly knew the temperature is changing day by day we are racing long summers with maximum rise in temperature like in Pakistan it reached towards 48°c which is really alarmingly for crops.


Such adverse temperature caused heat stress to the crops and definitely changed the growing pattern of the fields, moreover the production of crop is also reduced because due to severe heat crops are burned mostly especially the rice crop and maize crops in Pakistan.

Changes in weather

As now a days we have observe sudden there is drought periods for long time and then the rain is started for days and such conditions are not favorable for the crops.

When there is no rain for longer time and the farmer rely on rain water only it may caused drought situation and soil water retention capacity is affected.

As in longer time of rain the flooding situations exists which may affected the soil and crop badly due to water logging situations and crop may fall and some times burnt due to water holding capacity of soil, as it did allowed the absorbtion of enough oxygen to be penetrated in the roots, both factors may become reason of lower crop yield due to nutrients recycle contents of the soil.

Severe climate conditions

As farmers are used to grown crops according to climate conditions but as the climate is changing very fastly the farmer has to face the issues of crop germination and also growth because an optimum temperature is not existence where crops can grow with similar pattern.

Nutrients deficiency

As I have discuss above the rainfall and flooding conditions along with the drought may affected the nutrients percolator capacity of the soil. Enough nutrients are not available for crop growth more over in flooding conditions these are leached down deeper and sometimes the nutrients present on the top layer are vanished leafs the soil towards barren situations, therefore farmers need more fertilize to overcome these needs and they could get proper yield from the soil as fertility is reduces.

Shortage of food

All these factors ultimately may become the reason of the Short crops productivity obviously when its production is deduced we will observe the rise the prices of the crops and other eatables which is burden for the whole nation. Hence the economic situation of the country will suffering badly due to above mention factors. Food shortage and import from the other country will put pressure on country overall economy.

2: Discuss how extreme rains and extreme droughts damage crops.

Hence the extreme rain and drought both are toxic for crops and will exerted negative impact on yield.

What is impact of extreme rain?

As there would be more rains water holding capacity of roots would be destroyed and water would be logged down in the roots. This is very adverse because the anoxic situations exists and eoungh oxygen is not available for the crops to live.


This factor if prolong for longer time time it may cause water stress and plants couldn't survive for many days ultimately death may occurred.

Top layer destruction

Heavy rainfall may disturbing the top layer if the soil and nutrients deficiency existence there, nutrients would be leached down to the lower roots and may become unavailable to the plants and already anoxic condition is there. Hence removal of the top soil become the cause of the erosions too top fertile soil is destroyed and fertility of soil is badly affected.

Pest growth

As water logged is there in deeper roots who h may become the reason of pest growth and the yield and growth of crop may suffer badly. All these factors may become the major factors for reduced crop yield.

What is impact of extreme droughts?

Hence if there is drought periods for the longer time these are not safe for plant growth and overall yields. Because it may become the chief factor for the water stressed and the plant could not survive for longer time period.


It starts wilted and the grain productions and overall yields reduced to less than half if it still persist to grown.

Nutrients availability

Furthermore longer drought periods also reduced the nutrients available to the plants for grown and there would be minimum nutrients available to the crops for proper yield.

High temperature

As drought may occurred due to heat or temperature stress and both are linked together obviously its not healthy for proper growth and become the reason of crop destruction with lower productivity.

If Farmer adopt few strategy to cope with the adverse situation he may become successful in getting better yields from the crops.

Few are as following.

  • As in plain area water management is done through the proper irrigation system to cope with these adverse conditions. The installed of tube well would be helpful in overcome drought situations.

  • The area's where proper irrigation water is not the rain water may be collection and storage may proved successful strategies to cope with drought if it prolong for longer time.

  • If there is severely drought season exist the farmer should move towards drought resistance varieties which can withstand with these adverse climatic conditions.

3: Discuss in stages how new pests and diseases are emerging as a result of climate change AND what measures farmers can take to prevent them.

As I have discuss in above passage the environmental condition are changed greatly due to human activities which are not healthy for any living beings and crops.

As we obverse more rapid changes in temperature in sense of rise, it become the sources of growth of different pest and diseases for the crops.

  • Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns alter ecosystems, creating ideal conditions for new pests and diseases to emerge. Such organisms started proliferation in these adverse environment and become the source of danger for reduced crop yield in longer term.

  • When there is new connection of host and pathogen makers, this bonding is alarming for crop vigour and the pathogen invades rapidly around crops.

  • As there is new onset of diseases in crop farmers may become worry to cope with these advance level of pests and diseases but he needs to adoption of few strategy in order to overcome the losses of crop yields.

How to overcome or mitigation?

  • Farmers needs to be very careful in noticed the signs on crops especially leaves and stem if he found any unusual signs and patches obviously he needs to adopt management otherwise pathogen grown very fastly.

  • The crop rotation is very successful strategies which may proven to be good while cope with adversely conditions, hence crop rotation will proved a good option and pest growth may be reduced.

  • The farmer needs to be very careful while maintain the vigour of top layer so that overall fertility of soil may not affected and will enable4 the crop to be grow better coping with Pests and diseases.

  • The farmers needs toove towards hybrid varieties which has better genetic engineering and cope with the present climactic conditions.

  • In the last farmers needs to update their knowing about the latest research and how to cope with climate otherwise he would be failed to get better yield.

4:Discuss what changes in irrigation systems are required due to climate change.

As water shortage is becoming global issue still few changes may proved useful to cope with climate changes.

  • As extreme weather caused the run off water very fast and drought may occurred but if we adopt the strategy of drip irrigation or mulch it may become very effective to deals with climate changes.

  • Still there is need to know how much water is required to a specific area of crop because farmer loss excess water which doing irrigation, so proper knowledge is still helpful.


  • Drought resistance varieties may adopted and endure better in dry seasons because if the Farmer couldn't store water during raining seasons he will suffer drought for more periods, hence the resisted varieties may survive for longer time period.

  • Water recycling technique may adopted although its cost effective but still its better to grow crop with recycling water contents. But all these management needs the education and training of the farmer which are still adopted the old technology for crops and could no get proper yield according to the expenses.

  • if Farmer adopt these strategy timeline GE would be successful in getting more yields from the crop while mitigate the adversely climate which is definitely prevalent all around the globe.

<5: Explain the two best ways to respond to climate change.

I will discuss the most appropriate ways which may be adopted.

How to alleviateBest strategies to be adopted
1: As Carbon dioxide is main factor in changing climate we should moved towards other energy sources as wind or solarFarmers should aware the changing climate conditions
2: The efficient system for transportation in order to overcome excessive CO2 emissionsUsed of resistant crop with new hybrid genetic markers which can withstand with adverse environment
3: More plantations of trees by everyone otherwise it would be very late to stop excessive rise in temperatureimprove water irrigation system with proper knowledge and training of the farmers

All these management would be prove useful while mitigate the adversely conditions of the climate.

Its all about my today's post.

I would invite my friends @suboohi, @Jannat12 and @ashkhan to take part in the challenge.


Welcome to the agro-learning challenge season 20.

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Observations and suggestions:

. You have shown good explanations in all task questions. Extreme rains and droughts are the two key challenges of farmers despite efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change. Climate change isn't solely in one man's control and hence makes it a complex one for resolution. How best we handle Temperature and precipitation variations would be of great essence to how agricultural productivity is improved.

You have made a publication. Thank you for your participation. We hope to see you in week 2. 😊


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