Heart’s affairs. What you need to do to make your heart strong and healthy

in #air-clinic6 years ago

Hello dear Steemians!

How often you think about your heart? Probably people do not often think about their heart. But they should. The heart is the most important organ. The organism is alive while the heart beats. But every year more and more people complain about heart problems. According to the World Health Organization, diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy a leading place among the causes of death. Modern lifestyle with stresses and malnutrition lead to premature death. So, what we need to do to get our heart strong and healthy?

The heart is a hollow fibrous-muscular organ that provides through repeated rhythmic contractions the flow of blood through the blood vessels. This organ receives blood from the venous trunks that enter it and pushes it into the arteries that adhere to the heart. The heart cavity is divided into two atria and two ventricles.


The shape of heart is not the same for different people. The heart’ shape is determined by age, gender, physique, health and other factors. It’s believed that the size of the human heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist, on average weighs 220-260grams, up to 500 grams (1.1pound).

Our heart works continuously. It has no days off and breaks. Therefore, for a stable and qualitative work of the heart, a human must take some measures.

Ecology of our planet, harmful food, and wrong way of life – all these factors negatively affect the work of the heart. So that’s why everyone must take care of their heart. First of all, you need to pay attention to your food. Food is one of the most important components of a person's life. Without food, person will not live long. But the food not only gives a reserve of energy to the body, but also has a different effect on all organs. Everyone knows that harmful food and alcohol adversely affect the work of almost all organs. Let's examine products that bring maximum benefit to the whole organism, and especially to our heart. So, the Top 10 products needed for heart health.

The most useful products

  • Fish.

Fish is very useful for the heart. Fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and trout contain many omega-3 fatty acids which are very useful, in contrast to the saturated fats found in most types of meat.


  • Nuts.

All nuts very useful for our heart, they strengthen it. Almonds, walnuts and macadamia contain many vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy fats. These fats raise the level of good cholesterol, and the "bad" cholesterol is transferred from the blood vessels to the liver, where it destroyed. Nuts also contain vitamin E, which protects the cells of the vessels damaged by free radicals.


  • Avocado.

Our Top-10 of healthy food continues avocados, rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and vitamin E. Add it to the salad to increase the absorption of carotenoids, such as spinach, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, that also protect the heart.


  • Dark chocolate.

The epicatechin contained in cocoa increases the concentration of nitric oxide - a key to the health of the blood vessels of the joint, helping to regulate blood pressure. Choose only dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%.


  • Garlic.

Garlic is a very useful product for our heart, as it contains more than 70 active substances that have a beneficial effect on the myocardium. Researchers from the University of Alabama came to the conclusion that the polysulphides contained in garlic, with help of red blood cells, are converted into hydrogen sulphide in the body, which reduces the tension of walls of the blood vessels. This activates blood flow and lowers blood pressure. Doctors from Argentina advice to crush a clove of garlic and, before adding it to the food, give it to lie down for about 30 minutes. So in it all the useful properties are activated as much as possible.


  • Olive oil.

Olive oil is suitable for almost any products, perfectly complementing the taste of your favourite dishes. The oil is rich in natural antioxidants - fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which protect the heart muscle from free radicals. Olive oil has high caloric value (898 kcal per 100 g), so that’s why best of all to use olive oil up to 1 tablespoon per day.


  • Tomatoes.

Tomatoes contain carotenoids and a powerful antioxidant lycopene. It lowers blood pressure and the level of "bad" cholesterol, thereby protecting the heart and blood vessels.


  • Apples.

Apples are rich of flavonoids - substances necessary for the prevention of coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, and they also reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. In addition, apples contain a phyto-element quercetin, which has not only antioxidant, but also anti-inflammatory properties, and also helps prevent thrombi.


  • Pomegranate.

Pomegranate improves the cardiovascular system. It contains polyphenols, which effectively reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. Also, polyphenols help improve blood circulation and prevent the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. It is advisable to use pomegranate in the form of freshly squeezed juice without sugar. Will be enough of 150 ml per day.


  • Berries.

Berries are nutritious, useful and slow down the aging process. Berries contain potassium, which removes excess fluid from the body, improves the heart and relieves swellings.


By using these products, the heart will be healthy. But in addition to healthy eating, do not forget about other factors affecting the work of heart. As already mentioned, alcohol is one of the biggest pests. Also do not forget about smoking. Smoking has a negative impact on heart and its work. Therefore, for the health of the heart and the whole body, it is worth abandoning these harmful habits.

What else to do?

In addition to useful heart’ products, do not forget about physical activity. Various studies show that walking with duration of only 1-2 hours per week (that is 15-20 minutes per day) reduces the likelihood of a heart attack, stroke or diabetes, reduces the risk of premature death.

Also, doctors recommend abandoning the lift. There is an opinion that every step passed extends life for one minute.


Nature has taken care of the longevity of our body. It has endowed the human heart with a power reserve that is enough for 150 years of full-fledged life. Scientists have conducted huge number of studies and have proven that person can easily live near about 120 years.

Nowadays the life expectancy by country is as follows:


Proper nutrition and sport - these all undoubtedly have a positive effect on our heart. But I also believe that another very important factor for heart health is our emotional condition. Modern life is filled with stress and bad emotions. People are constantly worried about something. All this has a negative effect on work of the heart. Whereas good mood and calm have a positive impact on heart and will prolong your life. It’s necessary not to succumb to the stresses and try to find positive moments even in bad situations. Therefore, often smile, eat right, work out, be healthy and live long!

Thank you for your attention.




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