in #air-clinic7 years ago

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"Forever young, I wanna be forever young, every body wants to live forever". This is a line from a popular musician which lends credence to the topic. Man is a mortal that goes through a life cycle. He is conceived and given birth to, lives to a ripe age and dies. Some people even experience death at a young age. That is the price that man paid for disobeying God.
A popular electronic brand has as its motto "Life is Good". The world is a beautiful place and people want to enjoy life to its fullest. Nobody wants to die. The thought of it alone sends shivers down their spine.
According to Lenrie Peters in his poem "The Panic of Growing Older", people have expectations of living a successful life. "At twenty/ stilled by hope/ of gigantic success/ time and exploration(lines5-8). But as they become older, and the parameters of success are not met,they begin to panic. "At thirty/ a sudden throb/ of pain. Laboratory tests/ having nothing to show". (Lines9-12).
He further said that at seventy, the person gives up any hope of success. This is because of the nearness to the grave. The anxiety is aggravated when the person does not have children to take care of him or her in oldage. The latter stages of the person's life is therefore spent in isolation and grief.
Death is a natural phenomenon which everybody that is born into the world will experience. Life is transient, therefore nobody should fret over the idea of death. They should instead see it as a transition from one form of existence to another. We should therefore live good lives so that we can meet our creator when we depart from this world.

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