
in #air-clinic7 years ago

Late last year. I went to visit my Sister for Christmas and new year's holiday.

When I got there, I was welcomed like an empress. Everyone especially my little cousin showed love to me. The place was fun until two days after Christmas.

What happened?
My little cousin - Morenikeji was sick. Her sickness was like hell to the family. The family that was fun before was now boring. Then I can finally realized the importance of happy family.

What was the nature of her sickness, I asked. Because in that kind of situation I love asking lots of questions.


She's suffering from headache.
Only headache made her like that , I don't even understand said the poor mother.

Really, I stepped forward, put her head on my lap and asked her how she was feeling. She told me everything. This made me concluded that she is a migraine patient and was referred to the hospital immediately for treatments.

What Did You Mean By Migraine?, the mother asked.

Migraine is a reoccurring headache which normally affect people irrespective of age and gender. It is of different stages of intensity and normally comes with nausea, light and sound sensitivity.

Different cases of more than millions occurrence of migraines have recorded in Nigeria.)

When it happened, it usually lasted from about four to seventy-hours if untreated depending on personality. It may not be frequent or it may be occurring frequently depending on its stages.

Symptoms of migraines

  • Nausea
  • felling of pain from one or both side of the head.
  • the affected part of the brain might be breathing like heart.
  • sensitivity to sound and light.
  • not able to look down
  • feeling light headed etcetera

Stages of migraines

Migraine normally develop stages but might not be applicable to everyone.
The stages of migraine are

  • Prodromal :-this is pre-headache stage. It is accompanied by change in mood, appetite, energy level changes and emotional change. All this might appear several hours before the headache.

  • Aura:- it is usually visual issue. As a result of light it can last for 5 minutes to 1 hour

  • headache stage:- this is pain in one side of the head. It can last from 4 to seventy two hours .

  • Resolution stage:- this is post headache. It is the the feelings after the headache which might last for few days.

Causes of migraines.

The real causes have not been concluded yet. But it might be due to

  • hereditary,
  • blood vessels in the brain,
  • hard task inducing cracking of the
  • Emotional issues
  • dietary factor
  • hormonal factor (especially in women during their period)
  • medicinal factor etcetera.

Diagnosis and treatment

There is no certain and specific things to diagnose. The only thing is just for doctors to take note of the symptoms.

painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen are useful for the treatment of early stage.
Taking many painkillers may make it more difficult to treat. This is called overused analgesic. Painkiller should not be used on more than ten days in every month for very long term.

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Wow, thanks for this information @nice2u. I have been having frequent headache, but some of the symptoms of migraine u mentioned I don't experience them... From the beginning of the article I thought I was suffering from migraine.
#hug-challenge, #air-clinic

It might be other factors I didn't mention.
And if that's the case, your case might not be migraine.
I had misunderstood it too But was convinced after reading consulting my doctor. Reading of articles also helped alot