Cloud-Insurance Chain(CIC) Airdrop - First Risk Insurance Platform to insure the world of blockchain

in #airdrop7 years ago (edited)


CIChain (Cloud Insurance Chain) is the first risk insurance platform to insure the world of blockchain. It is an open-source blockchain application platform based on Ethereum’s smart contracts and features such characteristics as being decentralized, secure, credible and tamper-resistant. In CIChain, developers can customize all kinds of insurance products, including innovative, traditional insurance. By taking full advantage of the characteristics of blockchain, CIChain realizes disintermediation and guarantees automatic claims settlement by smart contracts, which greatly reduces trust cost and operating cost.


  1. Automatic claim settlement by insurance smart contracts.
  2. Disintermediation of insurance to improve capital efficiency and reduce operating costs.
  3. Risk hedging process that anyone can participate in

The CIChain platform is designed to guarantee all risk activities on the blockchain. It can offer insurances for aspects from ICO insurance, encrypted token account security, to property guarantee and life insurance.


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JST 0.029
BTC 62743.03
ETH 2454.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66