Trust me..

in #airhawk-project7 years ago (edited)


Starting from my new workplace, I was having a small chat with one of my co-workers at the office. Just a chat to break the silence and awkwardness. Then somehow he asked something strange to me.
"Do you know what kind of unseen is ren?" Ask Pak Agus, my co-worker.
This question is strange to me, strange, with awkward I answer that question, with my little knowledge. "Yes something we can not see and can not feel pack."

Etymologically, Ghaib is derived from the word Ghoba, in Arabic which means invisible, absent. From the meaning of the word, is true my answer to Mr. Agus earlier. But there is something that makes this thing clear again, again and again. Mr. Agus asked me this question. "The wind is unseen is not it?"
Suddenly I replied not. Even I think, little children know about it. But did not stop there, he asked something else again. "The wind can be seen?"
"The wind can you touch?"
"Em, no."
"Can you feel it?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well that's the answer." He answered casually and smiled.

I used to reply that the wind is not unseen, but real, because it can be felt.
"Ren, white water you know right? Can be seen right? Can you hold it? Can you feel it, right? "
"Yes, sir."
"That's it. If the three things were not met, one only, then he is unseen. Just like that. Suppose this table, can we see it, can we touch it too, let alone we feel, obviously can. "
"But the wind is not unseen sir!"
"Suppose, you malem-malem go to a haunted place, a quiet place, you ever goose bumps?"
"Yes sir, just rarely sir."
"What do you know? That means there are jinn around you ren. "
"People say so sir."
"Jin Ghaib is not it? But you can feel it, even though you can not see, even though that time he appeared, you can not hold, can not touch. "

I began a debate between my logic and my belief. Logically simple, Mr. Agus's exposure is true, but I have confidence that the wind is not unseen. It's the usual real thing, like water and other things. Indeed, superficial knowledge makes us hesitate to express our opinions. Especially my new kid there.
I was silent at that time, I think while Mr. Agus smile satisfied with his exposure. But I still hold my trust, even though at the time I said it made sense. With a little affirmation of Pak Agus's logic, I started to ask.
"That means hot temperatures, even cold temperatures, sir?"
"Lho yes to le."

Long story short, I succumbed and chose silence and agree with his opinion. In silence I began to ask, if the wind is unseen then I can create a thing ghoib dong. Live breathed through the mouth only. Even if the hot temperature is unseen. Then live rubbing both hands, be hot and unseen objects were created.
Not how long, he said "You are, if you want to believe something you should be able to feel first, do not just believe the same people talk."
"Yes it is, sir."
"Do you believe God exists?"
"Yes believe sir."
"Can you trust from whom?"
"Yes it is explained in the Qur'an and hadith also pack."
"Loh, that's what you said, you ever felt straight? Now you know that God exists from the prophet, you know the prophet is from the cleric, you know the scholars who used to be from the scholars now, if you are lied to the ulema now how? "

the word, these words evocative my heart profusely. immediately I ignored trust him any of it. clearly he has been explained to me that if believe something, then there should be a reason adhered to. reason underlying a trust. can't also we believe someone without background first. any I apply to him. "means you the new ditahap the beginning, so if there are people who say religion, you directly to believe. you must feel the first new believe." he added well, I agree with that. because of religion ever collapsed century I up fourteenth during the medieval or often referred to the dark ages. because at times it happens conflict of philosophy Christian in European countries. it trigger conflict is because at that time religionists can't finish with decision plenary or final. religionists that monopolize little people with nobility and pembisnis at that time. so small community want kesamarataan, and assumes religion or belief of God's just a nonsense religionists to monopolize them. then formed understand communism triggered by Karl Marx to undermine understand-understand it. the time of the developing principle "credo @ intelligam" which means faith is placed on logic or trust only, no need to make sense. essentially, believe that we have to test the discovery of the evidence that makes sense. deserve when understand "faith on logic" the hostility. perhaps should be to trust equivalent logic, so the contrary. it will be created determination on trust and can diargumenkan based logic. when compared with the opinion of Pak Agus, there are links to start clarify my brain. faith must berlandas logic clear and real. logic without faith is the weapons that could have been attacked with blindly. maybe faith or trust is more than on logic, but the logic distinguish the original and true for US Imani, or we nistakan. also logic contribute to determine the right one of the debate between the faith or trust. but, kepercayaanlah that strengthen the logic. said sami'na WhatsApp atho'na (we hear and we obey) is the key. hold the firm belief to start to feel. then switch logic for the underlying trust. "well, it is the key word Pak, feel." lontarku break the silence he just smiled steady, whether agreed my opinion or just smiled steady. ago I open the phone, which it turns out I have awaited coworkers fellow HSE other warehouse. rushed I farewell to Mr. Agus to go to the warehouse. "the old very Ren?" "this pack, was invited to chat same Pak Agus." "Oh, let to plant." then I went on my job with my coworkers other. Pak idas his name, he is employees senior company where I work at this time. although he used security company, but the performance of his knowledge and he is equivalent to graduate diploma or maybe scholar, only the office and authority distinguish it. I was walking to check the tool fire protection. "Sir, according to Mr. idas, the wind ghaib isn't it?" men Sunda it was laughed and said "Yes not lah, there Aja you Ren." "but said Mr. Agus, supernatural." "Oh, you, if there are people who say it, do not believe directly, must digested first, obviously not supernatural, still believe wrote." "Yes baseball directly believe the hell Pak, just equalize the perception Aja Pak, who knows perception I same Pak idas different." "the bottom line, if there is a way, anyone, do not directly believed, understand first, gastrointestinal first. boss sort the way, if it wrong, Yes wrong. not if boss say for sure bener. fine, i'm fine and always fine. it was the one I feel when are in between some difference in a space to force the difference associate. water and oil it could not together, but they can be one in a container, complement each other. kuah Soto for example. eeehhhmmm, gravy Soto will not favor the absence of oil from broth right? yups, just like that. complement each other, complement each other. wind is real, heat is real and so forth. because these things are on our natural, in our world, with US, and even for US also human. as a the supernatural or call it Jin. they exist, but in a different world, located in nature different although in the geographical location of the same. therefore we can see, feel even holding it. else with it ghaib other such as the Angel, natural hereafter, even the Lord. in Islam, we are required to believe in or believe something supernatural. although a the supernatural that we can not capture with our senses. in a letter Inter alia-baqarah verse 3, God explained that faith that ghaib is one of the characteristics of the person who devoted:" (ie) those who believe that supernatural, which is set up a prayer, and spend most sustenance we bestowed to them. "(Surat. Inter alia-baqarah: 3). not only that, the final day and destiny must we trust. although once again we can not melilhatnya. trust a thing that could not believe logic, that's faith. the terms of supernatural is a form of Justice of God. if we, the normal human can see the Lord. what about the blind? if we, the normal human could hear the word of God. what about the deaf? if God only hear US from greeting. how dumb? to love means loving the unlovable. to forgive means pardoning the pardonable. faith means believing the unbelievable. hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless (g.k, Chesterton).

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