Alchemy, long life is not old

in #alchemylong2 months ago

Today, a more interesting story is about alchemy.
Yes, alchemy is the kind of medicinal medicine that can become a fairy medicine.
Someone asked, will I eat this kind of fairy?
I feel that the immortal is not good, it is very likely to be admitted.
Really, because of alchemy, many ingredients are mercury, is mercury, this stuff has a poisonous, and it will be dead.
I last heard the things of alchemy, or the big brother in Shanghai was in Japan Narita Airport and the flight attendant. There were four big robbery.
He said that his old father was young and mistakenly smashed into a look of Fujian. The temple did two Taoist priests, an old man couldn't see the old road, a small can't read the age of the boy, that The temple does not read, and it is not painful. It is refining this kind of medicine.
This Shanghai big brother experienced the last robbery, Wan Ming, was also diagnosed with liver cancer. Later, he sent this way by the old father. After going, I went to the mobile phone, a medicated bath, and her herbal food, eat it. Three months before it is released.
We all thought that he was arrested, and he worsened the police. He went out from the inside. After coming out, we went to Shanghai's most strong nightclub to play all night, drink 20 bottles of wine, go to the hospital for the next day, found cancer cells to control.
Japan Narita Airport Story
This is something more than ten years ago. Now he goes to watch for half a month every year, and serves half a month. I went to the hospital every year, I found that liver cancer is really controlled.
So I have been very interested in the mysterious look, I want to try two Dan medicine.
Shanghai Big Brother warned me, talking about Dan medicine, don't eat red, contain mercury, will die, the other color is best not to eat, who knows what ghosts have been added. The Emperor Emperor is superstitious, so it is dead.
So Dan medicine, still cautious, unless you can't really do it, the dead horse is a live horse doctor, or it is still less touch.
The story I have to talk about today is also about alchemy. It is my old friend to say.
Old Tang is a very interesting person. When I got the temple story before, I mentioned him, that is, the reader is a very spectacular temple, the wall is very beautiful, the door is very beautiful, but she can't go to the story.
Tell talk about the story of the mysterious temple, involving the transfer wheel back
Lao Tang is a more special practitioner. He belongs to the practice of academic theory. And who has one leg, who doesn't deal with anyone, he can say his head is the way, but you let him reveal two hands, he will finish, belong to theoretical invincible, actual combat zero.
But he firmly believes in the same way, Wanlong to the sea, insist on the theoretical certificate, the results insist on persistence, stick to 50 years old, no work, have no old bachelor, finally go to Shanghai an old The aunt is also awkward, it is also awkward.
Later, I went to Shanghai, and chatted with him, I went to our Suzhou jade carving factory, went to see the door, feed the dog (I have a hot pot shop, and there is a hot pot shop, and there is one The little dog is not going there. We are forced to adopt it), so I will send him a salary, pay a social security, and there is a national scenic spot, the scenery is beautiful, the time is also abundant, and he continues. Do academic research.
Old Tang is a strong person. He feels that since I have done my diners, I have to do things, Meng Ting Jun's diners are three thousand, the chicken is also useful, let alone, my old Tang is full of abdomen.
So he began to work hard, jean it, started to give me the whole biography, and I want to give me a family tree. After I rejected me, I feel that I will start from the small place, give me a real folk custom The material wrote the story, then start to find the material everywhere, the diary has remembered a thick piece, and asked me when I came back, I gave me a good class.
Summer vacation, we took a small doll back to Suzhou to summer. As a result, I didn't expect Suzhou to be hot than Beijing. Beijing is like a built coach, it is not as good as Beijing!
It is better to be in the jade carving factory. After all, it is the foot of the mountain, the lake's coach, the temperature is lower than the city, I have a new jade carving product designed in the research plant every day.
Old Tang saw me, excited like a power, both eyes are red, like hungry wolves, I have to pull me Huashan, let me listen to what is a good story.
The first story, he enlarged, saying he found a treasure pot, real treasure!
He said, you have heard of the story of the Ming Dynasty, and it is said that he has a treasure basin. No matter what it put in, the next day, the things will be more double. Later, he put the gold, put the gem, finally I have a fortune.
I said, you tell me my myth!
Lao Tang said, don't believe it, I told you that last month, a fisherman on the Taihu Lake went to Taihu to play fishing, I played a similar gathering!
I said, it is impossible, Taihu Lake has been arrested!
Lao Tang said, it is forbidden, so he is all secret to stealing in the middle of the night!
I said: That gathering, throwing things, will change the next day?
Lao Tang said: Thousands of true!
I said: You lose a thing, can you become two?
Lao Tang said: I have asked, there is almost that is similar to Shen Wan San! And then there, as long as the price is right, he is willing to shoot!
I listened to him, I also came to interested, let him contact the fisherman, this thing is true, I have to take it to Beijing to challenge "approach the science" column!
Old Tang Xing went away.
I also have a little excited, think about this, we are not awkward now, waiting for this gathering, I will put it in the jade, I will become two, it is big, it is big. Change jade!
Oops, oh, I think that I am still too small, I still put a jade, I will not get it directly!
It's stupid!
But I thought about it, nor, this tricky thing can do this, this fisherman directly put it into the inside, he still sells a fart!
Think about it!
When I came back, I really brought me a basino. I looked at that basin, I knew that it is not a antique, because the mouse is printed!
I asked the old Tang: Do you determine that this thing is the same as Shen Wan San?
Old Tang said: Almost, not too much!
I asked him: the difference is not too much, then it is bad, how much is it?
Lao Tang said: This difference, Shen Wan San's gathering, it is to throw it in a thing, the next day become two. We are this, you will lose two things, the next day will become one ...
I can't help but laugh.
I feel that this is a little trusted. After all, this kind of scattered treastern. In addition to the magic, there is no big use, the fishermen are willing to sell, but it can be understood.
But what do I think, how do you feel that the pattern of the mouse is wrong, this is still this?
I thought about it, put two coins in the inside, then see the next day, the two coins were still there.
I asked the old Tang. How did this basin don't make a lot of money?
Old Tang also scratched his head, saying, why don't it be a lot of money? I asked it before, there is a less than half, it is there!
I asked him, what is his before?
Old Tang said, he said that it is a big white rabbit!
I laughed and asked him, that is there a little doll!
Lao Tang said, right, have a grandson, special skin!
I said, that is not wrong, the sugar must be eaten by the little grandson!
Lao Tang said, why don't he have finished all the sugar, still half?
I said, once I finished, who is still put, this is called smart!
After the old Tang later asked, the truth was really like this.
Then, Lao Tang said, not afraid, in addition to the treasure pot, I still have a fatty square, our medicinal food homologous tea is not very good, let's do a Chinese medicine to lose weight tea.
Chinese medicine, fox fairy, Xiaolong, childhood dream
I thought, hey, I also had more traditional Chinese medicine to lose her tea. I have been blown more than two years. I have found three Chinese old-China old-fashion research and development. I have invited a dozen most powerful Chinese medicine masters. I haven't developed yet! As you can talk about it, you can find this? Don't you apply for the Nobel Buffet Award?
Old Tang saw that I didn't believe it, I told me that I was really true. This is an ancient scorpion. It is the most thin Square of Western Shi.
I can't help but laugh, the last story pulled Shen Wan San, this also pulled Xi Shi, do you give me the Qin Shihuang?
Old Tang said with me, I am really true, I told you that this is derived from a allusion.
He said, I told you, I have nothing to do, I still have a history, our jade carving factory, in ancient famous name.
Our jade carving factory, there is a lake in ancient times, called tour lake, one of the ancient Taihu 5th Lake (Liling, Mohu, Gonghu, Lihu, Tour Lake). The reason why Wu Wangfu has taken a beautiful woman. Later, Fan Yi took Xi Shi away, and two people ran, they ran from this tour to Taihu, and hidden in Taihu.
He said that this square is that when Western Shi is walking, the boat taken by the fishermen is giving it to the fisherman. Then I contact this person, he is the future generation of the fishermen who sent Xi Shi, thousands of true!
I said, let him take the Square, I am looking for the Chinese old name, if you can, we spend money! How much can you talk!
Old Tang was hard, said, then said, this square is really really no problem, and the efficacy is particularly good. They can let us try first. Try to try again, but they are not afraid, but Fang Zi will definitely can't sell, after all The ancestors left, the ancestors said, this is a real national treasure, it is absolutely can't let others know!
I said, I am not afraid, he can think about it, be a decision that violates the ancestors!
Lao Tang said, it is true that he did a decision against the ancestors, and then used this configuration to lose weight, it was called "Xi Shimei's thin pill". It can be thin. It can be thin and thirty pounds in a week!
I am listening, this trip to the wild is too blown. It is less than two or thirty pounds in a week. It is not so fast with the knife!
Old Tang said, there is said that there is less than five pounds a week, he will pay 10,000 yuan a pound!
I thought, this is a bit a bit amazed, this is hard!
Yes, you can, this young man, I like it, it seems to be a little hard!
I have to take a box of "Xi Shimeian thin pills", which is a typical three-free product. The packaging bag is printed on Xi Shi, the skirt is still very short, I don't know what I thought is a taste. Supplies.
After I got it, I hesitated again, still afraid.
Later, Xiaohe said, take the initiative to ask, say that he is willing to play, go with this Si Shi Meiren 300 rounds!
The guy of the small river is most keen to lose weight.
A few days ago, there was a Singapore's buddy told me that there was a tree in Nanyang, carved into a teacup with that wood, drinking water with that tea cup, can lose weight.
He heard it, secretly went to Taobao to buy this wood, then cooked this wood residue every day, and did not know if there was any effect.
So he heard about this pill, and death must be tried in person, and persuaded to persuade, and death should be Western.
I really advised, let him tried, let alone, this pill is really tube, and there is a lot of five pounds a week, it is a godding!
I saw it, this is really powerful, I have also hurry to eat some, just next week, Hangzhou store opened the store, I was slim, and I took a look at you!
But before eating, I thought, still found a laboratory buddy, let him help me to test the ingredients, after the test, the ingredients are more complicated there, there is a lot of uncertain herbs, it is indeed There is a significant weight loss effect.
I said, okay, we have been invited Chinese old-fashioned Chinese medicine to reduce the traditional Chinese medicine to lose weight, two years have not been developed, did not expect to come to work hard!
The man said, don't worry, listen to me.
I said, you said, you said!
He said, after we test, you will have a side effect in this pill, it will be seriously diarrhea right after taking it?
I said, yes! It is said that it is detoxification, normal detoxification!
He said, it is right, this pill contains a large amount of laxative ingredients, or a beast and laxatives ...
I just asked, the factory said, the small river did not go to work, the diarrhea is too serious, it has been dehydrated, now in hospital.
... Hey, think about it is also awkward, I decided to have a good point to the stream.
So this is not reliable.
It is not reliable in two consecutive, and the old Tang himself is panicked, and the last story, even he feels unreliable, it is the one about alchemy.
This story of alchemy is more interesting.
Behind our jade carvings, there is a mountain called Deng Weishan. The ancient name of this mountain is very famous. There are many famous herbs here, there are many famous tomb on the mountain. It is said that Sun Wu is hidden here, and it has written a famous "Grand Square" here.
Now, there are still many people who are in vitamous, some are selling gods, some are live broadcast, some is a bit of a problem.
Old Tang often goes to the mountains, it is nothing to study what others do, and finally find a person who has a little problem.
Why do you have any questions about his brain? Because this person, he found a cave on the mountain, and then alchemn in the mountains, and he asked to practice into a fairy, and then he had a fairy.
He has made a lot of ancient square, then throws a house, it has got a distant furnace, and every day, someone thinks that his brain has a problem, and he also gains him, he went to the mountain to go to the mountain. Sell, I will buy some food, mainly to buy medicinal materials.
Lao Tang feels that this person is very interesting, and talking to him, asking him why he will feel that he can practice a Dan party?
That person told Lao Tang, saying that he was originally a doctors. He is actually a university professor (self-seized social university), mainly studying the ancient Taoist God's Xianke, and the study is very professional, especially the fairy system can say this The world is the first.
Lao Tang is very uncomfortable, thinking about your world, my old Tang is not satisfied!
Then both people began to fight, they were testing each other, so that the test was more test, the two people felt that the other party was not bad, and finally, I made a little bit of interest, I became friends.
Although Lao Tang thinks that this person has a little problem, but also in the past generation, occasionally walks, and give him a little bit of eating (our factory's canteen free dinner, old Tang often play a meal Bring him. This aunt, aunt, still sneaked with me to complain about the things of the old Tang, and said that doubting a little wife outside the old Tang), so the two people have become more and better.
For a few days ago, that person said with Lao Tang, he had to go, Dan medicine is about to be great, he will become fairy. The ancients, a meal, when ever forget. He was heard of Tang brother for three years, when he replied with three fairyans, please Tang brothers harvested, taking it into a fairy.
Then he gave the old Tang three red Yan Yanyu.
Lao Tang feels that this person will take a fire into the demon, advise him, say brothers, I understand your initial heart, but let's take a reality, can't walk into the magic. This way, I see you is also good, or I have to talk to Xiaoyao, let you go to the jade carving factory, let's do one with a companion, so I have a salary, and I have medical insurance!
The man waved his hand, said, Tang brother, do you know why I believe this?
Lao Tang said, I don't know.
That person said, when I was young, I was obsessed with spells. Later, the study found that China's last proved fairy is Zhang Sanfeng. So I will walk along Zhang Sanfeng, I will leave from my head to the end, I hope I can find him.
I have been looking for more than ten years, I haven't found anything, my last heart is tired, my belief is lost, and I decided to give up. The result is that night, I made a dream, dreaming of a white beard to the old road, I have passed a paper rune, then A Dan party, saying that I can practice it.
When he woke up, there was a Dan party in his mind, and there was a piece of paper around him. He wrote a word: Tao!
Then he took out the paper from his arms, saying that it is the paper.
Lao Tang gave me this paper and three Dan medicine, saying that I have rushing half-life, and later I have taken it, it is like a good fortune, so the three fairy Dan did not dare to hide, willing to give me. Then I will give me it.
I thought I thought that this person can blow it, and two of you are simply a contemporary Wiling, and even the Internet can be said!
But still say, polite, polite!
After watching, the paper looked at the old, "Tao" word also wrote a sharp man, but I didn't understand the calligraphy, and I didn't understand it. I lost the table.
After a few days, the Hua Huan (I spent him in the story of Huashan Fengshui ", belonging to an antique folk fan) I heard that I returned to Suzhou, and I would like to ask me to eat, say to me to introduce a meritorious understanding of the article. Understanding, identifying Tang Bihu's true.
Talking about a story of an episode, a master of special cattle
I listened to him, I took the paper to me, I wanted to see what era, the front is still good, not the day before yesterday.
I have been there, and there is a cultural relics expert in Beijing. The consultant of the international auction house, many people also take out some of the old pictures, etc., please identify.
This expert is very proud, the eyes are growing over the top of the head, and people look at the eyes.
I saw that this scenery, our paper, don't take it out.
Finally, I drink too much, blow up this story, and I will take it out, give this expert.
Experts swept a look and said: The word is not bad.
Then I suddenly stayed, say: Shot!
He let me put down the paper, I went to wash my hand, wear my glove, then took a magnifying glass from the handbag, one inch one inch, one nans. After reading it, staying, then reminding, this time I hate can't be posted on the paper.
After reading it, he slowed down and stared at me for three minutes, and I saw me straight.
Then he hand: Xiaoyan brothers, can you talk about one step?
I am good: Ok, okay!
Then use the eyes to hinted the Huanglou long together.
The Huang House promised, reached out to take the paper, but he was hit by the old experts, and he hurt him almost.
The old experts gave him a look: You have to ruin the national treasure!
Then carefully put the paper, two hands, respectfully put it in the next room.
Put this paper, he relieves a breath, tell me: This paper has a problem!
I said, yeah!
The Huang Huan also made a breath, saying a problem with paper, you are so serious, I thought it was the mission of Tang Bohu!
The old experts say seriously: This paper is indeed in the Ming Dynasty!
We are all stunned!
A paper during the Ming Dynasty, now is also antiques! And you can sell it! Because now identify the true and false of the ancient paintings, mainly identify paper, so you get a paper in the Ming Dynasty, please give a high-end man to draw a Tang Bohu's painting, it is easy to lie out!
I am thinking, I am saying: But this is wrong!
He said, do you know why the ancient painting is very expensive? Because the paper is the hardest, it is difficult to save for hundreds of years, so the painted painting in ancient age is rare, so the ancient pain is very expensive.
He said, you can determine that it is a Ming Dynasty, but it does not preserve it at all, it is oil and dirty handprints, how can this be saved to modern?
The Huang Pavilion said, oh, don't worry, maybe it is a jewelry! This way, this paper is a first man, waiting for my museum to show it!
I said, oh, this will not bother the Huang House, I can keep this bright paper properly!
Experts say seriously, don't you like this, pull, and gentle! This paper, brought back to Beijing, I am not very professional for calligraphy, I want to invite calligraphy experts to identify, who is the top of this "Tao"?
I thought about it, I can say it.
The Huang Tuan has long, decided to accompany him.
As a result, the two people rushed to Beijing overnight. After reading a lot of experts, several people think this should be the writing of the Higher people, and the experts in this area, everyone is highly suspected ... It is Zhang Sanfei's true person!
The Queen House sighs, saying that it is best not to Zhang Zhen people, or it is a national treasure, it is dedicated to the country. Then blame me, should not give an expert, give them a look, isn't the sheep in the tiger?
I also have a little bit, I think about it, if this paper is really a true fan of Zhang Zhen, the ancients of the alchemy is also left behind? ? ?
I quickly called the old Tang to go to Deng Yushan to find that person. After the Lang Tang went, I said that I had to go to the building space, and the things in the cave were cleaned by cleaning work. Even a slag saga has no longer.
I think, it's okay, I also have three three!
As a result, I asked, saying that three kinds of Xian Dan, I just put down the day, I was found by my son, and he took a long time, and then passed through Taihu Lake, he was fed in Lake ...
The towns said: Your son is good, it is the money, the money ...

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