BasicAttentionToken donations Issue: risk of wasting your tips

in #alert5 years ago (edited)

I address all Brave-Browser visitors to be careful with their BAT donations.

Since a few months, many BAT publisher accounts were closed, mine is among them. No big deal... That's what I thought at first: end of the story, and farewell BAT...

But I noticed that both my blog site and Youtube channel were still flagged as verified brave publishers more than three months after.

Today, the small checked triangle is still here, on my Blog Site. Don't be fooled.

And, I had several cases of visitors informing that donations options where still opened on my blog site despite the account's official closure and data deletion.

And of course, it happened that some of you donated, like @JohnOnChain, (@Evildido) as the fresh latest case, the day before writing this...

...I can't thank you all enough for the kindness, for which I'm sincerely touched. Donation act is something precious, not by its monetary value, but by the symbolism of this action.

And that's why I'm really pissed off by BAT's attitude, that spoils this act of generosity. Instead of answering my contributors "Thank you my friend" , I have to apologize with a "You've been ripped off, sorry"

Disappointing its audience isn't a luxury any small content publisher can afford, in any way.

And it came to my slow-thinking mind that I was probably not the only one in that case.


With the huge waves of locked and closed BAT accounts that occurred since a few months, I guess there are probably numerous other falsely flagged brave publishers around, who are probably also real content publishers, and thus worth donations from their own followers and friends. I guess they also felt in that trapped tip pitt (say that quickly :p)

I don't know if these tips are completely lost or fall in someone's wallet at BAT company, but if you, dear visitor, ever donated to one of us, be sure these tokens didn't end where you wanted them to go.

So, please, be careful not to spoil your BAT tokens, if ever you were a Brave Browser user ;)

If you did, I'd advise you to ask for a refund at

And, as they tend to be slow to react by mail, you may also want to use their forum to get a faster answer.

For my part, I've asked *again* their support to delete that misleading flag and every single bit of reference linking my sites to Basic Attention Token.

I also asked them to refund donations made after closure to any address that wouldn't be mine.

With hope that stupid story will end soon (but I'd bet it won't) :)

Thanks for your time,

Have a great day :)


#bathostage #bravepublisherfalselyflagged #basicattentiontokenhostage

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