'Alien' Implant Removal : Out-of-this-World : Specialized Healing Methods : & Elemental (re)Alignment

in #amazing7 years ago (edited)

the dutiful student's journey into the Occult Mystery School and Hermetic Teachings will ultimately lead to other-Worldly experiences and/or direct contact with beings or technology from other densities

the well-trained Etheric Energy Healer or Magnetopath:Magician with the help of their clairvoyant eyes & the Akashic/Etheric principle can scan & detect the cause of disharmony, blockages or illness in the physical & energetic bodies of all living beings : the Practitioner employs specialized, non-invasive methods to influence & transmute the rooted core of the "issue"


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Elemental StarChart (re)Alignment

when we delve deeper into the Occult Anatomy of the body with respect to the electric and magnetic fluids, it is possible to understand that we each have a unique Elemental Alignment - the elements of Water, Air, Earth, Fire & Ether all play a vital role in our behavioral patterns, idiosyncrasies and internal drive

only once we are aware of how our Elements are aligned, can we understand how their interactions & alignment influence our conscious & unconscious states of Being

a reCalibration or reAlignment of the Elements can have profound effects on our ability to respond, manage & create within ourSelf and our external environments a lasting harmony & exponential prosperity for our Spiritual & Personal development and deeper understanding

an Example : of Elemental Configuration

most over-achievers or leaders generally have the Fire element at the front of their chart :: this is apparent in their forward drive, passionate force & burning desire for more. it is rare in today's society for an individual to have the Water element at the front of their chart :: they tend to possess a greater, more objective overview of the "bigger picture", as Water is also the connecting/bridging element :: these individuals value with highest regard a well-maintained state of calm & harmony, though when highly disrupted or enraged is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with

changing or re-calibration of one's Elemental Configuration is akin to energetic fine-tuning : this results in a higher understanding of our current behavioral patterns & challenges toward attaining our inner goals and conscious outward manifestations
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Implant Scanning & Removal

normally, foreign bodies embedded in tissues result in some type of acute or chronic inflammatory response from the human organism : these forms of "alien" technology usually cause no physical indication nor affect the natural rejection processes

"hosts"/patients tend to intuitively "feel" the embedded presence through a perception of energetic blockages and/or experiencing little-to-no communication with Source/their higherSelf

removal of these implants produce remarkable & immediate results such as changes in health, mood, dreams or psychic phenomena after this specialized non-invasive surgery

"Alien" Implants/Chips in P2P Studies

Dr. Roger Lier, founder of FIRST (Fund for Interactive Research and Space Tech) and his team of medical professionals orchestrated a number of successful "implant removal" surgeries in the '90s. the implants were sent to various independent labs for extensive scientific analysis which produced "highly unusual" findings : metallic objects basically meteoric in origin containing at least 11 different elements, encased in a tough, dense grey membrane (biological cocoon) containing nerve proprioceptors, blood, protein and skin cells, which fluoresced a bright green color in the presence of UV light :: they also found crystalline-like objects with possible biological implications

both types of implants found lacked the expected inflammatory response from the body, according to the pathology reports

in conclusion...

this education and understanding of our Elemental configuration can accelerate our individual journey and goal of Self-Realization : for this enables us a higher degree of Self-Responsibility and accountability toward personal Self-healing & and Advanced Spiritual Development on every level

to be actively aware of the state of our consciousness and physical well-being without foreign impediments, influences or implants/chips reinforces our ability to harness the Unlimited Creative Potential that exists within our very Being & all around us

if you have any questions or concerns for your natural state of uninhibited Universal Flow, please email the Etheric family or comment below ::: as together, anything is possible & everything can happen


@rawdoctor what may your thoughts be on this lesser-known topic?
it has been a surprise to me, the number of individuals whom i have encountered with not just one foreign object, but with multiple crystalline-"chips"/implants embedded in various places in their body

...and as this whole "outer"Worldly existence of exo-politics becomes more mainstream and the growing possibility of a false-flag in the form of an alien invasion (whether mostly hologram or not) lingers on our horizon, this then becomes a far more more interesting topic of conversation xXx

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