Why I believe trump IS integral part of establishment and was meant by establishment to win [part 1]

in #america7 years ago

Disclaimer: I'm not american.

Also: I've heard some folk suggest that trump is actually part of establishment, mostly because he's a 1%-er, but I've never heard anyone present this additional "proof" for their conspiracy theory, which are unrelated to his net worth.

  • First of all, if america was any other country, trump would not be a president now. He lost the popular vote, and that is what other, normal countries (I'm not counting dictatorships here), chose their winner on. Not america however. America has defenses in place, against democracy gone rogue. If people vote the wrong way, in america they have electoral college to "correct the vote" to something acceptable by establishment. Electoral college has some 400 people, to america's 300 million people, so what it means, is 400 people chose for 300 million, so it's anti democratic process at it's finest. Thanks to this, trump won despite the fact he lost. Only in america. This means, establishment wanted him to win.

  • Secondly, if you have a candidate you don't wanna win, you fight him with the best counter candidate you have. And for democrats, that was Bernie Sanders (think of him what you want, he was the one candidate that showed best odds in winning against trump). However, corporate democrats stole the votes from Bernie voters, in a process that is apparently legal(?!?) in america, and gave them to hillary. They were in on it. They too, being part of establishment, wanted trump to win.

  • Third, hilarry used to be secretary of state. The other day I was explaining what american secretary of state is, and I used the following explanation: "It's position occupied by filthy scum of a person that could never be elected by people, but who is given great power by potus"- then it hit me. You can't elect ex secretary of state. They are too corrupt, too horrendous, too despised, too covered in blood. Yet they run exactly that, against trump, a popular reality tv star?!? They wanted to lose. That was a plan.

take henry killinger for example, even his quotes are enough to send shivers down someone's spine

or madeleine albright - she bombed the country which has during ww2 saved her and her family's lives from nazis.

hillary murdered Qaddafi leading to reestablishment of slave trade in Africa as well as vEuropean migrant crisis.

  • And losing the elections, worked for her too. Sure, she had to act like she was crushed by defeat, but she came out away from it all, with tons of money and a book. Not bad for year of work. She too was in on it.

Basically, the only evidence we ever had that trump was anti establishment, was from what he said. However, he never did anything that would prove he was indeed anti establishment, on the contrary, his tax reforms are designed to make the rich even richer, and poor even poorer.

Next part: Why did establishment need trump, considering all of the presidents are their puppets, and hillary would do what ever they wanted just as eagerly as trump.

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