Learning from nature (first edition)

in #anak-anak6 years ago (edited)

Learning from nature (first edition)

Being a mother is not an easy job because she has no official school or course. But rest assured life will be more colorful by being a mother. Every day there will be new information that makes a mother feel surprise with childrens behavior. As a mother you have requires update your knowledge, not only your application gatget need it. When your children can say a word in question form with sign (?), then you must took out your vocabulary stock children’s form version depends on their age.

Eventhough you are a Director, do not use the language that you use in office or when meeting with your partners, there will be certainly appear onther questions about the definition of the word.

There are many choices of ways and methods to introduce children to knowledge. I chose Learning by doing because if you choose to teach children under five years old with theory they will got confuse. As a mother you will also confuse how to explain the thing with theory. I mean a complicated theory.

G&A w Elephant.JPGNature is a very complete space of knowledge that presenting a variety of support tools for learning. Instead of just showing elephant images through books or pictures that are ready anytime we access in the gadget, I choose the real elephants as a medium of learning for children. Children's Response? Well, do not be asked, immediately cheerful!!!. My three years old son does’nt want to get off from riding elephants eventhough the rain began to fall. As a result mahout immediately find a shelter for them eventhough only save their and elephants head from rainfall.

Gibran, my eldest son who was five years old more happy to meet the black animal that has long trunk. He forgot lunch time and wake up early in the morning just to make sure join elephants adventure. With the knowledge about real elephants that they have make them comfortable and not afraid to riding elephants without their parent, just with mahout. This moment teach the children not only learn to know animals directly from the original source but also generate courage and learn how to socialize with their new acquaintance.

Well, for parents who live in big cities and impossible to engage their children directly interaction with nature-based knowledge that so surely interesting, don’t be sad and feel failed to provide the best knowledge for his sons and daughters. Surely other parents have a myriad of other ways that are also more suited to each conditions. We were fortunate live in a place that only four hours drive by car to CRU Sampoinet Aceh Jaya. The place of these tame elephants is headquartered with a number of competent mahots who are obviously very fond of elephants who take responsility of each elephants.

A sense of young mahouts affection is clearly evident from the way they treat the elephants, bathing, feeding and give the name for each of them. In fact they are willing to stay away from the family spelled out even days without going home to live with animals that are often also called as “Po Meurah”in Aceh Language. The knowledge of elephants that they have make me no doubt and anxious when entrusting children with them all day adventure with elephants. Even children may help to bathing and feeding elephants.

I, my self, as a mother also joint the trip with the other elephants and mahout, I don’t want to missed this great moments. Eventhough afraid but assisted by skilled mahout everything is under control. There is a very different contrast here, when children can smile and laugh together with the mahout but the mother shuddered with fear when the elephant began to move. Fear of falling while already holding the elephant's neck firmly plus a loyal guided the elephant to keep moving.

The children are easy to learn new things and even extreme riding on the backs of animals that can attract tons of loads. Well, his mother who knew directly this wide-eared creature at quarter century feel so anxious. When they directly interact with elephant, so, they no need to ask again, elephant skin is rough or soft,what's the trunk function for? They will answer “to make fountain for shower”for the last question, lol.

In the afternoon after adventure with the elephant and we have returned to to rest at the tend, they can even tell “the mosquitoes that bite the elephant is more big than the mosquitoes that bite the human”. They got information in detail one about elephants without complaining although they were tired and exposed by sun during the adventure. After that experience, if I ask about “how if we return to study plus tours with elephants again”, both of them will answer with yes without hesitation and shouting joy with the question "when". I will get different answer if I ask them “how about if we go to department store ☺

Gibran, kawan dan gajah 1.JPG
Menjadi ibu bukanlah pekerjaan mudah karena dia tidak ada sekolah resmi atau kursus dan sejenisnya. Tapi yakinlah kehidupan akan lebih berwarna dengan menjadi ibu. Setiap hari akan ada informasi baru yang membuat seorang ibu merasa surprise dengan tingkah sang buah hati. Bukan hanya aplikasi di gatget anda yang harus anda update tapi juga pengetahuan anda yang harus selalu update jika menjadi seorang ibu. Saat anak anda bisa mengucapkan kata dalam bentuk akhiran dengan tanda (?), maka anda harus mengeluarkan seluruh persediaan kosa-kata dalam bentuk jawaban versi bocah menurut umur.

Meskipun anda seorang Direktur sekalipun, jangan gunakan bahasa yang anda gunakan di kantor atau saat bertemu mitra kerja anda, dipastikan akan ada pertanyaan lainnya tentang definisi kata.

Ada banyak pilihan cara dan metode untuk mengenalkan anak-anak pada pengetahuan. Saya memilih Learning by doing karena anak-anak dibawah lima tahun kalau dipakai metode teori langsung mumet. Emaknya mumet apalagi anaknya jika harus baca teori untuk menjelaskan satu benda atau hal sederhana, sebaiknya jangan dicoba deh, hik

Alam adalah ruang pengetahuan yang sangat lengkap menyajikan beragam alat pendukung untuk belajar. Alih-alih hanya menunjukkan gambar gajah melalui buku maupun gambar yang siap kapan saja kita akses di gadget, saya memilih langsung gajah yang hidup sebagai media belajar anak-anak.

Respon anak-anak? Wah, jangan ditanya, langsung riang gembira hingga yang kecil berumur tiga tahun tidak mau turun dari punggung gajah meskipun hujan mulai turun. Alhasil pawang gajah langsung mencari tempat berteduh agar Dek Al tidak basah meskipun hanya setengah badan gajah ke kepala yang menjadi tempat duduk Dek Al dan pawang yang terpayungi dengan atap bangunan. Sisanya basah kuyup. Haha

Gibran, anak sulung yang berumur lima tahun lebih sumringah lagi kalau ketemu gajah. Saking bahagianya nanggkring di punggung makhluk hitam berbelalai panjang itu sampai lupa makan dan bangun pagi-pagi sekali sewaktu kami menginap di CRU hanya untuk segera mengajak pawang berpetualang.

Berbekal pengetahuan tentang gajah hidup yang membuat mereka tidak gentar untuk duduk nyaman hanya ditemani pawang tanpa ayah bundanya, membuat anak-anak bukan saja belajar mengenal hewan langsung dari sumber aslinya tapi juga menimbulkan keberanian dan bagaimana cara bersosialisasi dengan orang yang lebih dewasa meskipun pawang gajah yang sering juga disebut mahot itu adalah kenalan baru mereka.

Nah, bagi orang tua yang tinggal di kota besar dan tidak mungkin mengajak anak-anak langsung interaksi dengan pengetahuan berbasis alam yang so pasti menggiurkan ini jangan juga sedih dan merasa gagal memberikan pengetahuan terbaik bagi putra-putrinya. Pasti orang tua lain punya segudang cara lain juga yang lebih cocok dengan situasi dan kondisi masing-masing.

Kami beruntung tinggal di tempat yang hanya berjarak lebih kurang empat jam berkendara melalui jalur darat menuju CRU Sampoinet Aceh Jaya. Tempat gajah-gajah jinak ini bermarkas dengan sejumlah mahot yang handal di bidangnya yang jelas-jelas sangat menyayangi gajah-gajah yang langsung dipawanginya masing-masing.

Rasa kasih sayang para mahot yang masih muda-muda ini jelas terlihat dari cara mereka memperlakukan gajah-gajah tersebut, mulai dari memandikan, memberi makan hingga memberi nama. Bahkan mereka rela tinggal jauh dari keluarga berbilang hari bahkan bulan tanpa pulang demi tinggal dengan hewan yang sering juga disebut Po Meurah itu.

Pengetahuan tentang gajah yang mereka miliki membuat saya tidak ragu dan was-was saat menitipkan anak-anak bersama mereka seharian berpetualang di atas punggung gajah. Bahkan anak-anak boleh ikut memandikan gajah dan memberi makan gajah.

Bunda naik gajah 4.JPG
Emaknya juga ikutan donk, moment asyik gini sayang dilewatkan. Dan sang bunda pun dengan rada takut dikit naik ke punggung gajah lainnya dengan dibantu pawang mengikuti anak-anak yang sudah lebih dulu berjalan santai di depan.

Ada suasana yang sangat kontras berbeda disini, saat anak-anak bisa ber ha-hi-hu dengan pawang di selingi lenggak-lenggok para gajah jinak ini. Bundanya gemetar ketakutan saat gajah mulai bergerak. Takut jatuh padahal sudah pegang leher gajah kuat-kuat plus mahot yang setia di belang memandu gajah untuk terus bergerak.

Ternyata anak-anak lebih mudah belajar hal baru bahkan seekstrim naik di punggung hewan yang bisa menarik beban berton-ton tersebut. Nah, emaknya yang mengenal langsung makhluk bertelinga lebar ini saat usia sudah seperempat abad ini malah ketar-ketir ga jelas.

Saat mereka langsung berinteraksi dengan gajah mereka jadi ga perlu nanya lagi, kulit gajah itu kasar apa lembut ya? Fungsi belalai untuk apa ya? Untuk yang satu ini jika ditanya mereka bisa langsung jawab "buat air mancur" mereka mandi. Haha.

tidur di tenda CRU 5.JPGSore harinya selepas berpetualang dengan gajah dan kami sudah kembali ke tenda untuk beristirahat, mereka bahkan bisa bercerita bahwa nyamuk yang menggigit gajah juga besar berbeda dengan nyamuk yang menggigit manusia. Sedetil itu mereka belajar tanpa mengeluh walaupun saya tahu penat dan tersengat matahari menjadi teman selama berpetualang tadi. Setelah pengalaman itu kalau kita tanya apakah mereka mau kembali lagi untuk belajar plus wisata bersama gajah, tanpa ragu langsung keduanya berteriak kegirangan dan berujung pada pertanyaan "kapan". Berbeda jika diajak ke mall, walaupun bertanya kapan akan pergi namun tidak seriang saat di ajak ke alam bebas.


There you go @reygin!
I will tell you later how to arrange your post and the code..hehehe, You'll be happy when you try it. Gibran and his brotther were so lucky to have you and JunHa as their parents... Both of You are very kind and full of consideration.

anyway.. I've featured you on My Pay It Forward Contest, Thanks that you listened to my suggest to writes in English or.. I will never take a look at your blog.. hahahahaha. here.. check out this link, leave your comment and no need to upvote if your VP below than 80%


will wait for your next post!

This comment protected by @dustsweeper

kak @cicisaja langsung semangat nih, terimakasih utk komentarnya, langsung berbunga2 di puji, tapi masih di sela2 ya nulisnya karena PR kiri kanan masih antri, hehe

Steemit kan cuma sampingan, sekalian belajar steempress nanti, biar mudah ngeblog. Yg penting respon terhadap pembaca yg harus cepat. Itu kunci berkembang di steemit. Lanjoott!

Alam mengajarkan kita banyak hal,, banyak pokoknya....

yes, hanya cara saja yang dibutuhkan agar bersahabat dengan alam :)

nyan ka mulai..bereh!

mantoeng payah meu gure bak droen yang ka master, hehe

Haalloo istrinya JunHa.. Waah seru yaa, ada yg ngiri tuh karena belum pernah ke CRU Sampoiniet, Aceh Jaya yaa? Jauh dari lamno kah?

Ini nemu postingan ini dari postingannya @cicisaja, fotografernya nggak ikut kah? Cuma motret saja?

Bg @dipoabasch, halo juga, hehe, owh, harus segera agenda tuh untuk kesana, makanya langsung planning liburan, jgn ngetem terus di ibukota :), jaraknya ga jauh dari pasar Lamno, sekitar 30 menit lah

Insya Allah, nanti ke sana sekalian ajak Daud, terima kasih infonya, sukses yaa

It is easier for me to teach kids by showing them how it is done as well. I am more of a visual person. When teaching new words, I have to explain it a lot of times until they can come up with different words themselves.

The last time I saw an elephant was when I visited Prambanan which was 5 years ago. There are zoos here but the closest is 6 hours drive. I am not sure if there are elephants there.

Hi @leeart, I am and both my son more of visual persons also, that why I choose this method, I hope we can share each other our experience, that I said, we have our own condition background because we live in different part in the world. Maybe you can show them with youtube vidio or card. I would like to invite you someday to my hometown to go there.

What a wonderful post! Motherhood offers so many challenges, but so many joys as well! I love that you were able to have your children experience these majestic creatures. It's interesting that the matriarch in an elephant herd is also the most important one :)

I'm one of the judges in a Pay it Forward Curation contest where @cicisaja featured your post! It's a weekly contest and we'd love for you to join us this week :)

Thank you so much @lynncoyle1, I really appreciate it, I will join this challenge contest :)

Then ask me anything if you need to😉 but You'd better ask the creator of the contest, the judges and learn from other participants' post. You'll find it fun and helpful to grow your account.

@cisisaja featured you in the pay it forward curation contest.

I find it fascinating that such a large animal can also be so tame

@wolfhart, Thank you for your attention, CRU was established to help resolve wild elephant conflicts with humans. it also to provide information about the importance of Elephants for human life.

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