The Constitution: Power Move for Centralization

in #anarchism8 years ago


The Constitution, deemed by many the most important document of all time. It is that nortorious "social contract" many also despise. So was the Consitution necessary?

Well despite what many may think about this document, it was not needed for rights, actually just the contrary. The States at the time had Constitutions of their own including all rights granted in the Bill of Rights. So why would people at the time feel it was necessary?

Well of course that is much more simple than it seems. The Articles of Confederation left little room for forced revenue collection, and of course the ability to force legislation upon a state. The Constitution was a mere power play by progressives at the time. They used the guise of a "Checks and Balances" system to scare people into adopting this document.

AntiFederalist Paper #1 – General Introduction: A Dangerous Plan of Benefit Only to The “Aristocratick Combination.”

"Compulsive or treacherous measures to establish any government whatever, will always excite jealousy among a free people: better remain single and alone, than blindly adopt whatever a few individuals shall demand, be they ever so wise. I had rather be a free citizen of the small republic of Massachusetts, than an oppressed subject of the great American empire. Let all act understandingly or not at all. If we can confederate upon terms that wilt secure to us our liberties, it is an object highly desirable, because of its additional security to the whole. If the proposed plan proves such an one, I hope it will be adopted, but if it will endanger our liberties as it stands, let it be amended; in order to which it must and ought to be open to inspection and free inquiry"

This example makes obvious the power play by the early progressives and wealthy power seekers.


"These consist generally, of the NOBLE order of C[incinnatu]s, holders of public securities, men of great wealth and expectations of public office, Bankers and Lawyers: these with their train of dependents form the Aristocratick combination. The Lawyers in particular, keep up an incessant declamation for its adoption; like greedy gudgeons they long to satiate their voracious stomachs with the golden bait. The numerous tribunals to be erected by the new plan of consolidated empire, will find employment for ten times their present numbers; these are the LOAVES AND FISHES for which they hunger. They will probably find it suited to THEIR HABITS, if not to the HABITS OF THE PEOPLE. There may be reasons for having but few of them in the State Convention, lest THEIR OWN INTEREST should be too strongly considered. The time draws near for the choice of Delegates. I hope my fellow-citizens will look well to the characters of their preference, and remember the Old Patriots of 75; they have never led them astray, nor need they fear to try them on this momentous occasion.


 I hope this sheds light on this topic for some, and of course you can use the link to read more of the papers.


unalienable rights are not granted.

Bingo, i wrote this because the Anti-Federalist papers lead me to anarchy :)

No errors that i see. Seems everything is spelled correctly

mostly just looking for errors in logic and understanding. thanks.

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