Taxation is to trade as gang rape is to consensual sex.

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

You read that correctly.

Taxation is morally wrong for the same reason that rape is morally wrong: both acts constitute non-consensual trespass. Calling a tax break a subsidy is like calling a rapist's decision to be more gentle and/or rape his victim(s) less frequently a sexual favor. Calling a tax protester a criminal is like calling a rape victim a whore.

The acts of taxation and rape both start from the presumption that individuals do not have the highest claim of ownership over their own bodies, but rather that the preferences of a ruling class of individuals should be forced onto the bodies and property of others without their consent.

When consensual sex happens, it's because all consenting parties expect to benefit from the encounter. When rape happens, the rapist expects to benefit to the detriment of his victim. Likewise, when consensual exchange happens, it's because all parties to the exchange expect to benefit from the encounter. When the theft of taxation happens, a ruling class of thieves benefit to the detriment of everyone else.

If the outcome of a rape is that the victim has a baby that they love, it does not justify the rape or mean that the victim wasn't raped. Likewise, if the outcome of an act of theft/taxation is that the victim gets a road (and a mountain of transgenerational debt, as the case may be), it does not justify theft or mean that the victim wasn't robbed.

People do not need to be gang raped to ensure that reproduction happens as this would be both inefficient and morally abhorrent. Likewise, any service provided by the men and women calling themselves "government" can be provided more efficiently without bureaucratic middle men, the inherent, deleterious waste of theft, and the negative psychological effects of having one's consent violated.


When it comes to sexual relationships, most people understand that individuals must be free to withhold or withdraw their consent in order for an encounter to be considered consensual. But for some reason, that flies out the window in the realm of exchange - at least as far as roads, schools, healthcare, security and other certain services go.

That's why you see people pearl clutching and appealing to fictitious social contracts in an attempt to feign a moral high ground as though their aggressionism is pure and altruistic (coughgaslightingsociopathscough). It's just a ruse to mask their preference for violating the consent of others. "You're free to leave if you don't like it!", they say. Except that consent isn't determined by where you're standing, especially when "leaving" - or "expatriation", in statist terms - also has an involuntary taxation and application process.

If statists were being honest, they'd actually say, "You're free to beg for permission to leave from your thief overlords if you don't like it. They'll see how they're feeling about letting you leave depending on their mood and your willingness to submit to further theft."

Of course, this isn't entirely unlike a rapist telling his victim from behind the barrel of a gun that he'll let her run away without shooting her if she gives him her wallet.

Bottom line: If you reject rape, the only way to be morally and logically consistent is to also reject taxation and statism for the same reason.

About the Author

I'm Jared Howe! I'm a Voluntaryist hip hop artist and professional technical editor/writer with a passion for Austrian economics and universal ethics. You can catch my podcast every Friday on the Seeds of Liberty Podcast Network.


To the Kyle Wagners of this world, taxation is necessary. Hell, just today I had him telling me that a real libertarian must be prepared to defend taxation. Their view is that a) some goods can only be provided by a "state" and/or b) if everyone benefits from something, they should all pay.

Which are both utterly absurd points. Coincidentally, none of these people have been able to provide evidence for either claim. They also can't seem to prove that a "state" is morally superior to anarchy, without contradicting themselves.

Sociopaths, man. Sociopaths.

Gracias por compartir este material. Me gusta lo que has publicado. Muchas Gracias

Taxes are theft and the government are criminals in suits.

ّّEvil is spreading in the world In the days after a 20-year-old former Stanford University student received his jail sentence for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on the school’s campus, two letters related to the case and made public have been widely read: one by the victim, and one by the offender’s father.

The victim’s letter was published in full by BuzzFeed on Friday, a day after the 23-year-old woman, who has chosen to stay anonymous, read it aloud to Brock Allen Turner during his sentencing hearing. In the 7,244 word-letter, the woman provides a harrowing, detailed account of her attempted rape in January 2015 and the struggle of trying to survive it. At times, she directly addresses Turner, telling him how that night destroyed her life.

The letter was praised for its “powerful” message that encouraged sexual-assault victims to seek justice against their attackers. It also immediately sparked outrage on social media and elsewhere because of the sentence Turner received for the crimes it described: six months in county jail and three years of probation. Turner faced up to 14 years in state prison when he was convicted in March of three felonies—assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated woman, sexually penetrating an intoxicated person with a foreign object, and sexually penetrating an unconscious person with a foreign object—and prosecutors had asked for six years. But the judge had ordered much less, saying a harsher sentence would have a “severe impact” on Turner, a star swimmer who could have made it to the Olympics.

That's less time than he would get for not paying income taxes.

It is a proven fact that 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.... just sayin

tell that to the Indian girl that died from gang rape on a bus! sure her family would be happy to know that she died happy...

Well its a crude joke, but his post used gang rape a click-bait type of title, so it seemed an appropriate place to share an inappropriate joke. (for the record, of course I am anti gang-rape)

Obviously she was unlucky enough to be that tenth person. That's kind of the point. Mob rule is abhorrent.

Hi @jaredhowe , while I applaud your anti-statist sentiments I would argue that we do need taxes and not everyone in a government is out to get the country's citizens. Also the benefits you receive from taxes, which include a countries infrastructure, hospitals, police, etc cannot be compared to rape in any way. The effects of rape, such as the possibility of bearing a child, aren't like taxes. Conceptually, and often practically, taxes are used to benefit everyone at one time. Had you not been taxed, then you would not think of everyone, which means the roads that everyone needs would not be built, or there would be no police officers to protect you from physical violence. While these services can be privatized they also lend more power to the richest few of the world which means the further growth of economic inequality. It's not that I disagree with you. No governance is great, but we have not reached a point where we can work without governance.


Roads! Almost 2 hours before roads. That has to be a record. Also roads.

When you say "we" what you really mean is you. You can consent to have your money taken from you yourself but you can't consent for me. I'll make my own decisions about what benefit i'm receiving and whether the service is worth paying for. Thank you.

That title was well crafted.

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