Setting Up Franchises

in #anarchism8 years ago

One of the greatest roadblocks to achieving liberty in our lifetimes is spreading the message. Libertarian content is being produced by the truckload, the only thing missing is an interested, engaged audience. We all know that when supply outstrips demand, value plummets. The last thing the liberty community needs is another blog, podcast or newsletter crammed down its already overstuffed throats. What we need is genuinely enthusiastic individuals ready to take up the fight for freedom.

How can we achieve this? How do we make the love of freedom go viral? What is the biggest impediment to our popularity? A lack of connection. The internet is an impersonal medium, and people need a personal connection to feel a sense of belonging within a community. The only lasting, resilient libertarian groups I’ve encountered are those that host regular face-to-face meetings.

What these meetings consist of varies widely, because the personalities and mindsets within this community vary widely. I’ve been to Anarchist coalitions, Libertarian Party affiliates, and Militia training sessions. How frequently these groups meet is also up in the air. I’ve been to annual festivals that draw in people from around the country, monthly outings of hardcore locals, and weekly meetups amongst friends. Find the niche in your community that keeps people coming back, and things will grow exponentially from there.

The benefits of establishing a thriving libertarian community in your locality go way beyond spreading the message too. By facilitating the creation of mutually beneficial relationships, you can create a backbone of support which people can rely on when they find themselves being pressured by the state. Setting up cells of freedom enthusiasts throughout the nation and the world will create the infrastructure of the libertarian society that will one day replace our current regime.

In conclusion, I want to recommend that anyone reading this attend a local libertarian event. If you can’t find one, start one. You’re bound to meet a lot of people with a different perspective on liberty than you, but it’s the best way to meet people who share your point of view. If you’re truly passionate about freedom, get away from the keyboard and do something real to bring it about in your community.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.

-Edmund Burke

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